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Direct 2.0

Search & Build-a-List - Contacts

Also known as Locating Contacts

Returns search results of people based on keyword.

Update History

  • August 27, 2021 (v6.4 SOAP & REST): Enabling the mapping for contact FullName search element in request.
  • June 3, 2016 (v6.3 SOAP & REST): Added Job Function to Inquiry Details and new enumeration value Job Function to Sort Basis Text.
  • June 3, 2016 (v6.3 SOAP & REST): Added Job Function and Job Ranking to Find Candidate response.
  • December 12, 2014 (v6.1 SOAP & REST): Changes to the FindContact and Find Company operations include: 1. Added the following enumerations to InclusionDataEnum – IncludeNonMarketable, IncludeDelisted; and 2. Added the following enumerations to SortBasisText - Relevancy.
  • October 25, 2013 (v6.0 SOAP & REST): The following changes apply: IndustryTypeCode has been changed from a free-form text field to an enumerated type; Multiple postal code ranges may now be specified on requests; MarketingRiskClassCode may now include a value of 0 indicating "unknown"; InclusionDataDescription may now include a value of "IncludeNonMarketableOnly"; Three new filters provide the ability to screen on publicly traded companies, descendants of publicly traded companies, and organizations having a manufacturing facility; Added a new sort criteria: ConsolidatedEmployeeQuantity. This field is also included on the response; and Two new search facets that correspond to the publicly traded company filters.

Feature Request

IMPORTANT: Please see the new Online Services Security Enhancement Release, effective November 09, 2020.

When performing a search using longitude+latitude, a radius measurement and unit code (3353 for miles or 3349 for kilometers) must be supplied.


There are several options available when implementing this feature.

1. Keyword Search (Basic/Advanced): A contact keyword is required in addition to setting the search mode to 'Basic'. The contact keyword (KeywordContactText) will be compared against the contact name, title and biography fields. An option exists (in Advanced search) to limit the search comparison to specific fields.

Keyword search criteria are NOT case sensitive (i.e. "SAMPLE", "Sample" and "sample" will return the same results). Multiple keywords may be specified in either keyword criteria field, separated by spaces.

This feature supports a wild card pattern in the keyword search criteria, which allows an asterisk to be appended to, embedded in, or placed at the start of the keyword parameter.

The organization keyword and/or D&B D-U-N-S Number range may be provided as options. The organization keyword (KeywordText) will be compared against any company names (past, present, synonyms and tradestyles) and stock ticker symbols.

2. Inclusion Rules (Basic/Advanced): By default, organizations with certain operating conditions will be excluded from the results. An option is available to include the following: undeliverable address records, out of business records, incomplete data records, only non-marketable* businesses, only contacts with direct email details, only contacts with direct telephone details or only contacts with either direct email or telephone details.

*In general, a record that meets the following criteria is considered marketable: it has been updated within the last 24 months; it contains a complete business name, valid physical or mailing address, and valid Standard Industry Classification Code; and it is believed to be in business.

NOTE: This rule does not exclude/include de-listed companies (i.e., a company that has requested to be excluded from direct marketing use cases).

3. Sorting Results (Basic/Advanced): By default, the results from this service will be descending by order of relevancy (i.e. best matched results). Optionally, both the sort direction and a primary sort field can be designated on the request.

4. Pagination (Basic/Advanced): Options exist to designate the maximum number of records per request, and the starting row number. The maximum number of records this feature will return on a single request is 10,000. The default page length is 25 records.

The remaining options are available only in the advanced version (search mode set to 'Advanced') of this feature.

5. Geographic Proximity (Advanced only): Any combination of longitude+latitude coordinates or postal code, telephone number (full or partial) or street address may be passed to produce a list of matching organizations. By default the criteria provided will be applied using "AND" logic, however, an option is available to alternatively apply "OR" logic to the request.

When performing a search using longitude+latitude, a radius and scale (miles or kilometers) must be supplied. This option is only available when the country code specified is "US" or "CA".

When a postal code is provided, a country code must also be specified.

When providing a U.S. postal code as a criteria, leading zeros are required in the request. For example, "01234" is correct, while "1234" is not correct.

If a postal code is provided, this service will identify the longitude+latitude coordinates for the central point of the respective geographical area. This option is only applicable when the country code specified is "US".

