Diversity Indicators
Product | D&B Direct 2.0 |
Product Code(s) | DVR_STD, DVR_ENH |
Level(s) | Standard, Enhanced |
Monitoring Available | Yes |
Interface | SOAP |
WSDL | download |
Format(s) | XML |
Service | Firmographic |
Operation | OrderProduct |
{version} | 5.3 |
5.3 Released On | April 22, 2016 |
Meet your diversity goals with access to the leading source of diversity data collected from over 250 sources. Access our database of more than 6.7 million socio-economic classifications and over 20 million small business indicators to find qualified suppliers that meet your needs.
Match your supplier file with D&B’s database to append diversity indicators and determine the diversity in your supply base. Add additional suppliers to meet company goals, comply with corporate, federal, state, and Tier 2 requirements such as eSRS reporting.
Update History
No modifications have been made to this data layer since the initial release.
Product Request
IMPORTANT: Due to a known issue, please do not include request values for SubmittingOfficeID.
IMPORTANT: Please see the new Online Services Security Enhancement Release, effective November 09, 2020.
The Product Availability Lookup feature may be utilized to determine if this D&B Direct product is available for a given D&B D-U-N-S Number.
When requesting this feature, a valid D&B D-U-N-S Number for a company and the appropriate product code will be required. For improved performance, include its country code.
A trade up option exists to request data for the headquarters when the requested organization is a branch.
NOTE: When ordering information for organizations located in Germany, customers are required to provide a valid order reason code.
Global Availability
The DVR_STD, DVR_ENH data layers are available for businesses domiciled in the following countries:
DVR_STD | DVR_ENH | Country | ISO Code |
Y | Y | United States of America | US |
Y | Y | Belgium | BE |
Y | Y | France | FR |
Y | Y | Germany | DE |
Y | Y | Italy | IT |
Y | Y | Netherlands | NL |
Y | Y | Portugal | PT |
Y | Y | Spain | ES |
Y | Y | United Kingdom | GB |
Y | Y | Australia | AU |
Y | Y | New Zealand | NZ |
Y | Y | Andorra | AD |
Y | Y | Anguilla | AI |
Y | Y | Antigua & Barbuda | AG |
Y | Y | Aruba | AW |
Y | Y | Bahamas | BS |
Y | Y | Barbados | BB |
Y | Y | Belize | BZ |
Y | Y | Bermuda | BM |
Y | Y | Bolivia | BO |
Y | Y | British Virgin Islands | VG |
Y | Y | Canada | CA |
Y | Y | Cayman Islands | KY |
Y | Y | Colombia | CO |
Y | Y | Costa Rica | CR |
Y | Y | Denmark | DK |
Y | Y | Dominica | DM |
Y | Y | Dominican Republic | DO |
Y | Y | Ecuador | EC |
Y | Y | El Salvador | SV |
Y | Y | Faero Islands | FO |
Y | Y | Finland | FI |
Y | Y | Grenada | GD |
Y | Y | Guatemala | GT |
Y | Y | Guyana | GY |
Y | Y | Haiti | HT |
Y | Y | Honduras | HN |
Y | Y | Ireland | IE |
Y | Y | Jamaica | JM |
Y | Y | Japan | JP |
Y | Y | Luxembourg | LU |
Y | Y | Mexico | MX |
Y | Y | Monaco | MC |
Y | Y | Montserrat | MS |
Y | Y | Netherlands Antilles | AN |
Y | Y | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba | BQ |
Y | Y | Curaçao | CW |
Y | Y | Sint Maarten (dutch) | SX |
Y | Y | Nicaragua | NI |
Y | Y | Norway | NO |
Y | Y | Panama | PA |
Y | Y | Saint Kitts & Nevis | KN |
Y | Y | Saint Lucia | LC |
Y | Y | Saint Vincent | VC |
Y | Y | San Marino | SM |
Y | Y | Suriname | SR |
Y | Y | Sweden | SE |
Y | Y | Taiwan | TW |
Y | Y | Trinidad And Tobago | TT |
Y | Y | Turks And Caicos | TC |
Y | Y | Venezuela | VE |
Y | Y | Albania | AL |
Y | Y | Argentina | AR |
Y | Y | Armenia | AM |
Y | Y | Austria | AT |
Y | Y | Azerbaijan | AZ |
Y | Y | Bangladesh | BD |
Y | Y | Bhutan | BT |
Y | Y | Bosnia And Herzegovina | BA |
Y | Y | Brazil | BR |
Y | Y | Brunei | BN |
Y | Y | Bulgaria | BG |
Y | Y | Burma (myanmar) | MM |
Y | Y | Belarus | BY |
Y | Y | China, Peoples Republic of | CN |
Y | Y | Croatia | HR |
Y | Y | Cyprus | CY |
Y | Y | Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus | XT |
Y | Y | Czech Republic | CZ |
Y | Y | Estonia | EE |
Y | Y | Georgia | GE |
Y | Y | Gibraltar | GI |
Y | Y | Greece | GR |
Y | Y | Hong Kong SAR | HK |
Y | Y | Hungary | HU |
Y | Y | Iceland | IS |
Y | Y | India | IN |
Y | Y | Indonesia | ID |
Y | Y | Kazakhstan | KZ |
Y | Y | Korea, Republic of | KR |
Y | Y | Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Y | Y | Latvia | LV |
Y | Y | Liechtenstein | LI |
Y | Y | Lithuania | LT |
Y | Y | North Macedonia | MK |
Y | Y | Maldives | MV |
Y | Y | Malta | MT |
Y | Y | Moldova | MD |
Y | Y | Montenegro | ME |
Y | Y | Nepal | NP |
Y | Y | Pakistan | PK |
Y | Y | Paraguay | PY |
Y | Y | Philippines | PH |
Y | Y | Poland | PL |
Y | Y | Romania | RO |
Y | Y | Russian Federation | RU |
Y | Y | Serbia | RS |
Y | Y | Singapore | SG |
Y | Y | Slovakia | SK |
Y | Y | Slovenia | SI |
Y | Y | Sri Lanka | LK |
Y | Y | Switzerland | CH |
Y | Y | Tajhikstan | TJ |
Y | Y | Thailand | TH |
Y | Y | Turkey | TR |
Y | Y | Turkmenistan | TM |
Y | Y | Ukraine | UA |
Y | Y | Uruguay | UY |
Y | Y | Uzbekistan | UZ |
Y | Y | Vietnam | VN |
Y | Y | Kosovo | XK |
Data Layer Entitlement
For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.
