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Direct 2.0

Find Industry Codes

Returns D&B industry codes that match the specified keyword.

Update History

No modifications have been made to this data layer since the initial release.

Feature Request

IMPORTANT: Please see the new Online Services Security Enhancement Release, effective November 09, 2020.


When requesting this feature, a valid Industrial Classification code (explanation below) or keyword is required. Multiple codes may be submitted in a single request, however, only one keyword may be submitted per request.

Sorting Results: By default, the results from this service will be ascending by ???. Optionally, both the sort direction and a primary sort field can be designated on the request.

Pagination: This feature provides a single set of results.

Industrial Classifications

Any of the following may be used to initiate a request from this feature;

NAICS Code: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America.

SIC Code (US): A four-digit numeric coding system developed by the United States government for the classification of industrial activities. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) was replaced by NAICS starting in 1997.

SIC Code (UK): An industry coding scheme defined by the UK government's Office for National Statistics Classifications and Harmonisation based on the Classification of Economic Activities (NACE) Revision.2 classification.

Data Layer Entitlement

For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.

  • This feature is entitled as "Detailed Search & Build-a-List - Company/Industry" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.

For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.

  • This particular data layer is included in the D&B Direct Onboard 2.0 suite.


Sample Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:ent="" xmlns:soapenv="">
      <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
         <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-1">
            <wsse:Password Type="">MyPassword</wsse:Password>
      <ent:FindIndustryRequest ServiceVersionNumber="4.0">
               <IndustryCode DNBCodeValue="3599">
Name Characteristics
FindIndustryRequest Aggregate
FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail Aggregate, Required

Records the search criteria to find the potential list of industries and the parameters to refine the search result.

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryDetail Aggregate, Required

Records search criteria to find the potential list of industries; e.g., US SIC, UK SIC, Keyword

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCode Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several business activities in which an organization is actively engaged using standardized coding schemes. Currently only the industry coding schemes UK SIC, US SIC and NAICS are supported.

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCode@DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 19295 [UK SIC 2007]; 3599 [D&B Standard Industry Code]; 700 [NAICS]

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode string up to 16 chars., Optional

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. KeywordText string up to 256 chars., Optional

Text used as an index term to retrieve search results. KeywordText can consist of a word, phrase or an alphanumerical term.

END: FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryDetail /Aggregate
FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. FindIndustrySpecification Aggregate, Optional

Records the parameters for refining the search result.

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. FindIndustrySpecification. SortDirectionText SortDirectionEnum, Optional

Text that indicates the direction of sorting; e.g., Ascending,Descending.

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. FindIndustrySpecification. SortBasisText FindIndustrySortBasis, Optional

Text denoting the data based on which the result set should be sorted; e.g., IndustryCode, IndustryDescription

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. FindIndustrySpecification. ReturnOnlyPremiumIndustryIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), only the industries part of First Research Industry List have to be listed in the search response. When false (set to 0), all the industries that match the search criteria have to be listed in the search response.

END: FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. FindIndustrySpecification /Aggregate
FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to this request in order to support subsequent searches.

FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional(Up to 5x)
FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional
END: FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail /Aggregate
END: FindIndustryRequest. FindIndustryRequestDetail /Aggregate
END: FindIndustryRequest /Aggregate


Use the following endpoint with the downloadable WSDL to request this feature.

SOAP (EntityList){version}


This operation will return a static set of results in the D&B Direct test environment (sandbox), regardless of the request parameters.

Feature Response


The following is a list of the possible data fields returned by this operation in the XML response. Samples are provided for testing successful and failed retrieval, and to demonstrate the basic layout of a response. The data returned in samples may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.

NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.