When providing a telephone number as a criteria, exclude any non-numeric characters and spaces. (e.g. "(800) 555-1212" should be supplied as "8005551212")

6. Company Information (Advanced only): Filter for companies by location type, D&B Prescreen Score, ownership type, stock ticker and exchange, D-U-N-S Number, legal status, year of founding, subsidiary status, diversity status (minority owned, women owned and ethnicity classification), occupancy status (owns/rents), franchise status and foreign trade.

7. Industry (Advanced only): Filter for companies by Hoover's Industries, SIC Codes, and NAIC Codes, either by a specific industry code or range. An option exists to search only on an organization's primary industry code.

8. Company Size (Advanced only): Filter for companies by sales, market cap, employees and facility size.

9. Financial Information (Advanced only): filter for companies by net income, assets, fiscal year end, auditors, and rankings/indices.

10. IPO Data (Advanced only): Filter for companies by IPO date, offer amount, price range and underwriters.

11. People (Advanced only): Filter for people by job function, salary, bonus, total compensation and age.

A separate email only version (search mode set to 'EmailLookup') of this function is available to search for people using an email address. No other criteria may be used in conjunction with the email address. The sorting and pagination options, however, do apply.

Minimum Requirements

The details in this section override the Optional/Required values listed in the Request Specification table.

  1. The field SearchModeDescription must be set to a value of Basic, Advanced or EmailLookup for this feature to work properly (for this use case).
  2. When performing a search using longitude+latitude, a radius measurement and unit code (3353 for miles or 3349 for kilometers) must be supplied.

Data Layer Entitlement

For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.

  • This BASIC feature is entitled as "Search/Lookup for People" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.
  • This ADVANCED feature is entitled as "Detailed Build-a-List - Contacts" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.

For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.

  • This particular data layer is included in the D&B Direct Onboard 2.0 suite.


Sample Request (Basic)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ent="">
      <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
         <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-11">
            <wsse:Password Type="">MyPassword</wsse:Password>
      <ent:FindContactRequest ServiceVersionNumber="4.0">
               <KeywordText>Gorman Manufacturing</KeywordText>
Sample Request (Advanced)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ent="">
      <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
         <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-11">
            <wsse:Password Type="">password</wsse:Password>
      <ent:FindContactRequest ServiceVersionNumber="?">
               <IndustryCodeDetail DNBCodeValue="3599">
Basic Advanced Name Characteristics
Y Y FindContactRequest Aggregate
Y Y FindContactRequest. TransactionDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records information necessary to process this request.

Y Y FindContactRequest. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID string, up to 64 chars, Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

Y Y FindContactRequest. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp dateTime, Optional

The date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

Y Y FindContactRequest. TransactionDetail. SubmittingOfficeID string, up to 64 chars, Optional

A number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated.

Y Y End: FindContactRequest. TransactionDetail /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail Aggregate, Required

Records data relating to requests for search based on contact information. This may include details such as the contact information,company information of the contact etc.

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail Aggregate, Required

Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the contact being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the contact name,the address, the telephone number.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumber string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional (Infinite)

The numeric value assigned by Dun & Bradstreet to uniquely identify the contact organization .This subject identifier under the Data Universal Numbering System. This is a numeric which is always 9 digits; the leading digit or digits may be zero.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationName OrganizationNameSimpleType up to 240 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. WebPageAddress Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. WebPageAddress. TelecommunicationAddress string, up to 240 chars, Required
N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. WebPageAddress /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location Aggregate, Optional

Records the details provided by the customer to perform a search based on the geography details of the subject.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address Aggregate, Optional

Records the details of the search on location by providing elements like city,county etc.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. StreetAddressLine Aggregate, Optional (Up to 10x)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several lines where each address line contains one or more named address elements. Examples of named address elements are Street Name, Street Number, Building Name, Estate Name. They are called “lines” because an addres can be divided into multiple lines. When there are multiple lines the sequence of the lines must be preserved.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. StreetAddressLine. LineText string, up to 240 chars, Required
N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. StreetAddressLine /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PrimaryTownName PrimaryTownNameType up to 240 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. MetropolitanStatisticalAreaUSCensusCode string, up to 16 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. CountyGEOREFID string, up to 13 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. TerritoryName TerritoryNameType up to 64 chars, Optional (Up to 100x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCode string, up to 16 chars, Optional (Up to 100x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCodeLowRangeValue Element
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCodeHighRangeValue Element
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCodeRange Aggregate, Optional (Up to 100x)

A range for the identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location. For example, in Belgium, Postal Code 9000 identifies the town of GHENT.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCodeRange. PostalCodeLowRangeValue string, up to 16 chars, Optional

The lower limit of a range for the identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location. For example, in Belgium, Postal Code 9000 identifies the town of GHENT.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCodeRange. PostalCodeHighRangeValue string, up to 16 chars, Optional

The upper limit of a range for the identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location. For example, in Belgium, Postal Code 9000 identifies the town of GHENT.