- This product is entitled as "Diversity Indicators" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.
For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.
- This particular data layer is NOT included in the D&B Direct Onboard suite.
Data Privacy
This product returns information that, in some jurisdictions, is considered personally identifiable information (PII). D&B customers that are entitled to request this product (and any third-parties that may be assisting with their implementation) are bound to the data privacy terms specified in the D&B Direct agreement.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:fir="http://services.dnb.com/FirmographicsProductServiceV2.0"> <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-11"> <wsse:Username>MyUsername</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">Password</wsse:Password> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <fir:OrderProductRequest ServiceVersionNumber="5.0"> <OrderProductRequestDetail> <InquiryDetail> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> </InquiryDetail> <ProductSpecification> <DNBProductID>DVR_STD</DNBProductID> <LanguagePreferenceCode>39</LanguagePreferenceCode> </ProductSpecification> <ArchiveDetail> <ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator>false</ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator> </ArchiveDetail> <InquiryReferenceDetail> <CustomerReferenceText>Order Placed by Dan</CustomerReferenceText> </InquiryReferenceDetail> </OrderProductRequestDetail> </fir:OrderProductRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:fir="http://services.dnb.com/FirmographicsProductServiceV2.0"> <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-11"> <wsse:Username>MyUsername</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">Password</wsse:Password> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <fir:OrderProductRequest ServiceVersionNumber="5.0"> <OrderProductRequestDetail> <InquiryDetail> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> </InquiryDetail> <ProductSpecification> <DNBProductID>DVR_ENH</DNBProductID> <LanguagePreferenceCode>39</LanguagePreferenceCode> </ProductSpecification> <ArchiveDetail> <ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator>false</ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator> </ArchiveDetail> <InquiryReferenceDetail> <CustomerReferenceText>Order Placed by Dan</CustomerReferenceText> </InquiryReferenceDetail> </OrderProductRequestDetail> </fir:OrderProductRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Name | Characteristics |
OrderProductRequest | Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest @ServiceVersionNumber | Attribute |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records information necessary to process this request. |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail. ApplicationTransactionID | string, up to 64 chars, Optional A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request. |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail. TransactionTimestamp | date & time, Optional The date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary. |
OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail. SubmittingOfficeID | string, up to 64 chars, Optional A number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated. |
End: OrderProductRequest. TransactionDetail | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail | Aggregate, Required Records data relating to requests for a product. This may include such details as the product required, the subject about which the product should be produced, the content of the product. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail | Aggregate, Required Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the subject being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the address, the telephone number. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. DUNSNumber | string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail. CountryISOAlpha2Code | string, at least 2 chars, up to 2 chars, Optional The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)identifying the country of the inquired subject. |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryDetail | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification | Aggregate, Required Records data that allows the customer to specify the details of the requested product. This may include details such as the identifier of the product, the language in which the product needs to be rendered, the format in which the product needs to be rendered. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. DNBProductID | Element |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. LanguagePreferenceCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional A D&B code value that defines the language in which the customer wants this product to be rendered. Possible values: 39 [English] |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. OrderReasonCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional Possible values: 6332 [Credit Decision]; 6333 [Assessment of credit solvency for intended business connection]; 6334 [Assessment of credit solvency for ongoing business connection]; 6335 [Debt Collection]; 6336 [Commercial Credit Insurance]; 6337 [Insurance Contract]; 6338 [Leasing Agreement]; 6339 [Rental Agreement] |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification. TradeUpIndicator | boolean, Optional When 'true' indicates that the customer has requested that D&B return the data for the headquarters when the requested organization is a Branch. When 'false' indicates that the customer has not requested that D&B return the data for the headquarters when the requested organization is a Branch; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: There are D&B WorldWide Network operations where the headquarters information will be returned automatically, regardless of the customer request. Possible values: true; false |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ProductSpecification | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail | Aggregate, Optional |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator | boolean, Optional Possible values: true; false |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. ExtendArchivePeriodIndicator | boolean, Optional When 'true' the duration to archive the data is to be extended. Note: There is an additional cost for extending the archival period of the data purchased. When 'false' the duration to archive the data is not to be extended. Possible values: true; false |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail. PortfolioAssetContainerID | long, Optional |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. ArchiveDetail | /Aggregate |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to the request in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerReferenceText | string, up to 240 chars, Optional (Up to 5x) A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail. CustomerBillingEndorsementText | string, at least 1 char, up to 240 chars, Optional Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process. |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail. InquiryReferenceDetail | /Aggregate |
End: OrderProductRequest. OrderProductRequestDetail | /Aggregate |
End: OrderProductRequest | /Aggregate |
Use the following endpoint with the downloadable WSDL to request this product.
