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Setting Up Alerts

Setting up alerts in Supplier Risk Manager helps users proactively monitor suppliers with real-time alerts. Real-time alerts help mitigate risk by providing users with updated information on their critical suppliers. Alerts send users email notifications when there is new information about a supplier on their watchlist is available.

Adding an alert profile to a folder turns that folder into a Watchlist Folder. Watchlist folders monitors the set of criteria you have selected to include in the alert profile of that folder.

Each folder can only have one alert profile assigned. However, a supplier can be listed in numerous folders each with a different alert profile. Each unique D-U-N-S Number counts once against your Watchlist folders no matter how many different folders and alert profiles are assigned.

To access alert profiles in Supplier Risk Manager:

  • Click Alert Profiles in the suppliers tab.
  • Click Alerts Configuration to access it from the alerts menu.

Viewing Existing Alert Rules

Two pre-existing D&B Standard Alert Profiles are automatically set for you.

To view current alert profiles and their criteria:

  1. Click Alerts on the Alerts Configuration page. Current alert profiles will display on the left of the Alert Profile page.
  2. Click each Alert Profile to view its contents to the right.

Configuring Alert Types

You can trigger an alert to notify you of value changes in SSI or SER score using the Value Changes drop-down. Set alerts for value changes in Paydex Score, Supplier Rating, and FSS by accessing their menus individually. Alerts are sent via email. View changes in the dashboard page of Supplier Risk Manager and the Alert Inbox.


For SSI and SER, you can set alerts to notify you when values rise or drop.

Set alerts by selecting one of the following:

If you select...You will be alerted when...
Value RisesThe score rises. You will not need to enter a value.
Value Rises AboveThe score rises above the value you enter.
Value Drops BelowThe score drops below the value you enter.

Supplier Rating

For Supplier Rating Alerts, you can set alerts to notify you when the number of stars rise or drop.

Set alerts by selecting one of the following:

If you select...You will be alerted when...
Rating DropsThe number of stars drop.
Rating Drops BelowThe number of stars drop below the amount you enter.
Rating Rises AboveThe number of stars rise above the amount you enter.

Paydex and FSS

For Paydex and FSS Alerts, you can set alerts to notify you when values rise or fall.

Set alerts by selecting one of the following:

If you select...You will be alerted when...
Goes Above The score goes above the value you enter.
Goes BelowThe score goes below the value you enter.
Fall ByThe score falls by the value you enter.
Rises By The score rises by the value you enter.

NOTE: A new alert option will appear. Click the red X next to the item to delete it and enter a new value.

Configuring Event Indicator Alerts

An event is the occurrence of some critical action or new information. Events can be tracked for a specified location. Some events can be followed for any member of the corporate family.

To enable the events indicator:

  1. Click the icon of indicator you want to enable. The box is blue when the indicator is on and white when it is off.
  2. Once the indicator is enabled, you will receive alerts when the indicator is either on or off.
  3. Initial alerts are sent if the indicator is on during the time you add the supplier to your watchlist.

NOTE: Select the enabled box for each of the indicators you want to set alerts for.

A detailed explanation for each of the event indicators is as follows:

If you enable this indicator...You will be alerted when...
SuitsOpen suits, open judgments, petitions, or payment remarks exist in the D&B database against a supplier.
LiensOpen claims, liens, protested bills, warrants, Social Securities Summons, or equivalent exist against a supplier.
DisasterDisasters (fire, hurricanes, etc.), exist in the database against a supplier.
Criminal ProceedingCriminal proceedings exist against a supplier.
Financial and LegalFinancial embarrassment and legal filings exist against a supplier.
Out of BusinessA supplier has ceased operations at a physical location, is undergoing bankruptcy, liquidation, or was bought out by another firm and operates as a different legal entity.
OperationsChanges to the supplier's business operations (name changes, management changes, change in legal form, control, or capital, business wind up, closures or moves) occur.
OtherUnspecified events exist against a supplier.
EPLS (Excluded Parties List System)Identified supplier facilities have been excluded by the U.S. Government from receiving federal contracts, subcontracts, federal financial and non-financial assistance.
Family EPLSAt least one member of a supplier's corporate family (branches, headquarters, and divisions) has been excluded.
EPAEnforcement actions have been taken against the facility within the twenty most recent complete quarters (5 years).
Family EPAAt least one member of a supplier's corporate family has had enforcement actions taken against them.
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)Violations are cited by OSHA as a result of inspections.
Family OSHAAt least one member of a supplier's corporate family was cited for OSHA inspection violations.
OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control)Individuals and companies are owned, controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of targeted countries.
Family OFACAt least one member of a supplier's corporate family is owned, controlled by, acting for or on behalf of a targeted country.
GCL Monitoring

Supplier records are being screened against over 30 different Government Control Lists of restricted entities.

Generating Alerts

When generating alerts, each alert profile you create should be geared toward the type of supplies you will be monitoring. Super Administrators can create public alert profiles while basic or admin users will not have the public alert profile type available. Standard Alert Profiles were created as a recommended alert profile, mostly for direct suppliers and cannot be edited or deleted by any user.

To generate alerts:

  1. Click +New Profile.
  2. Enter alert name.
  3. Select desired settings.
  4. Click Save.