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. PostalCodeRange /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. CountryISOAlpha2Code string, at least 2 chars, up to 2 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address. CountryGroupGEOREFID string, up to 16 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)

Possible values: North America : 1; South America : 2; Europe : 3; Asia : 4; Australia : 5; Africa : 6

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. Address /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records the details of the search on a geographical area by providing a combination of coordinates (Latitude/longitude) or Zip Code along with the radius.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail. PostalCode string, up to 32 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail. CountryISOAlpha2Code Element, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail. RadiusMeasurement decimal, up to 5 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Required
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail. RadiusMeasurementUnitCode integer, up to 7 digits, Required

Possible values: 3353 [miles]; 3349 [kilometre]

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail. LatitudeMeasurement LatitudeMeasurementType up to 9 digits, maximum of 6 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail. LongitudeMeasurement LongitudeMeasurementType up to 10 digits, maximum of 6 decimal places, Optional
N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. RadiusDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. TelephoneNumber Aggregate, Optional (Up to 100x)

Records the details of the search on telephone by providing elements like Area Code.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. TelephoneNumber. AreaCodeNumber string, at least 1 char, up to 16 chars, Required
N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location. TelephoneNumber /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. Location /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole Aggregate, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole. FamilyTreeMemberRoleCode integer, up to 7 digits, Required

Possible values: 9141 [Parent/Headquarters] - for Parent; HQ or Parent & HQ; 12769 [Branch] - for Branch or Division; 9159 [Subsidiary]

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. StandaloneOrganizationIndicator StandaloneOrganizationIndicatorType, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail @DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 3599 -USSIC; 19295 - UKSIC; 700 - NAICS; 35912 - Hoovers Industry Code

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail. IndustryCode string, up to 16 chars, Optional (Up to 100x)

Full or partial industry code. For full industry codes, exact matches will be returned. For partial industry codes, matching candidates that begin with the partial code will be returned.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail. IndustryCodeLowRangeValue string, up to 16 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail. IndustryCodeHighRangeValue string, up to 16 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail. PrimaryIndustryCodeOnlyIndicator boolean, Optional
N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCodeDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. LegalFormDetail Aggregate, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. LegalFormDetail. LegalFormCode integer, up to 7 digits, Required

Possible values: 451 (Corporation); 452 (Partnership); 453 (Proprietorship); 454 (NationalGovernmentEntity); 455 (RegionalLocalGovernmentEntity); 456 (JointVenture); 457 (NonProfitOrganization); 461 (CooperativeMutualOrganization); 469 (ForeignCompany)

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. LegalFormDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ControlOwnershipTypeCode integer, up to 7 digits, Optional (Up to 10x)

Possible values: 9057 [Publicly owned]; 9058 [Privately owned]; 9059 [State owned]

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ControlOwnershipFromYear integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ControlOwnershipToYear integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationStartFromYear integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationStartToYear integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. MarketingRiskClassCode MarketingRiskClassCodeEnum up to 7 digits, Optional (Infinite)

Possible values: 10925 [Low]; 10926 [Moderate]; 10927 [High]; 0 [Unknown]

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. GlobalUltimateDUNSNumber string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. FiscalPeriodEndMonth MonthType, Optional (Up to 12x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. AuditorID string, up to 256 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. UnderwriterID string, up to 256 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumberLowRangeValue string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional

The minimum DUNS Number of the companies to be listed in the search result. This is used for search within range values.

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumberHighRangeValue string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional

The maximum DUNS Number of the companies to be listed in the search result. This is used for search within range values.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SalesLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SalesLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SalesHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SalesHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalAssetLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalAssetLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalAssetHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalAssetHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. MarketCapitalizationLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. MarketCapitalizationLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. MarketCapitalizationHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. MarketCapitalizationHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. NetIncomeLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. NetIncomeLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. NetIncomeHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. NetIncomeHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. NetIncomeGrowthLowRangePercentage decimal, up to 7 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. NetIncomeGrowthHighRangePercentage decimal, up to 7 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndividualEntityEmployeeLowRangeQuantity integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndividualEntityEmployeeHighRangeQuantity integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ConsolidatedEmployeeLowRangeQuantity integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ConsolidatedEmployeeHighRangeQuantity integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ConsolidatedEmployeesGrowthLowRangePercentage decimal, up to 7 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ConsolidatedEmployeesGrowthHighRangePercentage decimal, up to 7 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SalesGrowthLowRangePercentage decimal, up to 7 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SalesGrowthHighRangePercentage decimal, up to 7 digits, maximum of 2 decimal places, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PremisesAreaDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PremisesAreaDetail. PremisesAreaLowRangeMeasurement integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PremisesAreaDetail. PremisesAreaHighRangeMeasurement integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PremisesAreaDetail. OccupancyCode integer, up to 7 digits, Optional (Up to 3x)