SOAP (Firmographic) |
https://direct.dnb.com/FirmographicsProduct/V{version} |
The following parameters may be used for D&B Direct 2.0 developer sandbox requests to retrieve successful responses. The data returned from sandbox requests may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.
D-U-N-S Number (Country Code) |
804735132 (US); 362241452 (US); 214567885 (GB); 754683795 (AU); 481794956 (CH) |
When conducting testing in the production environment during a trial period, product requests will be limited to the local market of the customer.
A set of D-U-N-S Numbers is available to D&B Direct 2.0 customers for performing non-billable transactions in the production environment.
Product Response
While data for a particular company may not contain values for each of the business elements, there may be items that are considered by D&B to be "essential" to yield the maximum benefit of a data layer. If any of these essential elements do not contain a value for a particular company, a PD005 response code will be returned, and your organization will not incur a usage credit for the request.
For all codified data delivered by D&B Direct, the response package will include the decoded text value as a data element with the code value attached as an attribute. Refer to the Reference Data Service for access to the D&B standard code tables.
The following is a list of the possible data fields returned by this operation in the XML response. Samples are provided for testing successful and failed retrieval, and to demonstrate the basic layout of a response. The data returned in samples may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.
NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:fir="http://services.dnb.com/FirmographicsProductServiceV2.0"> <soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-11"> <wsse:Username>produserCA@dnb.com</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">password123</wsse:Password> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <fir:OrderProductRequest ServiceVersionNumber="5.0"> <OrderProductRequestDetail> <InquiryDetail> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> </InquiryDetail> <ProductSpecification> <DNBProductID>DVR_STD</DNBProductID> <LanguagePreferenceCode>39</LanguagePreferenceCode> </ProductSpecification> <ArchiveDetail> <ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator>false</ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator> </ArchiveDetail> <InquiryReferenceDetail> <CustomerReferenceText>Order Placed by Dan</CustomerReferenceText> </InquiryReferenceDetail> </OrderProductRequestDetail> </fir:OrderProductRequest> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap-env:Body xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <fir:OrderProductResponse ServiceVersionNumber="5.0" xmlns:fir="http://services.dnb.com/FirmographicsProductServiceV2.0"> <TransactionDetail> <ServiceTransactionID>Id-da26b24c52a6365111ab3439-2</ServiceTransactionID> <TransactionTimestamp>2013-12-09T16:29:54.464-05:00</TransactionTimestamp> </TransactionDetail> <TransactionResult> <SeverityText>Information</SeverityText> <ResultID>CM000</ResultID> <ResultText>Success</ResultText> </TransactionResult> <OrderProductResponseDetail> <InquiryDetail> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> </InquiryDetail> <Product> <DNBProductID>DVR_ENH</DNBProductID> <LanguageCode>39</LanguageCode> <Organization> <SubjectHeader> <DUNSNumber>804735132</DUNSNumber> </SubjectHeader> <Telecommunication> <TelephoneNumber> <TelecommunicationNumber>(650) 555-0000</TelecommunicationNumber> <InternationalDialingCode>1</InternationalDialingCode> </TelephoneNumber> </Telecommunication> <Location> <PrimaryAddress> <StreetAddressLine> <LineText>492 Koller St</LineText> </StreetAddressLine> <PrimaryTownName>San Francisco</PrimaryTownName> <CountryISOAlpha2Code>US</CountryISOAlpha2Code> <TerritoryAbbreviatedName>CA</TerritoryAbbreviatedName> <PostalCode>94110</PostalCode> <TerritoryOfficialName>California</TerritoryOfficialName> <PoliticalDistrict> <PoliticalDistrictText>12</PoliticalDistrictText> </PoliticalDistrict> </PrimaryAddress> </Location> <OrganizationName> <OrganizationPrimaryName> <OrganizationName>Gorman Manufacturing Company, Inc.</OrganizationName> </OrganizationPrimaryName> </OrganizationName> <OrganizationDetail> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12773">Parent</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12774">Domestic Ultimate</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRole> <FamilyTreeMemberRoleText DNBCodeValue="12775">Global Ultimate</FamilyTreeMemberRoleText> </FamilyTreeMemberRole> </OrganizationDetail> <SocioEconomicIdentification> <SmallDisadvantagedBusinessIndicator>true</SmallDisadvantagedBusinessIndicator> <SmallDisadvantagedBusinessIndicator>true</SmallDisadvantagedBusinessIndicator> <SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail> <CertificationStartDate>0002-11-30</CertificationStartDate> <CertificationExpirationDate>0002-11-30</CertificationExpirationDate> <DNBReceivedDate>2013-08-20</DNBReceivedDate> </SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail> </SocioEconomicIdentification> </Organization> <ArchiveDetail> <PortfolioAssetID>39950920</PortfolioAssetID> </ArchiveDetail> </Product> <InquiryReferenceDetail> <CustomerReferenceText>Order Placed by Dan</CustomerReferenceText> </InquiryReferenceDetail> </OrderProductResponseDetail> </fir:OrderProductResponse> </soap-env:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
STD | ENH | Name | Characteristics |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product | Aggregate, Required Records data about the product ordered by the customer and data about the organization on which the customer has placed this order. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. DNBProductID | string, up to 64 chars, Required |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. LanguageCode | integer, up to 7 digits, Optional A D&B code value that defines the language in which the requested product is fulfilled. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization | Aggregate, Required Records data about an organization, a legal or commercial entity established to provide products and/or services in the marketplace or to the community. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader | Aggregate, Required Records high level information about the subject such as the primary language of the subject and the primary currency in which this subject trades. When the subject is an organizantion, this may also include details such as DUNS Number. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader. DUNSNumber | string, up to 15 chars Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}, Optional [M] The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SubjectHeader | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location | Aggregate, Optional Records the address details for a subject. An address is the designation of a place where a subject can be located or may be communicated with, e.g., primary address, registered address, mailing address. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop to allow the recording of a single primary or physical address of the subject in multiple languages and/or writing scripts. For an organization this is the principal address at which the organization is located. For an individual, this is the home address. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several lines where each address line contains one or more named address elements. Examples of named address elements are Street Name, Street Number, Building Name, Estate Name. They are called “lines” because an addres can be divided into multiple lines. When there are multiple lines the sequence of the lines must be preserved. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine. LineText | string, up to 240 chars, Required [M+] Text that records the street address components as it would be presented on an address label. This includes, but is not limited to, details such as street name, street number, building name, estate name. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine. DisplaySequence | integer, up to 3 digits, Optional A number which may be used to define the order in which this street address line should be presented relative to other street address lines where the lower the number the earlier the data is presented. |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. StreetAddressLine | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. PrimaryTownName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] The name of the town or city recognized by the Postal Authority for delivering mail. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. CountryISOAlpha2Code | string, at least 2 chars, up to 2 chars, Optional [M+] The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country for this address. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. PostalCode | string, up to 16 chars, Optional [M+] An identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location. For example, in Belgium, Postal Code 9000 identifies the town of GHENT. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. TerritoryOfficialName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. TerritoryAbbreviatedName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] The shortened name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States of America. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. PoliticalDistrict | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that repeats multiple times to record different distinct territorial subdivision for holding a separate election for one or more seats in a legislative body to which this address belong. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. PoliticalDistrict. PoliticalDistrictText | string, up to 256 chars, Required [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /PrimaryAddress |
