Know Your Vendor - Suits, Liens, & Judgments Data
Also known as Supplier Risk with SLJ indicators.
Product(s) | D&B Direct 2.0 |
Product Code(s) | SR_SLJ |
Level(s) | Standard |
Monitoring Available | Yes |
Interface | SOAP |
WSDL | download |
Format(s) | XML |
Service | CustomProduct |
Operation | OrderProduct |
{version} | 3.1 |
Deprecated | Yes |
3.1 Released On | August 18, 2017 |
D&B Direct allows the creation of custom collections of data elements per customer account. Custom collections are configured by D&B Sales Associates, and then made available through API calls.
This product provides Financial Risk scores for supplier entities along with Suits/Liens/Judgements indicators and Principals information to aid in screening suppliers for Know Your Vendor (KYV) scenarios. It can be combined with Company Profile content from D&B (not included) to provide a complete view of the Supplier/Vendor for screening purposes.
See the Predictive Analytics page for more information on Dun & Bradstreet's risk scores.
IMPORTANT: This product is deprecated.
Update History
- February 21, 2025 (ALL SOAP & REST): Failure Score (current and history), D&B rating and SER scores update for Bulgaria market.
- December 13, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Primary Country Subdivision mapping update for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (Interfax) markets.
- December 13, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Primary Country Subdivision mapping update for Russia markets.
- December 13, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Principals (Director and Principal) data added for Singapore market.
- December 13, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Legal Events and KNF update for Poland market.
- December 13, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Addition of New legal events, Significant Events, and Deletion of legal events for Mexico market.
- December 13, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Failure Score (current & history) and SER scores update for Finland market.
- October 11, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Updated Primary Address (Territory and Country) mapping for Russia market.
- October 11, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Updated Legal Event mapping for Poland market.
- October 11, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Added 27 new Legal event codes for Hungary market.
- October 11, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of 'Significant Events' as the 'Legal Events' with a new or existing Legal Event SCoTS code associated with each of them for Hungary market.
- March 01, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Financial Embarrassment Indicator for Austria market.
- February 09, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Financial Embarrassment Indicator for Austria market.
- January 05, 2024 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Legal Event Indicators for Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Romania markets.
- May 12, 2023 (ALL SOAP & REST): VAT related information & VAT payment details: Significant Events for CZ and SK markets.
- May 12, 2023 (ALL SOAP & REST): Insolvencies: Addition of Legal Event for CZ and SK markets.
- October 21, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Legal Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for NORDIC markets (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Faroe Islands).
- April 22, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Financial Embarrassment Indicator to use updated Scots Code for UK,AT/PT/DE/CH/LI/CZ & SK markets.
- April 22, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Claims Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT/PT/CH/CZ & SK markets.
- April 22, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Suit, Judgments Indicator to use updated Scots Code for DE/CH/LI/AU & NZ markets.
- April 22, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Financial/Legal Special Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT/PT/DE/CH/LI/CZ/SK/AU & NZ markets.
- April 22, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Operational Special Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT/PT/DE markets.
- April 22, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update of Other Special Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT, DE, CZ & SK markets.
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Adding new VAT number and cancellation of VAT identification for Slovenia market
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Additional Information on Banking(For Individual accounts), Legal Event(All accounts Frozen) for four countries
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Adding the details of Stolen/Lost and Bounced Cheques for Brazil market.
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Addition of Protested Bills quantity and Employment Suit details for Brazil market
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Registered company name data population fix for Italy, San Marino market.
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Addition of End Indicator, End Date and Published date for Italy, San Marino market.
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Addition details of GST signal Data like active/inactive/cancelled status of GST number for India market.
- April 01, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Addition of Local business identifier for San Marino market.
- February 18, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Adding Consolidated financial statement item and new elements like Financial Statement Item, Consolidation Method Code, Display Sequence for France market.
- February 18, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Adding new Business Identification Number-“MSME UDYAM Registration Number” (Organization ID) for India market.
- January 07, 2022 (ALL SOAP & REST): Defect fix to resolve failure response for Congo countries.
- December 10, 2021 (ALL SOAP & REST): Enable Failure Score for Finland country.
- December 10, 2021 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update for Incorporation year (UK/Ireland).
- December 10, 2021 (ALL SOAP & REST): Defect Fix for CSS and FSS mapping update (Canada).
- October 22, 2021 (ALL SOAP & REST): Mapping update for Legal events indicators to use updated Scots Code.
- October 08, 2021 (ALL SOAP & REST): Defect fix to suppress principal information of non-English Principal name to avoid incomplete Principal and Management section in the response.
- August 18, 2017 (v3.1 SOAP & REST): Upgraded Custom Product service to version 3.1.
- August 18, 2017 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): Updated monitoring paths in response elements specification.
- July 15, 2016 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): Monitoring for GBO product has been enabled for the following countries; Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
- July 15, 2016 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): SR_GLB and SR_SLJ data layers released as part of D&B Direct 2.0 API.
- July 15, 2016 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): SMPL_OWNSHP, GBO and KYC data layers released as part of D&B Direct 2.0 API.
- July 15, 2016 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): CMP_VRF_ID and CMP_VRF_RPT data layers released as part of D&B Direct Onboard API.
- March 21, 2016, (v3.0 SOAP & REST): CountryGroupName, LastUpdateDate, CountryOfficialName, RegistrationIssuerName, RegistrationLocationName, TelecommunicationAddress, ActiveSanctionsIndicator, MatchedSubjectName, MatchedEntityTypeText, MatchKeywordText, MatchedIndicator, SanctionListName, SanctionsAuthorityWebPageAddress, ChildrenQuantity, ChildrenTypeText, GlobalUltimateFamilyTreeLinkageCount, and SubjectFamilyTreeLinkageCount are added.
- January 29, 2016 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): The element OperatingStatusFromDate is available for CST_PRD 1 to 6.
- December 11, 2015 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): United Nations Standard Products and Services Code is now available for CST_PRD 1 to 6; D-U-N-S Transfer data is available for CST_PRD 1 to 6.
