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Large Batch Processing with D&B Cleanse/Match

D&B API products offer operations for single, small (less than 100) and medium (less than 10,000) batches. When the customer needs exceed a reasonable number of medium batches, the customer records can be combined into a single file and transmitted to D&B via a file transfer service called D&B SafeTransPort (STP).

Once STP receives the customer file, it is handed off to the D&B Global Batch Service (GBS) where the cleansing and matching operations are performed. The resulting file is then available for download on the STP site, or alternatively, can be transferred (i.e., pushed) to a customer location.

Quick Start for Large Batches

The process for large batches requires the following steps:

  1. Initial Profile Setup - coordinated with your D&B representative once, and applies to all submissions.
  2. Account Activation - welcome emails will provide the instructions for the one-time activation and password setup.
  3. List Preparation - there is a specific layout/format, naming and size limit of the files that you will submit for cleanse/match processing.
  4. List Uploads - when you're ready to initiate a batch, upload it to STP and the file will be transferred to the GBS engine for processing.
  5. Get Ready for the Results - like the initial list, the results will be in a specific layout/format.
  6. Downloading Results - if you opted for notification emails (in the initial profile setup), you'll be signalled when to return to the STP site and download the results.

D&B SafeTransPort (STP)

D&B SafeTransPort is D&B’s managed file transfer solution for customers, data suppliers and operating partners that serves as a “one stop shop” for sending and receiving files to D&B via FTP protocols and secure email. It leverages the latest industry standard technology and a robust infrastructure to ensure a high-performing, secure platform. It also complies with the most stringent security requirements for user authentication, data security, and Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data tokenization.

D&B Global Batch Service (GBS)

Customers that would like to submit large batches for cleansing and matching will use the STP platform to upload their company lists, at which point STP will transfer the list to the GBS processing engine. Once completed, the fully cleansed and matched results are sent back to STP and made available for download by the customer. Several notification emails are triggered throughout this process to inform the customer of its progress.

D&B Cleanse and Match

With D&B Cleanse and Match servicing, customers can validate and correct data against D&B’s Global Database of 225+ million businesses using D&B’s patented D&B Entity Match system. The service gives a single complete and correct picture of the business entity by assigning a unique identifier (a D-U-N-S number), which helps avoid record duplication, links related companies, and streamlines disparate data into a single customer view. D&B’s Entity Matching runs through a process that includes many phases (Cleansing, Parsing, Standardizing, Candidate-Retrieving, and Evaluating).

Cleansing Names & Addresses

There are several discrete steps in the data cleansing process that take place to transform raw incoming data into clean, integrated and enhanced data that a business needs for effective customer information management. They include:

  • Parsing – Parsing is the placement of the various data elements into the appropriate fields.
  • Name, Address and City Normalization – Treat common abbreviations the same, recognize diminutives, and treat plurals and other variants the same.
  • Address Standardization – The use of USPS approved [Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) –certified] software accomplishes Address correction, Standardization and Zip+4 appending.  
  • Delivery Sequence File Processing – All corrections and standardizations are matched to the USPS database of every delivery address (every street address, including Suite or Apartment number where required for delivery), every P.O. Box, and every Rural Route (the Delivery Sequence File (DSF)).
  • Locatable Address Conversion System Processing (LACS) – This is a crosswalk of old and new addresses that have changed because USPS has changed the delivery address of a company. This makes LACS the logical next step in the data optimization process.

Matching to D&B D-U-N-S Numbers

Once the customer records are cleansed, they are submitted through D&B’s patented D&B Entity Match system where the cleansed data is matched against the company data in D&B’s Global Database of 225+ million businesses. Several things happen during the match processing.

  • Candidate Retrieval - Candidate Retrieval is the process by which D&B records are identified as potential matches to the inquiry. The candidate retrieval process can be thought of as a large net, thrown out over all of the match reference databases and where records meeting any of a number of match indices (match keys) are retrieved for match consideration. To ensure the system meets customer’s needs in terms of response time and throughput, candidate retrieval is prioritized according to those methods most likely to produce a successful match.
  • Evaluation and Decisioning - The goal of Evaluation & Decisioning is to retrieve the best match for the inquiry. During this phase of Entity Matching, candidates are prioritized by match indices (key) to narrow down the candidate pool.  Finally, the best match record is identified based on the assignment of MatchGrades and Confidence Code. In batch Entity Matching, only the candidate with the highest Confidence Code (i.e., best match) is returned. Where there is more than one candidate in the highest Confidence Code, tiebreaker rules are applied to return only one record. (D&B’s transactional version of Entity Matching can return up to a user-specified number of top candidates, allowing for review and selection of the best match.)