Y | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress. PoliticalDistrict | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. PrimaryAddress | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of address which is mainly utilized for the purpose of mail delivery. This usually includes a Post Office Box number or similar mailing details. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. StreetAddressLine | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several lines where each address line contains one or more named address elements. Examples of named address elements are Street Name, Street Number, Building Name, Estate Name. They are called “lines” because an addres can be divided into multiple lines. When there are multiple lines the sequence of the lines must be preserved. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. StreetAddressLine. LineText | string, up to 240 chars, Required [M+] Text that records the street address components as it would be presented on an address label. This includes, but is not limited to, details such as street name, street number, building name, estate name. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. StreetAddressLine. DisplaySequence | integer, up to 3 digits, Optional A number which may be used to define the order in which this street address line should be presented relative to other street address lines where the lower the number the earlier the data is presented. |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. StreetAddressLine | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. PrimaryTownName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] The name of the town or city recognized by the Postal Authority for delivering mail. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. CountryISOAlpha2Code | string, at least 2 chars, up to 2 chars, Optional [M+] The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country for this address. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. CountyOfficialName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. PostalCode | string, up to 16 chars, Optional [M+] An identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify a particular geographic location. For example, in Belgium, Postal Code 9000 identifies the town of GHENT. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. TerritoryOfficialName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress. TerritoryAbbreviatedName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] The shortened name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States of America. Monitor Path: //Organization /Location /MailingAddress |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location. MailingAddress | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Location | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication | Aggregate, Optional Records information about the different modes of Telecommunication addresses used by a subject for external contact purposes. The modes of communication include telephone, fax, e-mail, web address. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. TelephoneNumber | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can allow multiple Telephone contact information used for voice communication with the subject. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. TelephoneNumber. TelecommunicationNumber | string, at least 1 char, up to 50 chars, Required [M+] A sequence of digits used by the subject for voice communication in a public switched telephone network. This sequence of digits includes the area code or city code. NOTE: This number does not include the International Dialing Code and Domestic Dialing Code. NOTE: Data provided is formatted as per national conventions for each country Monitor Path: //Organization /Telecommunication |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. TelephoneNumber. InternationalDialingCode | string, up to 7 chars, Optional [M+] The country calling code assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) required to connect to this Telecommunication Number of the subject country when dialing from outside the subject country; e.g., '1' for the US, '44' for the UK, '91' for India. Monitor Path: //Organization /Telecommunication |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. TelephoneNumber | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. FacsimileNumber | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can allow multiple Facsimile contact information used for data communication with the subject. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. FacsimileNumber. TelecommunicationNumber | string, at least 1 char, up to 50 chars, Required [M+] A sequence of digits used by the subject for voice communication in a public switched telephone network. This sequence of digits includes the area code or city code. NOTE: This number does not include the International Dialing Code and Domestic Dialing Code. NOTE: Data provided is formatted as per national conventions for each country Monitor Path: //Organization /Telecommunication |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. FacsimileNumber. InternationalDialingCode | string, up to 7 chars, Optional [M+] The country calling code assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) required to connect to this Telecommunication Number of the subject country when dialing from outside the subject country; e.g., '1' for the US, '44' for the UK, '91' for India. Monitor Path: //Organization /Telecommunication |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Telecommunication. FacsimileNumber | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName | Aggregate, Optional Records the different names of the organization by which it is known as well as names of other organizations that have a similar name to this organization. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of a single name by which the organization is primarily known / identified in different languages and/or writing scripts. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName. OrganizationName | string, up to 256 chars, Required [M] Text recording a name of this organization in the specified language and/or writing script. |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. OrganizationPrimaryName | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. TradeStyleName | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of a name which an organization trades under for commercial purposes, although its registered, legal name, used for contracts and other formal situations, may be another. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. TradeStyleName. OrganizationName | string, up to 256 chars, Required [M+] Text recording a name of this organization in the specified language and/or writing script. Monitor Path: //Organization /OrganizationName /TradeStyleName |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. TradeStyleName. DisplaySequence | integer, up to 3 digits, Optional A numeric value used to identify the relative importance of this Organization Name compared to the other Organization Names for this organization that are of the same type (e.g., Trading Style). The lower the importance level number, the more important (preferred) is an Organization Name. |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName. TradeStyleName | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationName | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records fundamental information about a Subject which may vary over time. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of various parts that the Subject plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole. FamilyTreeMemberRoleText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text describing the part that the Subject plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree, e.g., a branch, division, a parent, headquarters, subsidiary, global ultimate, domestic ultimate. Possible values: Subsidiary; Branch; Division; Headquarters; Parent; Domestic Ultimate; Global Ultimate Monitor Path: //Organization /OrganizationDetail /FamilyTreeMemberRole |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole. FamilyTreeMemberRoleText @DNBCodeValue | integer, up to 7 digits, Attribute (1x) Possible values: 9159 (Subsidiary); 12769 (Branch); 12770 (Division); 12771 (Headquarters); 12773 (Parent); 12774 (Domestic Ultimate); 12775 (Global Ultimate) |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole. FamilyTreeMemberRoleText @DNBCodeTableNumber | integer, up to 7 digits, Attribute (1x) |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. FamilyTreeMemberRole | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail. OperatingStatusText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text describing this organization's functional state / trading status, e.g. active, out of business, dormant. Possible values: Out of Business; Active; Dormant; Out of business - Unfavourable; Out of business - Favourable; Ceased trading; Assumed Out of Business - Unable to Confirm Active Operations For US cases - 9077 [Out of business - Favourable]; 9076 [Out of business - Unfavourable]; 9074 [Active]; 403 [Out of business]; For CA cases - 9077 [Out of business - Favourable]; 9076 [Out of business - Unfavourable]; 9074 [Active]; Monitor Path: //Organization /OrganizationDetail /OperatingStatusText@DNBCodeValue |