- August 21, 2015 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): OrganizationEndDate will now return a value in "yyyy-mm-dd" format in PIAP_ENH and PIAP_PREM.
- August 21, 2015 (v3.0 SOAP & REST): MetropolitanStatisticalAreaFIPSCode definition adjusted from integer to string of length 10.
- May 29, 2015 (v2.0 SOAP & REST): SMPL_OWNSHP, GBO and KYC data layers released as part of D&B Direct Onboard API.
- October 3, 2014 (v2.0 SOAP & REST): For Belgium case countries, the calculation for the Financial Embarrassment and Other Special Events indicators has been expanded to encompass additional conditions.
- August 22, 2014 (v2.0 SOAP & REST): Custom data layers are now accepted by the monitoring service. Use GetProductCatalog for list of elements which will be monitored.
Product Request
IMPORTANT: Due to a known issue, please do not include request values for SubmittingOfficeID.
IMPORTANT: Please see the new Online Services Security Enhancement Release, effective November 09, 2020.
When requesting this feature, a valid D&B D-U-N-S Number for a company and the appropriate product code will be required. For improved performance, include its country code.
A trade up option exists to request data for the headquarters when the requested organization is a branch.
NOTE: When ordering information for organizations located in Germany, customers are required to provide a valid order reason code.
Global Availability
The SR_SLJ data layer is available for businesses domiciled in the following countries:
Country | ISO Code | |
United States of America | US | |
Belgium | BE | |
France | FR | |
Germany | DE | |
Italy | IT | |
Netherlands | NL | |
Portugal | PT | |
Spain | ES | |
United Kingdom | GB | |
Australia | AU | |
New Zealand | NZ | |
Andorra | AD | |
Anguilla | AI | |
Antigua & Barbuda | AG | |
Aruba | AW | |
Bahamas | BS | |
Barbados | BB | |
Belize | BZ | |
Bermuda | BM | |
Bolivia | BO | |
British Virgin Islands | VG | |
Canada | CA | |
Cayman Islands | KY | |
Chile | CL | |
Colombia | CO | |
Costa Rica | CR | |
Denmark | DK | |
Dominica | DM | |
Dominican Republic | DO | |
Ecuador | EC | |
El Salvador | SV | |
Faero Islands | FO | |
Finland | FI | |
Greenland | GL | |
Grenada | GD | |
Guatemala | GT | |
Guyana | GY | |
Haiti | HT | |
Honduras | HN | |
Ireland | IE | |
Jamaica | JM | |
Japan | JP | |
Luxembourg | LU | |
Mexico | MX | |
Monaco | MC | |
Montserrat | MS | |
Netherlands Antilles | AN | |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba | BQ | |
Curaçao | CW | |
Sint Maarten (dutch) | SX | |
Nicaragua | NI | |
Norway | NO | |
Panama | PA | |
Saint Kitts & Nevis | KN | |
Saint Lucia | LC | |
Saint Vincent | VC | |
San Marino | SM | |
Suriname | SR | |
Sweden | SE | |
Taiwan | TW | |
Trinidad And Tobago | TT | |
Turks And Caicos | TC | |
Venezuela | VE | |
Afghanistan | AF | |
Albania | AL | |
Algeria | DZ | |
American Samoa | AS | |
Angola | AO | |
Argentina | AR | |
Armenia | AM | |
Austria | AT | |
Azerbaijan | AZ | |
Bahrain | BH | |
Bangladesh | BD | |
Benin, Peoples Republic of | BJ | |
Bhutan | BT | |
Bosnia And Herzegovina | BA | |
Botswana | BW | |
Brazil | BR | |
Brunei | BN | |
Bulgaria | BG | |
Burkina Faso | BF | |
Burma (myanmar) | MM | |
Burundi | BI | |
Belarus | BY | |
Kampuchea (prev. Cambodia) | KH | |
Cameroon | CM | |
Cape Verde, Republic of | CV | |
Central Africa Republic | CF | |
Chad, Republic of | TD | |
China, Peoples Republic of | CN | |
Christmas Island | CX | |
Comoros Republic | KM | |
Congo Democratic Republic | CD | |
Cook Islands | CK | |
Croatia | HR | |
Cyprus | CY | |
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus | XT | |
Czech Republic | CZ | |
Djibouti | DJ | |
Egypt | EG | |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | |
Eritrea | ER | |
Estonia | EE | |
Ethiopia | ET | |
Falkland Islands | FK | |
Fiji | FJ | |
French Guiana | GF | |
French Polynesia/tahiti | PF | |
Gabon Republic | GA | |
Gambia | GM | |
Georgia | GE | |
Ghana | GH | |
Gibraltar | GI | |
Greece | GR | |
Guadeloupe | GP | |
Guam | GU | |
Guinea Bissau | GW | |
Guinea, Republic of | GN | |
Hong Kong SAR | HK | |
Hungary | HU | |
Iceland | IS | |
India | IN | |
Indonesia | ID | |
Iran | IR | |
Iraq | IQ | |
Israel | IL | |
Ivory Coast/cote D'ivoire | CI | |
Jordan | JO | |
Kazakhstan | KZ | |
Kenya | KE | |
Kiribati | KI | |
Korea, Republic of | KR | |
Kuwait | KW | |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | |
Laos | LA | |
Latvia | LV | |
Lebanon | LB | |
Lesotho | LS | |
Liberia | LR | |
Libya | LY | |
Liechtenstein | LI | |
Lithuania | LT | |
Macao SAR | MO | |
North Macedonia | MK | |
Madagasgar | MG | |
Malawi | MW | |
Malaysia | MY | |
Maldives | MV | |
Mali | ML | |
Malta | MT | |
Marianas Islands | MP | |
Marshall Islands | MH | |
Martinique | MQ | |
Mauritania | MR | |
Mauritius | MU | |
Moldova | MD | |
Montenegro | ME | |
Morocco | MA | |
Mozambique | MZ | |
Namibia | NA | |
Nauru | NR | |
Nepal | NP | |
New Caledonia | NC | |
Niger | NE | |
Nigeria | NG | |
Norfolk Island | NF | |
Oman | OM | |
Pakistan | PK | |
Papua New Guinea | PG | |
Paraguay | PY | |
Philippines | PH | |
Poland | PL | |
Qatar | QA | |
Reunion Island | RE | |
Romania | RO | |
Russian Federation | RU | |
Rwanda | RW | |
Saint Helena | SH | |
Saint Pierre Et Miquelon | PM | |
Sao Tome & Principe | ST | |
Saudi Arabia | SA | |
Senegal | SN | |
Serbia | RS | |
Seychelles | SC | |
Sierra Leone | SL | |
Singapore | SG | |
Slovakia | SK | |
Slovenia | SI | |
Solomon Islands | SB | |
Somalia | SO | |
South Africa | ZA | |
Sri Lanka | LK | |
Sudan | SD | |
South Sudan | SS | |
Eswatini | SZ | |
Switzerland | CH | |
Syria | SY | |
Tajhikstan | TJ | |
Tanzania | TZ | |
Thailand | TH | |
Togo | TG | |
Tokelau Islands | TK | |
Tonga | TO | |
Tunisia | TN | |
Turkiye | TR | |
Turkmenistan | TM | |
Tuvalu | TV | |
Uganda | UG | |
Ukraine | UA | |
United Arab Emirates | AE | |
Uruguay | UY | |
Uzbekistan | UZ | |
Vanuatu | VU | |
Vietnam | VN | |
Western Samoa | WS | |
Yemen | YE | |
Zambia | ZM | |
Zimbabwe | ZW | |
Congo | CG | |
Puerto Rico | PR | |
Holy See (vatican City State) | VA | |
Serbia & Montenegro | CS | |
Kosovo | XK | |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FM | |
Timor-Leste | TL |
Data Layer Entitlement
For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.
