CM000 | Success | 200 |
CM001 | The given request is invalid. | 400 |
CM002 | The format of this request is invalid. | 400 |
CM003 | Missing information in the request. | 400 |
CM004 | Internal D&B system error. | 500** |
CM005 | D&B System temporarily unavailable. | 503 |
CM006 | D&B System busy. | 503 |
CM007 | Your request cannot be fulfilled for the given criteria. | 404 |
CM008 | No match found for the requested Duns number. | 404 |
CM009 | Reason Code required for Germany. | 400 |
CM010 | Partial Success. | 200 |
CM011 | Invalid Country Code provided in the request. | 400 |
CM012 | Invalid Duns number provided in the request. | 400 |
CM013 | Invalid Subject ID provided in the request. | 400 |
CM014 | Invalid Product Code provided in the request. | 400 |
CM016 | Invalid Territory provided in the request. | 400 |
CM017 | Duns number is missing in the request. | 400 |
CM018 | No candidates resulted for the given input criteria. | 404 |
CM022 | Only a Subset of request parameters were used for processing the request. | 200 |
CM023 | Duplicate record cannot be created. | 400 |
CM026 | Request accepted. Processing pending. | 200 |
CP001 | No Match for the given input criteria. | 404 |
CP002 | No candidates resulted in the Extended Search. | 404 |
CP003 | No Match for given Telephone Number. | 404 |
CP004 | No Match for given Organization Identifier. | 404 |
CP005 | Insufficient Information to determine Fraud Score. | 400 |
PD001 | Requested product not available due to insufficient data. | 404 |
PD002 | Requested subject is promised later. Preliminary report returned. | 200 |
PD003 | Requested product not available - subject is on Stop Distribution. | 404 |
PD004 | Requested product not available due to subject information is too old. | 404 |
PD005 | Requested Product not available. | 404 |
PD006 | Subject is foreign branch, therefore trade-up to HQ is not available. NOTE: Applicable only for US/CA cases when TradeUpIndicator= "true" for Risk packets. | 404 |
PD007 | Family Tree does not exist for requested subject. | 404 |
PD008 | Success. Returned truncated family tree, as family tree member count exceeds maximum limit for requested subject. | 200 |
PD009 | Required scoring elements missing - a Commercial or Blended Small Business report is not available. You may proceed with a Principal only request. | 200 |
PD010 | Requested Product not available as address is undeliverable. | 200 |
PD011 | Requested Product not available as address is undeliverable. | 404 |
PD012 | Requested Product not available on Self request. | 404 |
PD013 | Requested Product is not available currently. Product will be delivered to the customer at a later point of time via offline delivery channels (Email/FAX/FTP etc). | 404 |
PD014 | Requested data is not available or partially available due to data integrity errors. | 404 |
PD015 | Trade-up to HQ is not available. Therefore delivering the data for branch organization. | 200 |
PD016 | Requested Product is not available since the requested DUNS is deleted or transferred to a new DUNS. | 200 |
PD019 | The requested product is not available because the product size exceeds the maximum limit.
Please use the compressed product attachment option for pulling a product of large size.
| 200 |
PD020 | No Match found during screening. | 404 |
PD021 | Potential Match found during screening; Review required. | 200 |
PD022 | Request accepted for the Portfolio Monitoring. | 200 |
PD023 | Ready to Review. | 200 |
PD024 | Analyst Review in progress, outcome will need to be reviewed in Application. | 200 |
SC001 | Your user credentials are invalid. | 401 |
SC002 | Your user credentials are not eligible for this request. | 401 |
SC003 | Your user credentials have expired. | 401 |
SC004 | Your Subscriber number has expired. | 401 |
SC005 | You have reached maximum limit permitted as per the contract. | 401 |
SC006 | Transaction not processed as the permitted concurrency limit was exceeded. | 401 |
SC007 | Subscriber validation failed. | 401 |
SC008 |
Your account has been locked out due to repeated attempts to login with an incorrect User ID/Password.
| 401 |
SC009 | Invalid Sign On Token in the request. | 401 |
SC010 | The User ID you provided doesn’t exist in the system. | n/a |
SC011 | The User ID you provided already exist in the system | n/a |
SC012 | Request not processed as user activation key is invalid or expired. | n/a |
SC014 | Your user credentials are not eligible for this request since you are in trial period. | 401 |
BC001 | Partial Success. One or more records in the input file were not processed. | 200 |
BC002 | Batch request is not processed since input file is not available in the specified location. | 400 |
BC003 | Batch request is not processed since the content of the input file is not in the expected format. | 400 |
BC004 | Batch request is not processed since the count of the records specified in the request do not match the exact count of records in the input file. | 400 |
BC005 | Intermediate Success | 200 |
BC006 | Batch request is not processed | 400 |
BC007 | Batch Execution in progress | n/a |
BC008 | Batch Execution not yet started | n/a |
BC009 | Batch not processed as the input file contains more records than the permitted limit. | 400 |
BC010 | Batch files no longer available after retention period. | 200 |
BC011 | Invalid Batch Process Id provided in the request. | 400 |
| | |
MN001 | Invalid Monitoring Profile ID provided in the request. | 400 |
MN002 | Invalid Notification Profile ID provided in the request. | 400 |
MN003 | Product not registered for Level 2 Monitoring | 400 |
MN004 | Cannot delete Monitoring Profile - registrations exist | 400 |
MN005 | Cannot delete Notification Profile - registrations exist. | 400 |