Possible values: 1129 [Rents]; 1128 [Owns]

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PremisesAreaDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. PubliclyTradedCompanyIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the organization offers its securities to general public, typically through a stock exchange. When 'false' indicates that the organization does not offer its securities to general public.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. UpwardFamilyMemberPubliclyTradedCompanyIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that an organization higher up in the family tree of the subject offers its securities to general public, typically through a stock exchange. When 'false' indicates that none of the organization(s) higher up in the family tree of the subject offer securities to general public.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. StockExchangeNameCode integer, up to 7 digits, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. StockExchangeTickerName string, up to 100 chars, Optional

Text by which this subject is identified at this Stock Exchange for share trading purposes, e.g., DNB.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingFilingFromDate date, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingFilingToDate date, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingTradingFromDate date, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingTradingToDate date, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingShareValueLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingShareValueLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingShareValueHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. InitialPublicOfferingShareValueHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedIndicator boolean, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedIndicator boolean, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SocioEconomicIdentification. EthnicClassificationCode integer, up to 7 digits, Optional (Up to 10x)

Possible values: 10881 (Chinese; Filipino; Japanese; Korean; Vietnamese; or other Asian origin); 10882 (Black or African American); 10884 (Hispanic; Latino; or Spanish origin); 10885 (Indian Subcontinent origin); 10883 (American Indian; Alaska Native; or Native Hawaiian); 0 (Unknown)

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. SocioEconomicIdentification /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. KeywordText string, up to 256 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

Records a registration number for the organization.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail @DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 2541: COMPANIES REGISTRY OFFICE Number (GB)

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumber string, at least 1 char, up to 40 chars, Required

A number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify an organization.

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. FranchisingIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the organization participates in a franchising relationship. When 'false' indicates that the organization does not participate in a franchising relationship.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ImportIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the subject company imports a quantity of goods from other countries.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ExportIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the subject company exports a quantity of goods to other countries.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndividualAgeLowRangeValue integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndividualAgeHighRangeValue integer, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode string, up to 16 chars, Optional (Up to 10x)
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BaseSalaryLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BaseSalaryLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BaseSalaryHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BaseSalaryHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BonusCompensationLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BonusCompensationLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BonusCompensationHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. BonusCompensationHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalCompensationLowRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalCompensationLowRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalCompensationHighRangeAmount decimal, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. TotalCompensationHighRangeAmount @CurrencyISOAlpha3Code Attribute

Possible values: USD

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. KeywordContactText string, up to 30 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. KeywordContactScopeText ContactSearchScopeTextEnum, Optional

Possible values: Bio; Title (search in Jobtitle text and Management Responsibility Text); Both (Bio and Title)

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ContactName string, up to 256 chars, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ContactEmailAddress string, Optional

Text recording the electronic mail address used by a subject by which the subject can transmit and or receive text messages, links, and files electronically, typically via a network, like the Internet.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. ManufacturingIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the subject has a manufacturing facility. When 'false' indicates that the subject does not have a manufacturing facility; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact.

Y Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryDetail /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification Aggregate, Optional

Records the various specifications for performing a search.

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. ExactLocationFindIndicator boolean, Optional
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. SortDirectionText SortDirectionEnum, Optional

Possible values: Ascending; Descending

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. CandidateMaximumQuantity integer, up to 6 digits, Optional
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. CandidatePerPageMaximumQuantity integer, less than or equal to 10000, Optional
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. CandidateDisplayStartSequenceNumber integer, less than or equal to 10000, Optional
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. SearchModeDescription SearchModeEnum, Optional

Text describing the nature of search to be applied during the search process.

Possible values: Basic; Advanced; EmailLookup

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. InclusionCriteria Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of filtering requirements that a service should apply to include subjects from being returned in a search response. For example include subjects to the candidate list that are out of business.