- This product is entitled as "D&B Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.
For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.
- This particular data layer is NOT included in the D&B Direct Onboard suite.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cus=""> <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-2"> <wsse:Username>MyUserName</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="">MyPassword</wsse:Password> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <cus:OrderProductRequest ServiceVersionNumber="3.0"> <TransactionDetail> <ApplicationTransactionID>727DB251E4E15</ApplicationTransactionID> <TransactionTimestamp>2016-07-15T02:03:44</TransactionTimestamp> </TransactionDetail> <OrderProductRequestDetail> <InquiryDetail> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> </InquiryDetail> <ProductSpecification> <DNBProductID>SR_SLJ</DNBProductID> <TradeUpIndicator>true</TradeUpIndicator> </ProductSpecification> </OrderProductRequestDetail> </cus:OrderProductRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Name | Characteristics |
OrderProductRequest | Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest @ServiceVersionNumber | Attribute |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records information necessary to process this request. |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID | string, up to 64 chars, Optional A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request. |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp | DateTimestamp, Optional The date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary. |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail. SubmittingOfficeID | string, up to 64 chars, Optional A number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated. |
End: OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records data relating to requests for a product. This may include such details as the product required, the subject about which the product should be produced, the content of the product. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail | Aggregate, Required Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the subject being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the address, the telephone number. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumber | string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SubjectID | string, up to 15 chars, Optional A number uniquely identifying the inquired subject within the D&B Worldwide Network. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. CountryISOAlpha2Code | string, at least 2 chars up to 2 chars, Optional The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)identifying the country of the inquired subject. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several different identifiers issued by organizations to uniquely identify the principal. The issuing organization may be a Registration Authority, Government Department or Commercial Enterprise, e.g., the Social Security Administration department. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @DNBCodeValue | Attribute |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @DNBCodeTableNumber | Attribute |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @TypeText | Attribute |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumber | string, Optional A number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify an individual. |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail | /Aggregate |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification | Aggregate, Required Records data that allows the customer to specify the details of the requested product. This may include details such as the identifier of the product, the language in which the product needs to be rendered, the format in which the product needs to be rendered. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. DNBProductID | string, Optional An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the product being requested. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. LanguagePreferenceCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional A D&B code value that defines the language in which the customer wants this product to be rendered. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. CharacterSetPreferenceCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional A D&B code value denoting the set of graphic symbols (e.g., alphabet letter, pictograph) in which the product is to be rendered, e.g., Unicode. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. ProductFormatPreferenceCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. TradeUpIndicator | boolean, Optional When 'true' indicates that the customer has requested that D&B return the data for the Headquarters when the requested organization is a Branch. When 'false' indicates that the customer has not requested that D&B return the data for the Headquarters when the requested organization is a Branch; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: There are D&B WorldWide Network operations where the Headquarters information will be returned automatically, regardless of the customer request. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. OrderReasonCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional Possible values: 6332 [Credit Decision]; 6333 [Assessment of credit solvency for intended business connection]; 6334 [Assessment of credit solvency for ongoing business connection]; 6335 [Debt Collection]; 6336 [Commercial Credit Insurance]; 6337 [Insurance Contract]; 6338 [Leasing Agreement]; 6339 [Rental Agreement] |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail | Aggregate, Optional |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator | boolean, Optional When 'true' indicates that the product being ordered is not to be stored. When 'false' indicates that the product being ordered is to be stored; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. ExtendArchivePeriodIndicator | boolean, Optional When 'true' the duration to archive the data is to be extended. Note: There is an additional cost for extending the archival period of the data purchased. When 'false' the duration to archive the data is not to be extended. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. PortfolioAssetContainerID | long, Optional A number used to uniquely identify the location where this product is to be stored. |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to the request in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText | string, up to 240 chars, Optional (Up to 5x) A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText | string, at least 1 chars, up to 240 chars, Optional Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process. |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail | /Aggregate |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail | /Aggregate |
End: OrderProductRequest | /Aggregate |
Use the following endpoint with the downloadable WSDL to request this product.
Endpoint (CustomProduct) |
---|{version} |
This operation is currently unavailable in the D&B Direct sandbox (test) environment.
When conducting testing in the production environment during a trial period, product requests will be limited to the local market of the customer.
A set of D-U-N-S Numbers is available to D&B Direct 2.0 customers for performing non-billable transactions in the production environment.