Y | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. OrganizationDetail | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification | Aggregate, Optional Records information about subjects' categorization into Socio Economic or Statistical groups. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more minority group members. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more minority group members; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered minority owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more female persons. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are not controlled by, one or more female persons; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered female owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, socially and economically disadvantaged persons. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, socially and economically disadvantaged persons; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AlaskanNativeCorporationIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the tribe is an Alaskan Native Corporation. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is small, certified by a federal, state or local government agency or organization as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityCollegeIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is a college or university where the profile of the majority of students is of minority ethnicity. For example, if maximum percentage of students in a college or university are from black ethnicity, this would be a 'Minority College' with black ethnicity type. An example of Minority College is 'Delaware State University'. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not a college or university where the profile of the majority of students is of minority ethnicity; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more persons who have a condition which prevents the person from performing all usual physical or mental functions When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are not controlled by, one or more disabled persons; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered disabled owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. ServiceDisabledVeteranOwnedIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is at least 51% owned by one or more veterans with a disability that is service connected. The term “service connected” means, with respect to disability or death, that such disability was incurred or aggravated, in the line of duty in the active military, naval or air service. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VietnamVeteranOwnedIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is a least 51% owned by one or more Vietnam Veterans who served between 1/1/59 and 5/7/75 and have control and operate the business. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business operates as a concessionaire at one of the nation's airports and meets the ownership eligibility requirements as set forth by the regulations outlined in 49 CFR Part 23. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledVeteranBusinessEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is recognized by the state of California, meaning a veteran of the U.S. military, naval, or air service, with a service-connected disability of at least 10% or more and who is a California resident; where at least 51% is owned by disabled veteran/s and conducts daily business management and control. The home office can not be a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, foreign firm or other foreign-based business. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility, but may include women, minority, disabled and other disadvantaged businesses as a result of economic disadvantages with respect to education, employment, residence or business location or social disadvantage and lack of business training. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedVeteranEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is a small business concern owned and controlled by veterans, where not less than 51% is owned controlled and managed by veterans. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityBusinessEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business is certified by a federal, state or local government agency through an application and/or premise visit process as having met all of the government standards and requirements. When 'false' indicates that the business is not certified by a federal, state or local government agency through an application and/or premise visit process as having met all of the government standards and requirements. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedBusinessEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates the business is certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards and requirements. When 'false' indicates the business is not certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards and requirements. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of information about the characterization of the organization as minority owned. A minority owned organization is a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more minority group members. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered minority owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. OwnershipEthnicity | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) Records the racial, national, tribal, or cultural classifications that are applied to an organization based on the ethnicity of a majority of its ownership. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. OwnershipEthnicity. EthnicityTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that uniquely identifies the ethnic classification that's applied to this organization based on the racial, national, tribal, or cultural group that describes a majority of its ownership, e.g., Asian, Hispanic, African American (Black). Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /MinorityOwnedDetails |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails. OwnershipEthnicity | /Aggregate |
N | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. MinorityOwnedDetails | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to record the information about the characterization of the organization as female owned. A female owned organization is a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more female persons. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered female owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /FemaleOwnedDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. FemaleOwnedDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to record information about the characterization of the organization as veteran owned. A veteran owned organization is a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more veterans. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered veteran owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /VeteranOwnedDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to record the details of the small business operates as a concessionaire at one of the nation's airports and meets the ownership eligibility requirements. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records the details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. Location | Aggregate, Optional Records the address details for a subject. An address is the designation of a place where a subject can be located or may be communicated with. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. Location. TerritoryAbbreviatedName | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] The shortened name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States of America. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. Location. CountryISOAlpha2Code | string, at least 2 chars, up to 2 chars, Optional [M+] The two-letter country code, defined in the ISO 3166-1 scheme published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country for this address. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. Location | /Aggregate |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to record the information about the businesswhich is certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility, but may include women, minority, disabled and other disadvantaged businesses as a result of economic disadvantages with respect to education, employment, residence or business location or social disadvantage and lack of business training. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. HUBZoneCertifiedBusinessIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified by the US Small Business Administration as being a recipient of the HUB Zone program. A small business must meet all of the following criteria to qualify for the HUB Zone program: It must be located in a 'historically underutilized business zone'. It must be owned and controlled by one or more U.S Citizens. Greater than 35% of its employees must reside in a HUBZone. A HUBZone (Historically Underutilized Business Zone) is an area that is located in one or more of the following - a) A qualified census tract (as defined in section 42(d)(5)(C)(i)(I) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986). b) A qualified 'non-metropolitan county' (as defined in section 143(k)(2)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) with a median household income of less than 80% of the State median household income or with an unemployment rate of not less than 140% of the statewide average, based on U.S. Department of Labor recent data. c) Lands within the boundaries of federally recognized Indian reservations. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified by the US Small Business Administration as being a recipient of the HUB Zone program; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified by the US Small Business Administration as being a recipient of the 8(a) Business Development Program, a business development program created to help small disadvantaged businesses compete in the American economy and access the federal procurement market. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified by the US Small Business Administration as being a recipient of the 8(a) Business Development Program; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails | Aggregate, Optional Records the details of one or more certification information of the organization as an 8A certified organization. The 8(a) program is a business development program created to help small disadvantaged businesses compete in the American economy and access the federal procurement market. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /EightACertifiedBusinessDetails |
N | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. EightACertifiedBusinessDetails | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records the information about the business meets certification eligibility criteria established by the SBA effective 7/1/99. All firms must be certified by one of the Small Disadvantaged Business Certification Agencies designated by the SBA. To qualify must be a small business, not exceed standards for Primary SIC, meet Contracting Officers’ assigned SIC code, be a U.S. Citizen and be 51% owned and controlled by one or more Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records the details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to record the information about the business usually certified by a federal, state or local government agency or organization as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date on which a certification period for a given subject organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date on when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 32 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records the details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail | Aggregate, Optional (Infinite) An entry loop that can repeat multiple times to record the information about the business which is a least 51% owned by one or more disabled persons who control and operate the business. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. CertificationStartDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when certification period for this organization begins. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. CertificationExpirationDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when the certificate expires. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. CertificationReferenceIdentifier | string, up to 64 chars, Optional [M+] An alphanumeric identifier assigned by the data provider to identify the document attesting that the organization has satisfied the standards or requirements of their socio-economic program. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail | Aggregate, Optional Records details of the source from which this data was originally obtained. |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. CertifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that this data provider is not certified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. VerifyingIndicator | boolean, Optional [M+] When 'true' indicates that certification has been verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. When 'false' indicates that the certification has not verified to endorse the subject authoritatively. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. DiversityDNBDataProviderName | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail. DataProviderTypeText | string, up to 256 chars, Optional [M+] Text that describes in general terms the type of data provider this is, e.g., National Government, National Coverage Organization, Local Non-Profit Organization.This is used in statistical reporting regarding D&B's socio economic data coverage. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DataProviderDetail | /Aggregate |
N | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail. DNBReceivedDate | date, Optional [M+] The date when D&B obtained this data from the source. Monitor Path: //Organization /SocioEconomicIdentification /DisabledOwnedDetail |
N | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. DisabledOwnedDetail | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranOwnedIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more veterans. A veteran refers to a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by, and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by, one or more veterans; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US, for a business to be considered veteran owned, the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. LaborSurplusAreaIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that operates in a labor surplus area. A labor surplus area is a geographical area identified by the Department of Labor, as an area of concentrated unemployment or underemployment or an area of labor surplus. When 'false' indicates that this organization is not certified as a business that operates in a labor surplus area; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. SmallBusinessIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a small business. A small business is an entity that is usually privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively low volume of sales. Small businesses are normally privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships. The legal definition of small" varies by country and by industry |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification. VeteranBusinessEnterpriseIndicator | boolean, Optional [M] When 'true' indicates that the business falls under SBA Guidelines Small Business Act (PL 85-536), which as amended states: Small Business Concerns owned and controlled by veterans not less than 51% owned by one or more veterans and in the case of a publicly owned business not less than 51% of the stock is owned by one or more veterans. |
Y | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. SocioEconomicIdentification | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events | Aggregate, Optional Records the information about events that have either involved or affected the subject (usually an organization, but sometimes an individual who is an owner or principal of an organization). It covers legal events, significant events and financing events. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. PublicFilingHeader | Aggregate, Optional Records the information about Legal and Financing Events. |
Y | Y | OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. PublicFilingHeader. DisclaimerText | string, up to 720 chars, Optional [M] The text that intended to specify or delimit the scope of rights and obligations that may be exercised and enforced by parties in a legally-recognized relationship. In contrast to other terms for legally operative language, the term disclaimer usually implies situations that involve some level of uncertainty, waiver, or risk. |
Y | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events. PublicFilingHeader | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization. Events | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | END: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product. Organization | /Aggregate |
Y | Y | End: OrderProductResponse. OrderProductResponseDetail. Product | /Aggregate |
Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.
