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Creating and Storing Notes

D&B Onboard allows you to add notes and reference details to both Compliance Reports and Ownership Structures so that you and your colleagues can store information related to a particular entity or structure within the Onboard system for future reference. Onboard allows visibility of these notes across your department or organization to help you share information and minimize duplication.

To add notes to a Compliance Report or Ownership Structure, click on Notes & References within the report menu and simply type into the free text field and click Save Note, as shown in the following example. Saved notes will sit within the report under the Notes & References section for all future viewing of the report and will be visible to all users of the system within your organization. If saved as a PDF, all notes will be visible with the PDF document.


It is possible to store multiple notes per report and each note will be shown when the Notes & References section of the report is clicked. Each note or reference will be date and time stamped along with a session reference to allow you to identify who pulled the report, added the note, and at what date and time. An example of this section of the report follows.

The notes summary shows the date and time at which the note was saved, the author of the note and the note itself. Up to ten notes can be displayed on one summary page. Click through the Next/Previous buttons to view additional notes.