Product Response
While data for a particular company may not contain values for each of the business elements, there may be items that are considered by D&B to be "essential" to yield the maximum benefit of a data layer. If any of these essential elements do not contain a value for a particular company, a PD005 response code will be returned, and your organization will not incur a usage credit for the request.
For all codified data delivered by D&B Direct, the response package will include the decoded text value as a data element with the code value attached as an attribute. Refer to the Reference Data Service for access to the D&B standard code tables.
The following is a list of the possible data fields returned by this operation in the XML response. Samples are provided for testing successful and failed retrieval, and to demonstrate the basic layout of a response. The data returned in samples may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.
The specific data fields pre-configured for each custom data product will located in the response package as noted.
NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""> <soap-env:Body xmlns:soap-env=""> <cus:OrderProductResponse ServiceVersionNumber="3.0" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:cus=""> <TransactionDetail> <ApplicationTransactionID>727DB251E4E15</ApplicationTransactionID> <ServiceTransactionID>Id-8d47895789ee3001886423009e07a2e0-2</ServiceTransactionID> <TransactionTimestamp>2016-07-15T02:03:44</TransactionTimestamp> </TransactionDetail> <TransactionResult> <SeverityText>Information</SeverityText> <ResultID>CM000</ResultID> <ResultText>Success</ResultText> </TransactionResult> <OrderProductResponseDetail> <InquiryDetail> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> </InquiryDetail> <Product> <DNBProductID>SR_SLJ</DNBProductID> <Organization> <SubjectHeader> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> </SubjectHeader> <Location> <PrimaryAddress> <StreetAddressLine> <LineText>492 Koller St</LineText> </StreetAddressLine> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> <PostalCode>94110</PostalCode> </PrimaryAddress> </Location> <Events> <LegalEvents> <SuitsIndicator>true</SuitsIndicator> <LiensIndicator>true</LiensIndicator> <JudgmentIndicator>true</JudgmentIndicator> </LegalEvents> </Events> <OrganizationName> <OrganizationPrimaryName> <OrganizationName>Gorman Manufacturing Company, Inc.</OrganizationName> </OrganizationPrimaryName> </OrganizationName> <OrganizationDetail> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12775">Global Ultimate</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12774">Domestic Ultimate</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12773">Parent</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12771">Headquarters</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> </OrganizationDetail> <Assessment> <DNBViabilityRating> <DNBViabilityRating>15AA</DNBViabilityRating> <ViabilityScore> <ClassScore>1</ClassScore> <RiskLevelDescription DNBCodeValue="13693">Low</RiskLevelDescription> <BadRate>0.2</BadRate> <OverallBadRate>14</OverallBadRate> </ViabilityScore> <OrganizationProfileDetail> <OrganizationProfileRating>A</OrganizationProfileRating> <FinancialDataAvailableIndicator>true</FinancialDataAvailableIndicator> </OrganizationProfileDetail> </DNBViabilityRating> <CommercialCreditScore> <RawScore>574</RawScore> <ClassScore>2</ClassScore> <ClassScoreDescription>MODERATE RISK</ClassScoreDescription> <NationalPercentile>89</NationalPercentile> <RiskIncidencePercentage>.016</RiskIncidencePercentage> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26170">Higher risk industry based on delinquency rates for this industry</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26148">Financial ratios</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="19797">Evidence of open suits, liens, and judgments</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26171">Proportion of slow payments in recent months</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreDate>2016-04-30</ScoreDate> </CommercialCreditScore> <CommercialCreditScoreNorms> <RiskIncidencePercentageIndustryNorm> <MedianValue>201</MedianValue> </RiskIncidencePercentageIndustryNorm> </CommercialCreditScoreNorms> <FinancialStressScore> <RawScore>1471</RawScore> <ClassScore>3</ClassScore> <ClassScoreDescription>Average</ClassScoreDescription> <NationalPercentile>44</NationalPercentile> <RiskIncidencePercentage>.0024</RiskIncidencePercentage> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="19823">Composite credit appraisal is rated limited</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="19815">Low proportion of satisfactory payment experiences to total payment experiences</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="19809">High proportion of slow payment experiences to total number of payment experiences</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="19817">UCC Filings reported</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="19811">High proportion of past due balances to total amount owing</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreDate>2016-01-11</ScoreDate> </FinancialStressScore> <SupplierEvaluationRiskScore> <RiskScore>4</RiskScore> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26148">Financial ratios</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26158">Higher risk industry based on inactive rate for this industry</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26172">Proportion of slow payment experiences to total number of payment experiences reported</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> <ScoreCommentary> <CommentaryText DNBCodeValue="26156">Change in net worth</CommentaryText> </ScoreCommentary> </SupplierEvaluationRiskScore> </Assessment> <PrincipalsAndManagement> <CurrentPrincipal> <PrincipalName xsi:type="cus:IndividualNameType"> <NamePrefix> <NamePrefixText>Mr</NamePrefixText> </NamePrefix> <FirstName>Kevin</FirstName> <MiddleName>J</MiddleName> <LastName>Hunt</LastName> <FullName>Kevin J Hunt</FullName> </PrincipalName> <JobTitle> <JobTitleText>Sec-treas</JobTitleText> </JobTitle> <CurrentManagementResponsibility> <ManagementResponsibilityText ManagementResponsibilityCode="A1B2">Secretary</ManagementResponsibilityText> </CurrentManagementResponsibility> <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier"> <PrincipalIdentificationNumber>220656221</PrincipalIdentificationNumber> </PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail> </CurrentPrincipal> <MostSeniorPrincipal> <PrincipalName xsi:type="cus:IndividualNameType"> <FullName>Leslie Smith</FullName> </PrincipalName> </MostSeniorPrincipal> </PrincipalsAndManagement> </Organization> </Product> </OrderProductResponseDetail> </cus:OrderProductResponse> </soap-env:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Name | Characteristics |
OrderProductResponse | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse @ServiceVersionNumber | Attribute |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionDetail | Aggregate, Required Records information necessary to process a particular request. Examples of a request is the ordering of a product. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID | Element, string, up to 64 chars., Optional A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionDetail. ServiceTransactionID | Element, string, up to 64 chars., Required A number assigned by the D&B service to uniquely identify this transaction. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp | Element, Required The date and time when this request was submitted or the date and time when the requesting intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, sent the message to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary. |
End: OrderProductResponse. TransactionDetail | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult | Aggregate, Required An aggregate that can repeat multiple times to record the different outcomes of the transaction. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult. SeverityText | Element, string, up to 16 chars., Required Text that records the criticality of the outcome, e.g., Information, Warning, Error, Fatal. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult. ResultID | Element, string, up to 32 chars., Required An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the outcome of the transaction. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult. ResultText | Element, string, up to 512 chars., Optional Text that explains the outcome of the transaction. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An aggregate that can repeat multiple times to record textual data that expands on the ResultID and ResultText to provide additional information to the user regarding the status of the transaction. If the status implies that there is a problem this may also provide guidance to the user on how to address it. |
OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage. ResultDescription | Element, string, up to 512 chars., Required Text that describes the additional information regarding the outcome of the transaction. |
End: OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage | Aggregate |
