Source Suppliers
The Source New Suppliers Supply Management Solution helps you find suppliers based on company characteristics you specify. Enter the location, industry, size, and company diversity information to obtain a list of suppliers.
A Source New Suppliers search is charged per list of up to 100 records. Each search totals one transaction for the Source New Suppliers solution. The cost of the transaction is noted and must be confirmed before the deduction is made from your balance.
When a search returns greater than 100 records, the remainder of the records can be purchased as additional transactions. Leverage the Output Filter feature to assist with the output for these searches.
Twenty-six data points are returned.
- D-U-N-S Number
- Company Name
- Street Address
- City
- State
- State Abbreviation
- Postal Code
- Country
- Telephone Number
- SIC (Standard Industry Code)
- SIC Description
- Annual Sales USD
- Total Employees
- Subsidiary Indicator
- Small Business Indicator
- Import/Export Agent Code
- Number of Family Members
- Minority Classification Code
- Woman Owned Indicator
- Veteran Owned Indicator
- Labor Surplus Area Indicator
The data dictionary describes the data elements in more detail.
NOTE: Enter an Industry Code to obtain the best results.
For trial users, the top 10 results display for each transaction. Each search totals one credit for that business solution. Buy credits to get the full range of information. The D-U-N-S Number and Telephone Number are masked in the sample results for trial users.
Steps To Source New Suppliers
- For Excel 2013 users, using the app, go to Supply Management Solutions, then select Source New Suppliers. For all other users, locate the Dun & Bradstreet tab in Excel, click on Self Service Solutions, and select Source New Suppliers.
- Click on Company Location to complete the location information or to search by radius.
- Select United States.
- Select a maximum of three states.
- Select a maximum of six cities.
- Remove options by clicking the "X".
- For a radius search, enter the number of miles or kilometers from the ZIP Code you specify.
- Click on Industry to complete the industry information.
- Use eight-digit SIC codes for best results or type an industry description to search for related industries.
- Use commas to separate multiple codes.
- Use a dash between SIC codes to search for a range.
- Remove options by clicking the X.
- Click on Company Size to complete the size information.
- Use Annual Sales or Employee Size or a combination of both to define the company size of your best suppliers.
- For Annual Sales, use the drop-down to select if sales should be Greater than or Equal to or Less than or Equal to an amount you specify. Or, select Between to specify the lowest and uppermost range for annual sales. The specified amount should be in millions. For example, 1 = 1,000,000 and 0.5 = 500,000.
- For Employee Size, use the drop-down to select if Employee Size should be Greater than or Equal to or Less than or Equal to a number you specify. Or, select Between to specify the lowest and uppermost range of employee numbers.
- Click on Company Information to specify diversity information. Indicate if the sourced suppliers Are Minority Owned and/or Are Women Owned.
- Click on Output Filter to specify the output starting record and if the output should contain column headers with a header row and column names displayed. For example, enter 101 for records from 101 to 200. This feature is important for searches resulting in greater than 100 records.
NOTE: Click Reset to remove all the specified criteria and start over or click Back to return to the previous page. If you click Back, you will lose all of your entered criteria.
Click Load to load the specified criteria.
IMPORTANT: Data in your current worksheet will be overwritten! Results display where your cursor is located. To avoid this, initiate searches only on new datasheets, place your cursor below any previous lists, or open a new tab on your datasheet.
- Click Accept to accept the transaction and the deduction made to your account balance for the transaction. The deducted amount and new balance is noted.
NOTE: Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and return to the Get Prospect List criteria you specified.
NOTE: You will not be charged if your search criteria results in no matches.
- Select an empty data cell on your worksheet or create a new worksheet to place the D&B data. Then click OK.
IMPORTANT: Data in your current worksheet will be overwritten! Results display where your cursor is located. To avoid this, initiate searches only on new datasheets, place your cursor below any previous lists, or open a new tab on your datasheet.
- Save your results.
IMPORTANT: It is important that you save the worksheet. The data returned will not automatically be saved and you will have to re-purchase the data if you forget to save.
What To Do Next
If your input criteria, returned more then 100 records, only the first 100 records are returned and placed in the spreadsheet. To gain more records, change the Output Filter settings to the range for the next 100 records. For example, enter 101 for records from 101 to 200.