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Direct 2.0

Compact Report

Concise information for making decisions fast. Three years financial comparisons, D&B Rating and a 'maximum credit recommendation' are included to help you set credit limits.

Update History

No modifications have been made to this data layer since the initial release.

Report Request

IMPORTANT: Due to a known issue, please do not include request values for SubmittingOfficeID.


When requesting this feature, a valid D-U-N-S Number for a company, a product (format) preference, and the appropriate product code will be required. For improved performance, include its country code.

A trade up option exists to request data for the headquarters when the requested organization is a branch.

NOTE: When ordering information for organizations located in Germany, customers are required to provide a valid order reason code.

Options exist to specify a report format and/or language, where available. Unless otherwise specified, reports are delivered in English, in a simple text format.

Report sample(s):

  • Compact Report (TXT)
  • Compact Report (HTML)

NOTE: This report is available in either text or HTML format, and in the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Belgian Dutch, and Belgian French.

Global Availability

The CPTR data layer is available for businesses domiciled in the following countries:

CountryISO Code
United KingdomGB
San MarinoSM
French GuianaGF
Reunion IslandRE

Data Layer Entitlement

For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.

  • This particular report is entitled as "D&B Business Information Report (BIR) & Other D&B Reports" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.

For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.

  • This particular data layer is included in the D&B Direct Onboard 2.0 suite.


Sample Request (CPTR)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:rep="" xmlns:soapenv="">
      <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
         <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-6" xmlns:wsu="">
            <wsse:Password Type="">MyPassword</wsse:Password>
      <rep:OrderCompanyReportRequest ServiceVersionNumber="3.0">
Embedded MTOM Name Characteristics
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest@ServiceVersionNumber Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. TransactionDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records information necessary to process this request.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp dateTime, Optional

The date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. TransactionDetail. SubmittingOfficeID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest. TransactionDetail /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data relating to requests for a product. This may include such details as the product required, the subject about which the product should be produced, the content of the product.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryDetail Aggregate, Required

Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the subject being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the address, the telephone number.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumber string up to 15 chars. Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}., Optional

The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S).

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. CountryISOAlpha2Code string at least 2 chars. up to 2 chars., Optional

The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)identifying the country of the inquired subject.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryDetail /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification Aggregate, Required

Records data that allows the customer to specify the details of the requested product. This may include details such as the identifier of the product, the language in which the product needs to be rendered, the format in which the product needs to be rendered.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. DNBProductID string up to 64 chars., Required

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the product being requested.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. ProductFormatPreferenceCode integer up to 7 digits., Optional

A D&B code value that describes the defined structure in which the product is to be rendered, e.g., txt, xml, pdf.

Possible values: HTML - 5183; TEXT - 15106 (default); PDF - 13204

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. LanguagePreferenceCode integer up to 7 digits., Optional

A D&B code value that defines the language in which the customer wants this product to be rendered.

Possible values: English - 39 (default); US English - 331; French - 40; Spanish - 44; German - 41; Portuguese - 43; Italian - 42; Dutch - 38; Belgian Dutch - 36; Belgian French - 37

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. OrderReasonCode integer up to 7 digits., Optional

A D&B code value that defines the grounds for the customer requesting the product, e.g., required to support a credit decision.

Possible values: 6332 [Credit Decision]; 6333 [Assessment of credit solvency for intended business connection]; 6334 [Assessment of credit solvency for ongoing business connection]; 6335 [Debt Collection]; 6336 [Commercial Credit Insurance]; 6337 [Insurance Contract]; 6338 [Leasing Agreement]; 6339 [Rental Agreement]

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. TradeUpIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1) this denotes that the customer has requested that D&B return the data for the Headquarters when the requested organization is a Branch. When false (set to 0) this denotes that the customer has not requested that D&B return the data for the Headquarters when the requested organization is a Branch; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: There are D&B WorldWide Network operations where the Headquarters information will be returned automatically, regardless of the customer request.

N Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. IncludeAttachmentIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), the Content Object will be returned as an MTOM Attachment. When false (set to 0), the content object will be returned embedded within the XML / JSON Response.

Possible values: true/false

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ProductSpecification /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data that allows the customer to specify details about the archival of the product being requested.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), it indicates that the product being ordered is not to be stored. When false (set to 0), it indicates that the product being ordered is to be stored; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. ExtendArchivePeriodIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), the duration to archive the data is to be extended. Note: There is an additional cost for extending the archival period of the data purchased. When false (set to 0), the duration to archive the data is not to be extended.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to the request in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText string up to 240 chars., Optional(Up to 5x)

A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional

Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest. OrderCompanyReportRequestDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportRequest /Aggregate


Use the following endpoint for requesting this report. The {version} is dependent on the underlying service delivering the report.

NOTE: While "organizations" is part of this endpoint, there is no service by this name. Many D&B Direct calls have a similar structure; however, the {version} component is based on the SERVICE to which a given product is associated.

Endpoint (ReportProduct){version}


The following parameters may be used for D&B Direct 2.0 developer sandbox requests to retrieve successful responses. The data returned from sandbox requests may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.

ReportD-U-N-S Number (Country Code)
Business Background Report804735132 (US)
Business Information Report804735132 (US)
+ BIR Banking (US)804735132 (US)
+ BIR Finance (US)804735132 (US)
+ BIR History & Operations (US)804735132 (US)
+ BIR Special Events/Changes/Updates (US)804800217 (US)
+ BIR ID and Summary804735132 (US)
+ BIR Payments804735132 (US)
+ BIR Public Filings804735132 (US)
+ PAR Payment Habits by Industry (US)804735132 (US)
Compact Report214567885 (GB)
Comprehensive Report804735132 (US)
Electronic Credit File214567885 (GB)
KYC804735132 (US)
214567885 (GB)
Market Analysis Reportn/a

Report Response


Text reports are returned in a Base64 encoded format within the Report Content/Data tags. All other formats are returned using the Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) method. An option is available to return all report formats as MTOM attachments.

NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.

Sample Response (CPTR)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
   <soap:Body xmlns:soap="">
      <rep:OrderCompanyReportResponse ServiceVersionNumber="3.0" xmlns:rep="">
                        <OrganizationName>D &amp; B SAMPLE CO LTD</OrganizationName>
                     <inc:Include href="cid:3c2660e:15af25bd68f:2853" xmlns:inc=""/>
Embedded MTOM Name Characteristics
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse@ServiceVersionNumber Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionDetail Aggregate, Required

Records information necessary to process a particular request. Examples of a request is the ordering of a product.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionDetail. ServiceTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Required

A number assigned by the D&B service to uniquely identify this transaction.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp dateTime, Required

The date and time when this request was submitted or the date and time when the requesting intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, sent the message to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionDetail /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult Aggregate, Required

An aggregate that can repeat multiple times to record the different outcomes of the transaction.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult. SeverityText string, Required

Text that records the criticality of the outcome, e.g., Information, Warning, Error, Fatal.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult. ResultID string up to 32 chars., Required

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the outcome of the transaction.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult. ResultText string up to 512 chars., Optional

Text that explains the outcome of the transaction.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An aggregate that can repeat multiple times to record textual data that expands on the ResultID and ResultText to provide additional information to the user regarding the status of the transaction. If the status implies that there is a problem this may also provide guidance to the user on how to address it.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage. ResultDescription string up to 512 chars., Required

Text that describes the additional information regarding the outcome of the transaction.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult. ResultMessage /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. TransactionResult /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records the data being returned to the customer as a result of a product request.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryDetail Aggregate, Required

Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the subject being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the address, the telephone number.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumber string up to 15 chars. Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}., Optional

The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S).

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryDetail. CountryISOAlpha2Code string at least 2 chars. up to 2 chars., Required

The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)identifying the country of the inquired subject.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryDetail /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product Aggregate, Required

Records data about the product ordered by the customer and data about the organization on which the customer has placed this order.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. DNBProductID string up to 64 chars., Required

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies this product.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. LanguageCode integer up to 7 digits., Optional

A D&B code value that defines the language in which the requested product is fulfilled.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization Aggregate, Required

Records data about an organization, a legal or commercial entity established to provide products and/or services in the marketplace or to the community.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader Aggregate, Required

Records high level information about the subject such as the primary language of the subject and the primary currency in which this subject trades. When the subject is an organizantion, this may also include details such as DUNS Number.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader. DUNSNumber string up to 15 chars. Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}., Optional

The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S).

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader. CountryISOAlpha2Code string at least 2 chars. up to 2 chars., Required

The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country where the subject is located

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName Aggregate, Optional

Records the different names of the organization by which it is known as well as names of other organizations that have a similar name to this organization.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName Aggregate, Optional

Records the single name by which the organization is primarily known / identified in different languages and/or writing scripts.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName. OrganizationName string up to 256 chars., Required

Text recording a name of this organization in the specified language and/or writing script.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName. OrganizationName@LanguageCode Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName. OrganizationName@WritingScriptISOAlpha4Code Attribute
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data registered by an organization with an external official registry body, a government entity or a commercial enterprise. This includes but is not limited to the following data: Legal Form, Stock Details, Organization Identification Numbers, Fiscal Period, Document Filings.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow recording of the identifiers issued by an external official registry body, a government entity or a commercial enterprise to uniquely identify an organization. Examples of an organization identification number are Chamber of Commerce numbers, Value Added Tax numbers and Tax Identification Numbers.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail@TypeText Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail@DNBCodeValue Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail@DNBCodeTableNumber Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumber string at least 1 chars. up to 40 chars., Required

A number issued by an external official registry body, a government entity or a commercial enterprise to uniquely identify an organization.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail. OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization. RegisteredDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. Organization /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment Aggregate, Required (Infinite)

Records or holds the file attached to the XML document and information pertaining to the file.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment. ContentObject base64Binary, Required

Records or holds the actual file (e.g. data, picture, blob) stored within the attachment.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment. ObjectFormatTypeText string up to 256 chars., Required

Text that describes the format of the attached file, e.g., txt, pdf, html.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment. ObjectFormatTypeText@DNBCodeValue Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment. ObjectFormatTypeText@DNBCodeTableNumber Attribute
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment. DNBProductModuleID string up to 64 chars., Optional (Infinite)

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a section (i.e., module) of data within the requested product as defined by DNBProductID.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ObjectAttachment /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data about the archival details of the product requested.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail. PortfolioAssetID PortfolioAssetIDType, Required

A number used to uniquely identify this product in the location where it is stored.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product. ArchiveDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. Product /Aggregate
Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to the request in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText string up to 240 chars., Optional(Up to 5x)

A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

Y Y OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional

Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process.

Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail /Aggregate
Y Y END: OrderCompanyReportResponse. OrderCompanyReportResponseDetail /Aggregate

Response Codes & Error Handling

Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.

This operation may return the following response codes: CM001-CM005, CM007, CM008, CM011, CM012, PD001-PD006, and SC001-SC008.

Report Notes

The Product Availability Lookup feature may be utilized to determine if a particular report is available for a given D-U-N-S Number.