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. InclusionCriteria. InclusionDataDescription InclusionContactDataEnum, Optional

Text that denotes an inclusion requirement that the Search process should apply to allow subjects from being returned as candidates. For example if the value is specified as Out of Business, then the Search process should return candidates that have an Operating Status which denotes Out Of Business.

Possible values: IncludeUndeliverableAddressSubject; IncludeOutofBusiness; IncludeIncompleteData; IncludeContactsOnlyWithDirectEmail; IncludeContactsOnlyWithDirectPhone; IncludeContactsOnlyWithDirectEmailOrDirectPhone; IncludeNonMarketableOnly; IncludeNonMarketable; IncludeDelisted

Y Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. InclusionCriteria /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification. SortBasisText SortBasisTextContactEnum, Optional

Possible values: DUNSNumber; FirstName; FullName; LastName; ManagementResponsibilityCodeText; OrganizationPrimaryName; ConsolidatedEmployeeQuantity; SalesRevenueAmount; Relevancy

Y Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. FindSpecification /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. ReturnJobTitleNavigatorIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' the job title navigator will be returned. When 'false' the job title navigator will not be returned. If not specified, the default is FALSE.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. ReturnManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' the management responsibility code navigator will be returned. When 'false' the management responsibility code navigator will not be returned. If not specified, the default is FALSE.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. ReturnLocationNavigatorIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' the location navigator will be returned. When 'false' the location navigator will not be returned. If not specified, the default is FALSE.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. LocationNavigatorSpecification Aggregate, Optional

Specifies the location depth to be used by the navigator. If not specified, the location navigator will return countries and territories, but not towns.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. LocationNavigatorSpecification. LocationNavigatorType LocationNavigatorTypeEnum, Required (Up to 3x)

Possible values: Country; Territory

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. LocationNavigatorSpecification /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. ReturnIndustryNavigatorIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' the industry navigator will be returned. When 'false' the industry navigator will not be returned. If not specified, the default is FALSE.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. IndustryNavigatorSpecification Aggregate, Optional

Specifies the industry type code(s) to be used by the navigator. If not specified, the industry type code will be US SIC.

N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. IndustryNavigatorSpecification. IndustryTypeCode integer, up to 7 digits, Optional (Infinite)

Possible values: 3599 -USSIC; 19295 - UKSIC; 700 - NAICS; 35912 - Hoovers Industry Code

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. IndustryNavigatorSpecification /Aggregate
N Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification. ReturnContactDataNavigatorIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' the contact data navigator will be returned. When 'false' the contact data navigator will not be returned. If not specified, the default is FALSE.

N Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. NavigatorSpecification /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to this request in order to support subsequent searches.

Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText string, at least 1 char, up to 240 chars, Optional (Up to 5x)
Y Y FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText string, at least 1 char, up to 240 chars, Optional
Y Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail /Aggregate
Y Y End: FindContactRequest. FindContactRequestDetail /Aggregate
Y Y End: FindContactRequest /Aggregate


Use the following endpoint with the downloadable WSDL to request this feature.

SOAP (EntityList){version}


This operation will return a static set of results in the D&B Direct test environment (sandbox), regardless of the request parameters.

Feature Response


The following is a list of the possible data fields returned by this operation in the XML response. Samples are provided for testing successful and failed retrieval, and to demonstrate the basic layout of a response. The data returned in samples may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.

The results from this search will return principal identification numbers (Principal ID) that may be passed to the People feature to obtain additional information about individuals.

NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.

Sample Response (Basic)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
   <soapenv:Body xmlns:ent="">
      <ent:FindContactResponse ServiceVersionNumber="6.0">
                  <OrganizationName>WOLTERS KLUWER UNITED STATES INC.</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Sue Gorman</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>Ea To Mike Sabbatis</JobTitleText>
Sample Response (Advanced)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
   <soapenv:Body xmlns:ent="">
      <ent:FindContactResponse ServiceVersionNumber="6.0">
                  <OrganizationName>Mars, Incorporated</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Dushan Petrovich</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>President, Wrigley Gum and Confections</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Matthew J. Jansen</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>SVP and President, Oilseeds Business Unit</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Ray G. Young</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>SVP and CFO</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Gary L. Towne</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>Vice President and President, Ethanol and Risk Management</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Mark A. Bemis</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>SVP and President, Corn Business Unit</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Domingo A. Lastra</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>Vice President and Chairman of the Management Board of Alfred C. Toepfer International, G.m.b.H.</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Patricia A. Woertz</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>Chairman, President, and CEO</JobTitleText>
                  <OrganizationName>Archer-Daniels-Midland Company</OrganizationName>
                  <FullName>Ismael Roig</FullName>
               <PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail DNBCodeValue="24215" TypeText="Professional Contact Identifier">
                  <JobTitleText>VP and President, Asia-Pacific</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>Chairman, President, and CEO</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>President, Wrigley Gum and Confections</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>SVP and CFO</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>SVP and President, Corn Business Unit</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>SVP and President, Oilseeds Business Unit</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>VP and President, Asia-Pacific</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>Vice President and Chairman of the Management Board of Alfred C. Toepfer International, G.m.b.H.</JobTitleText>
                     <JobTitleText>Vice President and President, Ethanol and Risk Management</JobTitleText>
                     <LocationName>United States</LocationName>
Basic Advanced Name Characteristics
Y Y FindContactResponse Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionDetail Aggregate, Required