Sample Response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
   <soapenv:Body xmlns:ent="">
      <ent:FindIndustryResponse ServiceVersionNumber="6.0">
               <ResultDescription>Industry Code Data Successfully Retrieved</ResultDescription>
            <IndustryCode TypeText="D&amp;B Hoovers Industry Code" DNBCodeValue="25838">
               <IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode="9120">Crop Production</IndustryCodeDescription>
               <IndustryExplanationText>crops used mainly for food and fiber.</IndustryExplanationText>
            <IndustryCode TypeText="D&amp;B Hoovers Industry Code" DNBCodeValue="25838">
               <IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode="9120">Oilseed Farming</IndustryCodeDescription>
               <IndustryExplanationText>soybean and other oilseed crops and seeds.</IndustryExplanationText>
            <IndustryCode TypeText="D&amp;B Hoovers Industry Code" DNBCodeValue="25838">
               <IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode="9120">Grain Farming</IndustryCodeDescription>
               <IndustryExplanationText>fibrous grains and grain seeds.</IndustryExplanationText>
            <IndustryCode TypeText="D&amp;B Hoovers Industry Code" DNBCodeValue="25838">
               <IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode="9120">Agriculture &amp; Forestry Sector</IndustryCodeDescription>
               <IndustryExplanationText>grow crops, raise animals, raise and harvest fish, and harvest timber. Companies may operate farms, ranches, greenhouses, nurseries, orchards, or hatcheries. Besides producers, the sector includes companies that provide support services for agricultural operations, such as soil preparation, planting, and harvesting.</IndustryExplanationText>
Name Characteristics
FindIndustryResponse Aggregate
FindIndustryResponse@ServiceVersionNumber Attribute
FindIndustryResponse. TransactionDetail Aggregate, Required

Records information necessary to process a particular request. Examples of a request is the ordering of a product.

FindIndustryResponse. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

FindIndustryResponse. TransactionDetail. ServiceTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Required

A number assigned by the D&B service to uniquely identify this transaction.

FindIndustryResponse. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp dateTime, Required

The date and time when this request was submitted or the date and time when the requesting intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, sent the message to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

END: FindIndustryResponse. TransactionDetail /Aggregate
FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult Aggregate, Required

Records the different outcomes of the transaction.

FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult. SeverityText string, Required
FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult. ResultID string up to 32 chars., Required
FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult. ResultText string up to 512 chars., Optional
FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)
FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage. ResultDescription string up to 512 chars., Required

Text that describes the additional information regarding the outcome of the transaction.

END: FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage /Aggregate
END: FindIndustryResponse. TransactionResult /Aggregate
FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data relating to the industries matching the input search criteria. The details recorded are from D&B Hoovers Industry Coding scheme.

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several business activities in which an organization is actively engaged using standardized coding schemes such as D&B Hoovers Industry Coding scheme,European NACE and U.S. Standard Industry Classifications (SIC).

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode@TypeText Attribute

Possible values: D&B Hoovers Industry Code

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode@DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode@DNBCodeTableNumber Attribute
FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCode string up to 16 chars., Optional

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionType up to 256 chars., Optional (Infinite)

Text that describes the business activity based on the scheme specified by the attribute typeText. E.g., 'highway and street construction' is the description of industry code 1611 in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system.

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode. IndustryExplanationText string up to 3000 chars., Optional

Free form text describing the business activity.

END: FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. IndustryCode /Aggregate
FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to this request in order to support subsequent searches.

FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional(Up to 5x)
FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional
END: FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail /Aggregate
END: FindIndustryResponse. FindIndustryResponseDetail /Aggregate
END: FindIndustryResponse /Aggregate

NOTE: There may be additional request and/or response elements specified in the WSDL that are not applicable for D&B Direct customers. Data elements that are not listed on this page are currently unused by this operation.

Response Codes & Error Handling

Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.

This operation may return the following response codes: CM001, CM002, CM003, CM004, CM005, CM007, CM012, CM018, and SC001-SC009.

D&B Direct 2.0 API requests are provided on a metered basis; and may require entitlement prior to use in the production environment. In addition, a concurrency limit (QPS) is monitored to ensure that it is not exceeded. An error code will be returned in the event that a transaction is throttled.

Qualified usage (e.g., a successful response) is tracked and billed according to the terms & conditions of the customer's contract. The response codes CM000, CM010, PD002 and PD015 are considered successful. A built-in feature exists to prevent duplicate billing when multiple successful requests with the same criteria are submitted on the same calendar day (which is based on Eastern Standard Time [GMT-5]).

Business Elements

While D&B Direct uses a product canonical naming model in the request/response, many customers may be more familiar with the following business element labels.

Name Description
Industry Code This code represents the locally used activity code. These are generally regionally based industry identification systems. Examples include 1972 U.S. SIC, SBA, APE, and NACE.

PCM XPath: //IndustryCode/ IndustryCode

Industry Code Description

PCM XPath: //IndustryCode/ IndustryCodeDescription

Short Overview A short overivew about the industry

PCM XPath: //IndustryCode/ IndustryExplanationText

The preceding list is not presented in the order, nor manner, in which the information is packaged and delivered via the D&B Direct API. Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.

Feature Notes

For each matching result, this feature returns the D&B industry code, industry code name and a short overview explaining the industry.

An option exists to return only industries that have information available in the Research - Industry Code product.