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Remembering your Password

While logging in, check the Remember me option to have the browser save your user name and password. This will automatically populate the Username and Password field the next time you login.

Resetting your Password

To reset a lost or forgotten password when attempting to log in:

  1. Click I Forgot link from the login screen.
  2. Enter email address associated with your account.
  3. Click Send Instructions. (An email will be sent with a link to reset your password).
  4. Enter your email address and password from the email you received.

  5. Enter your desired new password into the set a new password field and confirm your new password into the corresponding text boxes.
  6. Click Change Password.

NOTE: Your Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and include 3 character types: Lower Case, Upper Case, Numbers, Special Characters.

Recovering a Lost User ID (Login ID)

If you do not recall either the User ID or Password, contact your internal administrator or the D&B Customer Support team for your global location. Make sure to provide your name, company name, email address, and phone number.

North America: (800) 618-7466

Netherlands: 0031 10719560

Belgium and Luxembourg: 0032 24818300

UK: 0845 145 1700