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D&B Credit

Company Profile Chapter

The Company Profile chapter displays the history of a company, including management team background and key principals, details on related companies, registration industry classification, and incorporation information. Also featured are details of company operations, including the identity of the parent company, the geographic scope of the business, and the key holdings.

Company Overview Panel

The Company Overview panel displays information such as: D-U-N-S Number, Mailing Address, Telephone Number, and Annual Sales. The default information shown will vary depending on the location of the company.


The Map displays the location of a company's primary address and a picture of the building using Google maps.

  1. Click on the map to display the company's location on Google maps.
  2. Click on the business Image to display the company's business on Google maps.

Business Registration Panel

The Business Registration panel displays details about a company's incorporation history. These details are invaluable when you need to:

  • Verify the existence of a registered organization.

  • Confirm legal information, such as a company's organizational structure, date and state of incorporation or organization.

  • Research possible fraud by reviewing names of principals and the business 's standing within a state.

Business Registrations have taken on added importance with revisions to UCC Article 9. Creditors will now be held responsible for the validity and accuracy of UCC statements they file with the Secretary of State. Failure to meet this requirement may jeopardize your legally recognized rights to collateral in secured financing agreements.

NOTE: UCC applies to US Reports only.

Principals Panel

The Principals panel displays information about the principals and board members associated with a company including information such as: Present Officers, Other Current Association, and Previous Positions. Details on principals include first name, last name, professional designation, and title. For Canadian companies, you can also view further details of a principal on LinkedIn.

  1. Click on the (LinkedIn icon). The LinkedIn Site opens in another browser tab with the first name, last name and company filled in.

Company Events Panel

The Company Events panel displays details on the company's history, including the following:

  • Incorporation details, par value of shares, and ownership information.
  • Background information on management, such as the educational and career history of the company principals.
  • Related companies, including identification of parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and/or branches worldwide.

The History Section may also include corporate registration details, which are invaluable when you need to:

  • Verify the existence of a registered organization.

  • Confirm legal information, such as a company's organizational structure, date and state of incorporation or organization.

  • Research possible fraud by reviewing names of principals and the business 's standing within a state.

Business Activities and Employees Panel

The Business Activities and Employees panel displays the following information: Business information, Location information, SIC/NAICS Information, and NAICS Codes. Business Information such as Trade Name, Description (additional telephone number(s) and number of accounts), Employees (total number of employees for the business overall and number of employees at the specified location of the company), and Financial Condition are displayed for the company.

Government Activity

The Government Activity indicators provide a snapshot of a business’ dealings with the federal government. This may indicate for the business one of the following:

  • The business may be a recipient of government loan assistance, either direct or through guarantees of debt held by banks.

  • The business may owe (or owed) a debt to the federal government as a result of fines, fees levied for government services, or overpayment by government agencies for goods or services purchased from the business.

  • The business may be a recipient of government contracts or grants.

  • The business is excluded from contract work with the federal government, all or in part, due to debarment, suspension of license, or some other factor(s).

This summary also shows if a business meets specific certification requirements to be qualified as:

Labor Surplus Area

Indicates that the business is operating in a labor surplus area as defined for a Civil Jurisdiction, rather than the entire Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), where the average unemployment number is 20% higher than the average U.S. unemployment rate in the last two calendar years as provided by the Small Business Administration.

Small Business

Indicates that a business is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. The Small Business Administration establishes small business size standards on an industry-by-industry basis, but generally specifies a small business as having fewer than 500 employees for manufacturing businesses and less than $7 million in annual receipts for most non-manufacturing businesses.

8(a) Firm

Indicates that the business is certified as a small business and is owned 51% or more by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.

NOTE: The government activities section is only available on US Reports.