End: OrderProductResponse. TransactionResult | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records the data being returned to the customer as a result of a product request. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail | Aggregate, Required Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the subject being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the address, the telephone number. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumber | Element, string, up to 15 chars. Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}., Optional The D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of the inquired organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. SubjectID | Element, string, up to 15 chars., Optional A number uniquely identifying the inquired subject within the D&B Worldwide Network. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. CountryISOAlpha2Code | Element, string, at least 2 chars. up to 2 chars., Optional The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)identifying the country of the inquired subject. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several different identifiers issued by organizations to uniquely identify the principal. The issuing organization may be a Registration Authority, Government Department or Commercial Enterprise, e.g., the Social Security Administration department. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @DNBCodeValue | Attribute |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @DNBCodeTableNumber | Attribute |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @TypeText | Attribute |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumber | Element, string, Optional A number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify an individual. |
End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail | Aggregate |
End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryDetail | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product | Aggregate, Required Records data about the product ordered by the customer and data about the organization on which the customer has placed this order. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. DNBProductID | Element, string, up to 64 chars., Optional An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies this product. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. LanguageCode | Element, integer, up to 7 digits., Optional A D&B code value that defines the language in which the requested product is fulfilled. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization | Aggregate, Required Records data about an organization, a legal or commercial entity established to provide products and/or services in the marketplace or to the community. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader | Aggregate, Required Records high level information about the subject such as the primary language of the subject and the primary currency in which this subject trades. When the subject is an organizantion, this may also include details such as DUNS Number. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader. DUNSNumber | , string, up to 15 chars. Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}., Optional, [M] The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). Monitor Path: //Organization /SubjectHeader /DUNSNumber |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location | Aggregate, Optional Records the address details for a subject. An address is the designation of a place where a subject can be located or may be communicated with, e.g., primary address, registered address, mailing address. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop to allow the recording of a single primary or physical address of the subject in multiple languages and/or writing scripts. For an organization this is the principal address at which the organization is located. For an individual, this is the home address. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several lines where each address line contains one or more named address elements. Examples of named address elements are Street Name, Street Number, Building Name, Estate Name. They are called “lines” because an addres can be divided into multiple lines. When there are multiple lines the sequence of the lines must be preserved. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine. LineText | Element, string, up to 240 chars., Required, [M+] Text that records the street address components as it would be presented on an address label. This includes, but is not limited to, details such as street name, street number, building name, estate name. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. CountryISOAlpha2Code | Element, string, at least 2 chars. up to 2 chars., Optional, [M+] The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country for this address. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. PostalCode | Element, string, up to 16 chars., Optional, [M+] An identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location. For example, in Belgium, Postal Code 9000 identifies the town of GHENT. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events | Aggregate, Optional Records the information about events that have either involved or affected the subject (usually an organization, but sometimes an individual who is an owner or principal of an organization). It covers legal events, significant events and financing events. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. LegalEvents | Aggregate, Optional Records legal actions targeting the subject, such as criminal proceedings, protested bills, county court judgments, receiverships, bankruptcies. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. LegalEvents. BankruptcyIndicator | Element, boolean, Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Events /LegalEvents /BankruptcyIndicator |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. LegalEvents. SuitsIndicator | Element, boolean, Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Events /LegalEvents /SuitsIndicator |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. LegalEvents. LiensIndicator | Element, boolean, Optional, [M] When turned ON (set to TRUE), it indicates that there is lien information irrespective of its status (e.g., Open, Closed) recorded in the D&B database for this subject.When turned OFF (set to FALSE), it indicates that there is no lien information irrespective of its status (e.g., Open, Closed) recorded in the D&B database for this subject. Monitor Path: //Organization /Events /LegalEvents /LiensIndicator |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. LegalEvents. JudgmentIndicator | Element, boolean, Optional, [M] When turned ON (set to TRUE), it indicates that there is judgment information irrespective of its status (e.g., Open, Closed) recorded in the D&B database for this subject.When turned OFF (set to FALSE), it indicates that there is no judgment information irrespective of its status (e.g., Open, Closed) recorded in the D&B database for this subject. Monitor Path: //Organization /Events /LegalEvents /JudgmentIndicator |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. LegalEvents | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName | Aggregate, Optional Records the different names of the organization by which it is known as well as names of other organizations that have a similar name to this organization. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of a single name by which the organization is primarily known / identified in different languages and/or writing scripts. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName. OrganizationName | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Required, [M] Text recording a name of this organization in the specified language and/or writing script. Monitor Path: //Organization /OrganizationName /OrganizationPrimaryName @RegisteredNameIndicator /OrganizationName |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records fundamental information about a Subject which may vary over time. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of various parts that the Subject plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole. FamilyTreeMemberRoleText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional Text describing the part that the Subject plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree, e.g., a branch, division, a parent, headquarters, subsidiary, global ultimate, domestic ultimate. |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. OperatingStatusText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional Text describing this organization's functional state / trading status, e.g. active, out of business, dormant. |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment | Aggregate, Optional Records insightful and value added information on organizations, such as: - recommendations on how much credit to extend to them, - assessments of their liquidity, - concise evaluations of their performance and behavior, - predictions on the risk of conducting business with them. The predictive scores are usually calculated and assigned by D&B, but such assessments may also be recorded when assigned by third parties. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating | Aggregate, Optional Records D&B's proprietary analytics which compares the most predictive organization risk indicators to deliver a highly reliable assessment of the probability that an organization will go out of business within the next 12 months. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. DNBViabilityRating | Element, string, up to 4 chars., Required, [M] An alphanumeric value that describes D&B's proprietary analytics which compares the most predictive organization risk indicators to deliver a highly reliable assessment of the probability that an organization will go out of business within the next 12 months.The D&B Viability Rating is made up of 4 components -Overall Viability ScorePortfolio Comparison ScoreData Depth IndicatorCompany Profile Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /DNBViabilityRating /DNBViabilityRating |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. ViabilityScore | Aggregate, Optional Records D&B's proprietary analytics information on the probability that an organization will go out of business in the next 12 months in comparison to all organizations within the same geography. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. ViabilityScore. ClassScore | Element, integer, up to 1 digits., Required, [M] A numeric value that denotes the probability that an organization will go out of business in the next 12 months in comparison to all organizations within the same geography. The score ranges from 0 to 9 where the range 1 to 9 reflects the probability that the organization will go out of business (1 reflects the lowest probability and 9 reflects highest probability) and the score 0 denotes that the subject is either Out Of Business or Unable To Confirm. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /DNBViabilityRating /ViabilityScore /ClassScore |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. ViabilityScore. RiskLevelDescription | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional, [M] Text that describes the Class Score value that expresses the likelihood of risk by specifying in which risk group this organization belongs. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /DNBViabilityRating /ViabilityScore /RiskLevelDescription @DNBCodeValue |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. ViabilityScore. BadRate | Element, decimal, up to 5 digits. Maximum of 2 decimal, places., Optional, [M] The percentage of organizations with the same class score that can become inoperable. For example, for all organizations with class score 1 for a Viability model, it is expected that 0.2% of these organizations will become inoperable. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /DNBViabilityRating /ViabilityScore /BadRate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. ViabilityScore. OverallBadRate | Element, decimal, up to 5 digits. Maximum of 2 decimal, places., Optional, [M] The percentage of organizations that can become inoperable. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /DNBViabilityRating /ViabilityScore /OverallBadRate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. ViabilityScore | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. OrganizationProfileDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records D&B's proprietary analytics information that classifies the organization based on Financial data, Trade Payments, Organization Size and Years in Business. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. OrganizationProfileDetail. OrganizationProfileRating | Element, string, up to 1 chars., Required An alphabet that classifies the organization based on Financial data, Trade Payments, Company Size and Years in Business. This can range from A – X; e.g., 'A' describes a company with a comprehensive level data, which has been in business 5+ years, with 50+ employees or $500K+ in sales, while 'X' reflects a company with a minimal data, in business <5 years, with <10 employees or <$10K in sales. 'Y' and 'Z' reflect a Branch and Subsidiary, respectively. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. OrganizationProfileDetail. FinancialDataAvailableIndicator | Element, boolean, Optional, [M] When turned ON (set to TRUE) this indicates that D&B has financial information on this organization.When turned OFF (set to FALSE) this indicates that D&B does not have financial information on this organization. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /DNBViabilityRating /OrganizationProfileDetail /FinancialDataAvailableIndicator |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating. OrganizationProfileDetail | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. DNBViabilityRating | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop that repeats multiple times to allow the recording of the most recent risk scores that are assigned to this organization on a given date/time using a scoring model that help predict the likelihood that the organization will pay its bills in a severely delinquent manner (90+ days past due) over the next 12 months. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. RawScore | Element, long, Optional, [M] A numeric value that predicts the likelihood that the risk will occur. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /RawScore |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ClassScore | Element, string, up to 3 chars., Optional, [M] A one digit number from 0 to 5 based on the information in DNB file.A numeric value that succinctly expresses the likelihood of risk by specifying in which risk group this organization belongs. In other words, it specifies where this organization falls in a statistical distribution of all businesses (e.g, a bell curve, a half-normal distribution). Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /ClassScore |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ClassScoreDescription | Element, string, up to 240 chars., Optional, [M] Text that describes the Class Score Value that expresses the likelihood of risk by specifying in which risk group this organization belongs. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /ClassScoreDescription |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. NationalPercentile | Element, decimal, up to 5 digits. Maximum of 2 decimal, places., Optional, [M] A number that identifies where this organization's score falls relative to the scores of other businesses. As an example, if the percentile here is 10, it means that this organization's score is the same as or better than 10% of the businesses in D&B's information base, but not as good as 90% of the businesses. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /NationalPercentile |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. RiskIncidencePercentage | Element, decimal, up to 10 digits. Maximum of 5 decimal, places., Optional, [M] A percentage that expresses the likelihood that the inferred risk (e.g., payment delinquency, discontinued operations) will occur for this organization. This percentage is determined based on which range this organization's score falls within a pre-determined set of score ranges. The ranges and percentages are determined through analysis of historical events. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /RiskIncidencePercentage |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreCommentary | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of primary reasons for the score. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreCommentary. CommentaryText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional, [M] Text that explains the primary reasons for the score. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /ScoreCommentary /CommentaryText @DNBCodeValue |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreCommentary | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreDate | Element, date, Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /ScoreDate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreOverrideReason | Aggregate, Optional (Array) 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreOverrideReason. ScoreOverrideReasonText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScore /ScoreOverrideReason /ScoreOverrideReasonText |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore. ScoreOverrideReason | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScore | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScoreNorms | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop that repeats multiple times to allow the recording of statistically determined standards, such as the average or quartile results, of the Commercial Credit Score. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScoreNorms. RiskIncidencePercentageIndustryNorm | Aggregate, Optional (Array) Records various statistically determined standards, such as the average or quartile results of the raw score, categorized by the Risk Incidence Percentage. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScoreNorms. RiskIncidencePercentageIndustryNorm. MedianValue | Element, decimal, up to 19 digits. Maximum of 4 decimal, places., Optional, [M+] The 50th percentile value for this norm type derived by ranking the set of results for all of the subjects in the defined universe from the smallest value to the largest value. A subject with a norm result below this value would be considered to be in the bottom 50% of the industry, a subject with a norm result greater than this value would be considered to be in the top 50% of the industry. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /CommercialCreditScoreNorms |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScoreNorms. RiskIncidencePercentageIndustryNorm | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. CommercialCreditScoreNorms | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop that repeats multiple times to allow the recording of the most recent risk scores that are assigned to this organization on a given date/time using a scoring model that help predict the likelihood that the organization will seek legal relief from creditors or cease operations without paying all creditors in full over the next 12 months. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. RawScore | Element, long, Optional, [M] A numeric value that predicts the likelihood that the risk will occur. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /RawScore |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ClassScore | Element, string, up to 3 chars., Optional, [M] A one digit number from 0 to 5 based on the information in DNB file.A numeric value that succinctly expresses the likelihood of risk by specifying in which risk group this organization belongs. In other words, it specifies where this organization falls in a statistical distribution of all businesses (e.g, a bell curve, a half-normal distribution). Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /ClassScore |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ClassScoreDescription | Element, string, up to 240 chars., Optional, [M] Text that describes the Class Score Value that expresses the likelihood of risk by specifying in which risk group this organization belongs. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /ClassScoreDescription |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. NationalPercentile | Element, decimal, up to 5 digits. Maximum of 2 decimal, places., Optional, [M] A number that identifies where this organization's score falls relative to the scores of other businesses. As an example, if the percentile here is 10, it means that this organization's score is the same as or better than 10% of the businesses in D&B's information base, but not as good as 90% of the businesses. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /NationalPercentile |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreDate | Element, date, Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /ScoreDate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. RiskIncidencePercentage | Element, decimal, up to 10 digits. Maximum of 5 decimal, places., Optional, [M] A percentage that expresses the likelihood that the inferred risk (e.g., payment delinquency, discontinued operations) will occur for this organization. This percentage is determined based on which range this organization's score falls within a pre-determined set of score ranges. The ranges and percentages are determined through analysis of historical events. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /RiskIncidencePercentage |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. RiskIncidenceCount | Element, integer, Optional, [M] The number of organizations with the same Class Score that have experienced the risk. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /RiskIncidenceCount |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. AverageNationalRiskIncidencePercentage | Element, decimal, up to 5 digits. Maximum of 2 decimal, places., Optional, [M] A percentage that express the Average number of Failures happened. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /AverageNationalRiskIncidencePercentage |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. AverageNationalRiskIncidenceCount | Element, integer, Optional, [M] The number of failures happened relative to the total number of failures happened of other businesses. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /AverageNationalRiskIncidenceCount |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreCommentary | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of primary reasons for the score. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreCommentary. CommentaryText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional Text that explains the primary reasons for the score. |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreCommentary | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreOverrideReason | Aggregate, Optional (Array) 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreOverrideReason. ScoreOverrideReasonText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressScore /ScoreOverrideReason /ScoreOverrideReasonText |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore. ScoreOverrideReason | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressScore | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressReferenceData | Aggregate, Optional 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressReferenceData. RiskIncidence | Aggregate, Optional (Array) 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressReferenceData. RiskIncidence. RiskIncidenceRelativeToOverallRiskIncidencePercentage | Element, decimal, up to 16 digits. Maximum of 2 decimal, places., Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /FinancialStressReferenceData /RiskIncidence /RiskIncidenceRelativeToOverallRiskIncidencePercentage |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressReferenceData. RiskIncidence | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. FinancialStressReferenceData | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. SupplierEvaluationRiskScore | Aggregate, Optional (Array) 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. SupplierEvaluationRiskScore. RiskScore | Element, string, up to 16 chars., Optional, [M] 0 Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /SupplierEvaluationRiskScore /RiskScore |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. SupplierEvaluationRiskScore. ScoreCommentary | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of comments about the score of this organization |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. SupplierEvaluationRiskScore. ScoreCommentary. CommentaryText | Element, string, up to 256 chars., Optional, [M] Text that explains the primary reasons for the score. Monitor Path: //Organization /Assessment /SupplierEvaluationRiskScore /ScoreCommentary /CommentaryText @DNBCodeValue |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. SupplierEvaluationRiskScore. ScoreCommentary | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment. SupplierEvaluationRiskScore | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Assessment | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the Principals (e.g., President, Vice President, Directors) and Managers responsible for the business strategy, decision making and day to day running of the subjects operations. This includes names, addresses and identification numbers of the principals. Whilst a principal will usually be an individual in some countries it is legally acceptable for a registered business entity to act as a principal in another business. This excludes shareholders and similar owners who are not responsible for the management of the organization but includes proprietors and partners who, whilst owners, are also generally the principals running the business.Records details of the Principals (e.g., President, Vice President, Directors) and Managers responsible for the business strategy, decision making and day to day running of the subjects operations. This includes names, addresses and identification numbers of the principals. Whilst a principal will usually be an individual in some countries it is legally acceptable for a registered business entity to act as a principal in another business. This excludes shareholders and similar owners who are not responsible for the management of the organization but includes proprietors and partners who, whilst owners, are also generally the principals running the business. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow recording of the information of each principal that are actively associated with the subject organization. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName | Aggregate, Optional Records the different names for the Principal. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. NamePrefix | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. NamePrefix. NamePrefixText | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. NamePrefix | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. FirstName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. MiddleName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. LastName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. FullName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. NameSuffix | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. NameSuffix. NameSuffixText | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName. NameSuffix | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalName | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several different identification/registration numbers for the Principal. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumber | Element, string, Optional A number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify an individual. |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. JobTitle | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the name used by the organization to describe this person's job, e.g., Leader Global Communication, Manager National Technical Support Center. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. JobTitle. JobTitleText | Element, string, up to 3000 chars., Optional, [M+] Text that denotes a position held by the principal or manager. Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. JobTitle. StartDate | Element, date, Optional, [M+] The date when the principal or manager was appointed to this position. This is not necessarily the date when the principal or manager was first employed by the subject; this is simply the date when they moved to this position, e.g., due to a promotion. Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal NOTE: Deprecated |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. JobTitle. EndDate | Element, date, Optional, [M+] The date when the principal or manager ceased to hold this position. This is not necessarily the date when the principal or manager ceased to be employed by the subject; this is simply the date when they left this position, e.g., due to a promotion to a different position. Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal NOTE: Deprecated |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. JobTitle | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the code values identifying the current business function of the principal represented as a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility. ManagementResponsibilityText | Element, Required, [M+] Text identifying the business function of the principal derived from a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility. StartDate | Element, date, Optional, [M+] The date when the principal or manager was appointed to this position. This is not necessarily the date when the principal or manager was first employed by the subject; this is simply the date when they moved to this position, e.g., due to a promotion. Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /CurrentPrincipal NOTE: Deprecated |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. CurrentPrincipal | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal | Aggregate, Optional Records the details of the most important principal. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. PrincipalName | Aggregate, Optional Records the different names for the Principal. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. PrincipalName. FirstName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /MostSeniorPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. PrincipalName. MiddleName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /MostSeniorPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. PrincipalName. LastName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /MostSeniorPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. PrincipalName. FullName | Element, , [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /MostSeniorPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. JobTitle | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the name used by the organization to describe this person's job, e.g., Leader Global Communication, Manager National Technical Support Center. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. JobTitle. JobTitleText | Element, string, up to 3000 chars., Optional, [M+] Text that denotes a position held by the principal or manager. Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /MostSeniorPrincipal |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. JobTitle | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. PrincipalName | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility | Aggregate, Optional (Array) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the code values identifying the current business function of the principal represented as a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility. ManagementResponsibilityText | Element, Required, [M+] Text identifying the business function of the principal derived from a standard Management Responsibility Code (MRC). Monitor Path: //Organization /PrincipalsAndManagement /MostSeniorPrincipal |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility. StartDate | Element, date, Optional The date when the principal or manager was appointed to this position. This is not necessarily the date when the principal or manager was first employed by the subject; this is simply the date when they moved to this position, e.g., due to a promotion. NOTE: Deprecated |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal. CurrentManagementResponsibility | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement. MostSeniorPrincipal | Aggregate |
END:OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. PrincipalsAndManagement | Aggregate |
END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail | Aggregate, Optional 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail. PortfolioAssetID | Element, Required 0 |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail. PortfolioAssetContainerID | Element, long, Optional 0 |
End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. CopyrightNoticeText | Element, string, up to 128 chars., Optional Text that specifies the underlying claim to copyright ownership of this product. |
End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product | Aggregate |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to the request in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText | Element, string, up to 240 chars., Optional (Up to 5x) A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText | Element, string, at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process. |
End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail | Aggregate |
End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail | Aggregate |
End: OrderProductResponse | Aggregate |
Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.
Lists of possible values (when present) are subject to change. Additional values not presented in this documentation may be delivered in the response and should be anticipated in any implementation.
Empty/NULL Values
A NULL returned for an element indicates that the information was not provided to D&B when the related data items were collected. The absence of a value for a particular item should not be considered indicative of any implied value (e.g., NULL for a boolean indicator is NOT the same as a value of 'false').
NOTE: There may be additional request and/or response elements specified in the WSDL that are not applicable for D&B Direct customers. Data elements that are not listed on this page are currently unused by this operation.
Response Codes & Error Handling
Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.
This operation may return the following response codes: CM001-CM005, CM007-CM012, CM014, CM017, CM018, PD001, PD003, PD005, PD006, PD015, PD016,PD019 and SC001-SC012.
IMPORTANT: PD006 code - Applicable only for US/CA cases when TradeUpIndicator="true" for Risk packets.
D&B Direct 2.0 API requests are provided on a metered basis; and may require entitlement prior to use in the production environment. In addition, a concurrency limit (QPS) is monitored to ensure that it is not exceeded. An error code will be returned in the event that a transaction is throttled.
Qualified usage (e.g., a successful response) is tracked and billed according to the terms & conditions of the customer's contract. The response codes CM000, CM010, PD002 and PD015 are considered successful. A built-in feature exists to prevent duplicate billing when multiple successful requests with the same D-U-N-S Number and product code are submitted on the same calendar day (which is based on Eastern Standard Time [GMT-5]).
Retrieving Archived Copies
An option exists to retain the results from all successful requests for this product in a Product Request Archive, which may be retrieved without incurring additional usage charges.
NOTE: The default value for ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator is 'true', indicating that the request will NOT be automatically archived.
Business Elements
The business elements returned in a custom product vary based on customer selection.
Exception: Custom Product requests will not return the standard elements for the company requested. These elements may be included, by request, during the configuration process.
When any of the business elements that were designated as "required" when the Custom Product was configured do not contain a value for a particular company, an error code will be returned, and your organization will not incur a usage credit for the request.
Product Notes
D&B Sales Associates may be provided lists of either Business Element or Response Data Field items (the latter is preferred) for pricing and configuration of up to six Custom Products. Customers may also designate fields in a given Custom Product to be "required." When any of these required fields (for a given D-U-N-S Number) are not available, the request will return an error code.
Throughout the D&B Direct documentation, Business Element and Response Data Field items will be designated with a [C] if they may be included in a Custom Product.
For data items where previous calculations are available (e.g. Financial Stress Score and Commercial Credit Score), be sure to mention the version number to the D&B Sales Associate if an alternate calculation is required.
Once configured, the D&B Sales Associate will provide a Product Code designated for the new Custom Product. Each custom product configuration is only available to the customer account to which it is assigned.
Monitoring Custom Products
To determine which data fields within a custom product will trigger a Monitoring Change Notice, issue a request to the GetProductCatalog function in the Product Catalog Serviceand inspect the MonitorableElementDetail list that is returned.