Records information necessary to process a particular request. Examples of a request is the ordering of a product.

Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID string, up to 64 chars, Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionDetail. ServiceTransactionID string, up to 64 chars, Required

A number assigned by the D&B service to uniquely identify this transaction.

Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp dateTime, Required

The date and time when this request was submitted or the date and time when the requesting intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, sent the message to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

Y Y END: FindContactResponse. TransactionDetail /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionResult Aggregate, Required

Records the different outcomes of the transaction.

Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionResult. SeverityText string, Required
Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionResult. ResultID string, up to 32 chars, Required
Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionResult. ResultText string, up to 512 chars, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
Y Y FindContactResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage. ResultDescription string, up to 512 chars, Required

Text that describes the additional information regarding the outcome of the transaction.

Y Y END: FindContactResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage /Aggregate
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. TransactionResult /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data relating to responses for search based on contact information. This may include details such as the total Number of contacts that matched the search criteria, name and address details of the contact etc.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. CandidateMatchedQuantity integer, Required

Total Number of Contacts that matched the Search Criteria.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. CandidateReturnedQuantity integer, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

Records the details of the candidates that matched the search criteria.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. DUNSNumber string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. OrganizationPrimaryName Aggregate, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. OrganizationPrimaryName. OrganizationName string, up to 256 chars, Required
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. OrganizationPrimaryName /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. TradeStyleName Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. TradeStyleName. OrganizationName string, up to 256 chars, Required
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. TradeStyleName /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ConsolidatedEmployeeDetails Aggregate, Optional

Records current employee data which includes all employees who are engaged in the operations of the legal entity (including employees located at branch locations) as well as all employees who are engaged in the operations of every direct descendant in its family tree (based on controlling interest), i.e., subsidiaries. Note: An organization which is classified by D&B as a branch" location cannot have a "Consolidated" employee figure."

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ConsolidatedEmployeeDetails. TotalEmployeeQuantity long, Optional

A number that defines how many people are directly engaged and paid by the organization to perform or support its business operations.

Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ConsolidatedEmployeeDetails /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. MarketabilityIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the record satisfies D&B marketability rules. When 'false' indicates that the record does not satisfy D&B marketability rules; however, there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. NonMarketableReasonText string, up to 256 chars, Optional (Infinite)

Text specifying the reason why the subject's data is not considered marketable by D&B.

Possible values: 11027 [NIXIE]; 11024 [Out of business]; 11028 [De-listed]; 25837 [Insufficient Data]

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName Aggregate, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. FirstName string, up to 64 chars, Optional

First name of the principal

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. MiddleName string, up to 64 chars, Optional

Middle name of the principal.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. LastName string, up to 64 chars, Optional

Last name of the principal.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. FullName string, up to 240 chars, Optional

Full Name of the principal.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. NameSuffix Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. NameSuffix. NameSuffixText string, up to 16 chars, Optional

A text identifying either a familial suffix to the principals name (E.g. Senior, Junior, III. ) or a professional/qualification suffix to the principals name (E.g. MD, FRICS, PhD etc.) or some other suffix to the principals name (E.g. Baronet, Retired.)

Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName. NameSuffix /Aggregate
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactName /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the identifiers assigned to the principal by D&B.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail @DNBCodeValue integer, up to 7 digits, Attribute (1x)

Possible values: 24215

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail. PrincipalIdentificationNumber string, Optional

A number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify an individual.

Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. JobTitle Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the name used by the organization to describe this person's job, e.g., Leader Global Communication, Manager National Technical Support Center.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. JobTitle. JobTitleText string, up to 3000 chars, Optional

Text that denotes a position held by the principal or manager.

Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. JobTitle /Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ManagementResponsibilityCodeText string, up to 3000 chars, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactDataSourceDetail Aggregate, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactDataSourceDetail. NameInformationSourceName string, up to 256 chars, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactDataSourceDetail. EmailInformationSourceName string, up to 256 chars, Optional
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactDataSourceDetail. TelephoneInformationSourceName string, up to 256 chars, Optional
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ContactDataSourceDetail/Aggregate
Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. DirectTelephoneInformationAvailableIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the telephone information required to connect to the contact without the assistance of an operator is available. When turend OFF (set to 0), it indicates that the telephone information required to connect to the contact without the assistance of an operator is not available. When NULL or absent, it indicates that it is not known if the telephone information required to connect to the contact without the assistance of an operator is available.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. DirectEmailInformationAvailableIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the email information used to communicate solely with the contact is available. When turend OFF (set to 0), it indicates that the email information used to communicate solely with the contact is not available. When NULL or absent, it indicates that it is not known if the email information used to communicate solely with the contact is available.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. ManufacturingIndicator boolean, Optional

When 'true' indicates that the subject has a manufacturing facility. When 'false' indicates that the subject does not have a manufacturing facility; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact.

Y Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate. DisplaySequence integer, up to 5 digits, Optional
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. FindCandidate /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode. ManagementResponsibilityCodeText _ up to 3000 chars, Required
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode. ManagementResponsibilityCodeText @LanguageCode integer, up to 3 digits, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode. ManagementResponsibilityCodeText @WritingScriptISOAlpha4Code string, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode. CandidateMatchedQuantity integer, Required

Total Number of Contacts that matched the Search Criteria.

N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCode /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ManagementResponsibilityCodeNavigatorDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail Aggregate, Optional

Restrict results to and display specified job titles.

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail. JobTitle Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the name used by the organization to describe this person's job, e.g., Leader Global Communication, Manager National Technical Support Center.

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail. JobTitle. JobTitleText string, up to 3000 chars, Optional

Text that denotes a position held by the principal or manager.

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail. JobTitle. JobTitleText @LanguageCode integer, up to 3 digits, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail. JobTitle. JobTitleText @WritingScriptISOAlpha4Code string, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail. JobTitle. CandidateMatchedQuantity integer, Required

Total Number of Contacts that matched the Search Criteria.

N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail. JobTitle /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. JobTitleNavigatorDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail. LocationNavigator Aggregate, Required (Infinite)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail. LocationNavigator. LocationType LocationNavigatorTypeEnum, Required

Possible values: Country; Territory

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail. LocationNavigator. LocationCode string, Optional
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail. LocationNavigator. LocationName string, Required
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail. LocationNavigator. CandidateMatchedQuantity integer, Required

The number of subjects identified as possible prospects in the D&B repository.

N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail. LocationNavigator /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. LocationNavigatorDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

Only results matching the specified industry code(s) will be returned.

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode IndustryCodeType, Required
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode @TypeText string, up to 256 chars, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode @DNBCodeValue integer, up to 7 digits, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode @DNBCodeTableNumber integer, up to 7 digits, Attribute (1x)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode. IndustryCode string, up to 16 chars, Optional

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode. IndustryCodeDescription string, up to 256 chars, Optional (Infinite)

Text that describes the business activity based on the scheme specified by the attribute typeText. E.g., 'highway and street construction' is the description of industry code 1611 in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system.

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode. IndustryCodeDescription @IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode Attribute
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode. IndustryExplanationText string, up to 3000 chars, Optional

Free form text describing the business activity.

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode. DisplaySequence integer, Optional

A number which may be used to define the order in which this industry code should be presented relative to other industry codes of the same type where the lower the number the earlier the data is presented.

N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode. CandidateMatchedQuantity integer, Required

The number of subjects identified as possible prospects in the D&B repository.

N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail. IndustryCode /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. IndustryNavigatorDetail /Aggregate
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ContactDataNavigatorDetail Aggregate, Optional
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ContactDataNavigatorDetail. ContactData Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ContactDataNavigatorDetail. ContactData. ContactDataType ContactDataTypeEnum, Required

Possible values: HasDirectPhone; HasDirectEmail; HasDirectPhoneOrDirectEmail; HasDirectPhoneAndDirectEmail; HasDirectPhoneAndDirectEmail; HasNeitherDirectPhoneNorDirectEmai

N Y FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ContactDataNavigatorDetail. ContactData. CandidateMatchedQuantity integer, Required

Total Number of Contacts that matched the Search Criteria.

N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ContactDataNavigatorDetail. ContactData /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail. ContactDataNavigatorDetail /Aggregate
N Y End: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail. NavigatorDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: FindContactResponse. FindContactResponseDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: FindContactResponse /Aggregate

NOTE: There may be additional request and/or response elements specified in the WSDL that are not applicable for D&B Direct customers. Data elements that are not listed on this page are currently unused by this operation.

Lists of possible values (when present) are subject to change. Additional values not presented in this documentation may be delivered in the response and should be anticipated in any implementation.

Empty/NULL Values

A NULL returned for an element indicates that the information was not provided to D&B when the related data items were collected. The absence of a value for a particular item should not be considered indicative of any implied value (e.g., NULL for a boolean indicator is NOT the same as a value of 'false').

Response Codes & Error Handling

Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.

This operation may return the following response codes: CM002, CM003, CM004, CM005, CM007, CM012, CM018, CM022, and SC001-SC009.

D&B Direct 2.0 API requests are provided on a metered basis; and may require entitlement prior to use in the production environment. In addition, a concurrency limit (QPS) is monitored to ensure that it is not exceeded. An error code will be returned in the event that a transaction is throttled.

Qualified usage (e.g., a successful response) is tracked and billed according to the terms & conditions of the customer's contract. The response codes CM000, CM010, PD002 and PD015 are considered successful. A built-in feature exists to prevent duplicate billing when multiple successful requests with the same criteria are submitted on the same calendar day (which is based on Eastern Standard Time [GMT-5]).

Search operations that involve pagination will only be recorded once -- upon the initial search request. Therefore, customer online usage (OLUS) reports will display a single entry for each unique combination of search criteria requested.

Business Elements

While D&B Direct uses a product canonical naming model in the request/response, many customers may be more familiar with the following business element labels.

Basic Advanced Business Element Name Description
Y Y Company Principal First Name First name of the principal

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ContactName/ FirstName

Y Y Company Principal Full Name Full Name of the principal

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ContactName/ FullName

Y Y Company Principal Job Title

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ JobTitle/ JobTitleText

Y Y Company Principal Last Name Last name of the principal

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ContactName/ LastName

Y Y Company Principal Name Prefix A text defining the correct form of address for this principal. E.g. Dr, Professor, Lord, etc.

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ContactName/ NamePrefix/ NamePrefixText

Y Y Company Principal Name Suffix A text identifying either a familial suffix to the principals name (E.g. Senior, Junior, III. ) or a professional/qualification suffix to the principals name (E.g. MD, FRICS, PhD etc.) or some other suffix to the principals name (E.g. Baronet, Retired.).

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ContactName/ NameSuffix/ NameSuffixText

Y Y Direct E-Mail Indicator Indicates if the contact's direct email information is available or not

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ DirectEmailInformationAvailableIndicator

Y Y Direct Phone Indicator Indicates if the contact's direct telephone number information is available or not

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ DirectTelephoneInformationAvailableIndicator

Y Y D-U-N-S Number The subject identifier under the Data Universal Numbering System.

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ DUNSNumber

Y Y Manufacturing Indicator ManufacturingIndicator denotes that the subject has a manufacturing facility.

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ManufacturingIndicator

Y Y Non Marketable Reason Text

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ NonMarketableReasonText

Y Y Primary Business Name Text recording a name of this organization.

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ OrganizationPrimaryName/ OrganizationName

Y Y Principal Identification Number A number assigned by an external body or by D&B which either uniquely identifies or helps to identify the principal.

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ PrincipalIdentificationNumberDetail/ PrincipalIdentificationNumber

Y Y Total Employee Quantity

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ ConsolidatedEmployeeDetails/ TotalEmployeeQuantity

Y Y Trade Style Name Text recording tradestyle name (doing business as) of this organization.

PCM XPath: //FindCandidate/ TradeStyleName/ OrganizationName

The preceding list is not presented in the order, nor manner, in which the information is packaged and delivered via the D&B Direct API. Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.

Feature Notes

For the BASIC search option, the relevancy sort utilizes weighted values based on match rate in the name, company name, title and biographical text fields.

For the ADVANCED search option, the relevancy option utilizes a proprietary algorithm for returning the best-matched results, taking into consideration input parameters sent in the request, along with additional weighted factors.

What to do Next