Lists of possible values (when present) are subject to change. Additional values not presented in this documentation may be delivered in the response and should be anticipated in any implementation.
Empty/NULL Values
A NULL returned for an element indicates that the information was not provided to D&B when the related data items were collected. The absence of a value for a particular item should not be considered indicative of any implied value (e.g., NULL for a boolean indicator is NOT the same as a value of 'false').
NOTE: There may be additional request and/or response elements specified in the WSDL that are not applicable for D&B Direct customers. Data elements that are not listed on this page are currently unused by this operation.
Currency Codes/Units
Whenever financial statement data is included in a response, each individual business element (ItemAmount) should be inspected for currency code and unit values (CurrencyISOAlpha3Code and UnitOfSize). If a given element does not include these attributes, the values provided in the statement header should be utilized.
Response Codes & Error Handling
Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.
This operation may return the following response codes: CM001-CM005, CM007-CM012, CM014, CM017, CM018, PD001, PD003, PD005, PD006, PD015, PD016,PD019 and SC001-SC012.
IMPORTANT: PD006 code - Applicable only for US/CA cases when TradeUpIndicator="true" for Risk packets.
D&B Direct 2.0 API requests are provided on a metered basis; and may require entitlement prior to use in the production environment. In addition, a concurrency limit (QPS) is monitored to ensure that it is not exceeded. An error code will be returned in the event that a transaction is throttled.
Qualified usage (e.g., a successful response) is tracked and billed according to the terms & conditions of the customer's contract. The response codes CM000, CM010, PD002 and PD015 are considered successful. A built-in feature exists to prevent duplicate billing when multiple successful requests with the same D-U-N-S Number and product code are submitted on the same calendar day (which is based on Eastern Standard Time [GMT-5]).
Retrieving Archived Copies
An option exists to retain the results from all successful requests for this product in a Product Request Archive, which may be retrieved without incurring additional usage charges.
NOTE: The default value for ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator is 'true', indicating that the request will NOT be automatically archived.
Business Elements
While D&B Direct uses a product canonical naming model in the request/response, many customers may be more familiar with the following business element labels.
This product will also return a set of standard elements (e.g. D-U-N-S Number, Organization Name, Trade Styles, Family Tree Role, Primary Address, Mailing Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, etc.) in addition to the business elements listed.
STD | ENH | Name | Description |
N | Y | 8A Case Number | The certification number given by SBA which is usually 6 digits in length. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | 8A Certification Code | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | 8A Certification Expiration Date | The date when the SBA-granted certification expires. Date format is YYYYMMDD. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ CertificationExpirationDate |
Y | Y | 8A Certification Indicator | When 'true' indicates that a business meets the eligibility criteria established by the Small Business Administration for small companies owned by socially and economically disadvantaged persons, so that they may bid and obtain federal government contracts and other assistance to develop their business. The business owner must be eligible under the same rules and guidelines set down by the federal government. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessIndicator |
N | Y | 8A Certification Start Date | The date when the certification was granted by the SBA. Date format is YYYYMMDD. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | 8A Data Provider Code | A code describing the classification level for the source providing the indicator. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
N | Y | 8A Data Provider Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the 8A indicator was obtained. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | 8A Date Received by D&B | The date when the certification information of the business as an 8A certified organization was processed by D&B. The 8(A) program is a U.S. business development program to help small disadvantaged businesses compete and access the federal procurement market. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ DNBReceivedDate |
N | Y | 8A Verification Code | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ EightACertifiedBusinessDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
Y | Y | Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Indicator | When 'true' indicates the business is certified as a Federal Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise in accordance with U.S. Federal ACDBE regulations (49 CFR Part 23). [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseIndicator |
N | Y | Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Source Country Code | The two-letter country code, defined in the standard ISO 3166-1 published by International Organization for Standardization (ISO), identifying the country for this address. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ Location/ CountryISOAlpha2Code |
N | Y | Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Source Level | A code describing the classification level for the source providing the indicator. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
N | Y | Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Source Name | The name of the source from which the Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise indicator was obtained. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Source State/Province Abbreviated Name | Text recording the shortened name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation. For example 'NJ' for the US State New Jersey within Country United States of America. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ AirportConcessionDisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ Location/ TerritoryAbbreviatedName |
Y | Y | Alaskan Native Corporation Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that the tribe is an Alaskan Native Corporation. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ AlaskanNativeCorporationIndicator |
N | Y | Certified Small Business Certification Expiration Date | The date marking the expiration of the Small Business Certification, as issued by the certifying authority. This element can repeat up to three times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail/ CertificationExpirationDate |
N | Y | Certified Small Business Certification Number | A number that uniquely identifies the Certified Small Business Certification provided by the certifying body. The use of this number varies from entity to entity and may or may not be present. Can repeat up to three times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | Certified Small Business Certification Start Date | The date marking the start of the Small Business Certification, as issued by the certifying authority. Can repeat up to three times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail/ CertificationStartDate |
Y | Y | Certified Small Business Indicator | When 'true' indicates that the business is certified by a federal, state or local government agency or organization to be eligible for certain small business opportunities, such as government contracts. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ CertifiedSmallBusinessIndicator |
N | Y | Certified Small Business Source Code Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the Certified Small Business indicator was obtained. Can repeat up to three times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Certified Small Business Source Level Code | An alpha code indicating the level of the source providing the indicator, for example, federal, state, or city government or association. Can repeat up to three times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ CertifiedSmallBusinessDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
Y | Y | Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Indicator | When 'true' indicates that a business is at least 51% owned by a disabled veteran or veterans of the U.S. military with a service-connected disability of 10% or more, who is a California resident and conducts daily business management and control. The home office of the enterprise cannot be a branch or subsidiary of a foreign corporation, foreign firm, or other foreign-based business. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledVeteranBusinessEnterpriseIndicator |
Y | Y | Disabled-Owned Business Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that a business is a least 51% owned by one or more disabled persons who control and operate the business. Control in this context means exercising the power to make policy decisions and operate means to be actively involved. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedIndicator |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Certification - Verification Status | When 'true' indicates that this status has been verified through a D&B call center campaign. This element can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Certification Code | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Certification Expiration Date | The date on which the certification period for this organization as disabled-owned expires. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ CertificationExpirationDate |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Certification Number | The Disabled-Owned Certification Identification number provided by the certifying body. The use of this number varies from entity to entity and may or may not be present. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Certification Start Date | The date on which the certification period for this organization as disabled-owned begins. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Date Received by D&B | The date when the data was received by D&B from the source indicating the business entity is a Disabled-Owned Business. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ DNBReceivedDate |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Source Code Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the Disabled-Owned indicator was obtained. Examples include SBA, NJDOT, etc. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Disabled-Owned Source Level Code | An alpha code value indicating the level of the source providing the indicator, for example, federal, state, or city government or association. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisabledOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Code | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification of Disadvantaged Business. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Code - Verification Status | When 'true' indicates that this status has been verified through a D&B call center campaign. Can repeat two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Expiration Date | The date marking the expiration of the certification of this business as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ CertificationExpirationDate |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Number | The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Identification number provided by the certifying body. The use of this number varies from entity to entity and may or may not be present. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification Start Date | The date my which the business was certified as a Disadvantaged Business. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Date Received by D&B | The date when the disadvantaged enterprise detail data was processed by D&B from the source. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DNBReceivedDate |
Y | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Indicator | When 'true' indicates a business that is certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards that award eligibility, but may include women, minority, disabled and other disadvantaged as a result of economic disadvantages with respect to education, employment, residence or business location or social disadvantage and lack of business training. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseIndicator |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Source Code Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise indicator was obtained. Examples are: SBA, NJDOT, etc. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Source Level Code | An alpha code indicating the level of the source providing the indicator, for example, federal, state, or city government or association. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedBusinessEnterpriseDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
Y | Y | Disadvantaged Veteran Enterprise Indicator | When 'true' indicates that the business entity is owned and controlled by Disadvantaged Veterans. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ DisadvantagedVeteranEnterpriseIndicator |
Y | Y | HUB Zone Certified Business Indicator | When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified by the US Small Business Administration as being a recipient of the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone program. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ HUBZoneCertifiedBusinessIndicator |
Y | Y | Labor Surplus Area Indicator | When 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that operates in a labor surplus area, which is a geographical area identified by the Department of Labor as an area of concentrated unemployment or underemployment or an area of labor [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ LaborSurplusAreaIndicator |
Y | Y | Minority College Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that this organization is a college or university where the profile of the majority of students is of minority ethnicity. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityCollegeIndicator |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Certification - Verification Status | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. This element can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Certification Expiration Date | The date on which the business is no longer certified. Date format is YYYYMMDD. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ CertificationExpirationDate |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Certification Indicator | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. This element can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Certification Number | A number that identifies an organization as minority certified and provided by the certifying body. The use of this number varies from entity to entity and may or may not be present. It may contain special characters such as hyphens. Can repeat up to fi [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Certification Start Date | The date on which the certification period for this organization begins. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Classification Code | A code describing the type of minority business. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ OwnershipEthnicity/ EthnicityTypeText |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Data Date Received by D&B | The date when the minority owned details data was processed by D&B from the source. Date format is YYYYMMDD. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ DNBReceivedDate |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Data Provider | Name identifying the source from which this socio economic data was originally obtained by D&B. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
Y | Y | Minority Owned Business Enterprise Indicator | When 'true' indicates that a business is certified by a federal, state or local government agency through an application and/or premise visit process as having met all of the government standards and requirements. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityBusinessEnterpriseIndicator |
Y | Y | Minority Owned Business Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority group members. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedIndicator |
N | Y | Minority Owned Business Source Level Code | A code describing the classification level for the source providing the indicator. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ MinorityOwnedDetails/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
Y | Y | Out of Business Indicator | Text that records the operating status of the business. [C] PCM XPath: //Organization/ OrganizationDetail/ OperatingStatusText |
Y | Y | Political District | Text recording a distinct territorial subdivision for holding a separate election for one or more seats in a legislative body to which this address belongs. In the U.S. this is a number. In the U.K. this is text that describes the U.K. Constituency. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ Location/ PrimaryAddress/ PoliticalDistrict/ PoliticalDistrictText |
Y | Y | Service Disabled Veteran Owned Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that a business is at least 51% owned by one or more veterans with a disability that is service connected. The term “service connected” means, with respect to disability, that such disability was incurred or aggravated, in the line of duty in the active military, naval or air service. (38 U.S.C. ‘101(16)). [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ ServiceDisabledVeteranOwnedIndicator |
Y | Y | Small Business Indicator | When 'true' indicates that the subject qualifies as small business, eligible for assistance from SBA, with a place of business located in the United States. It must operate primarily within the United States or make a significant contribution to the U.S. economy through payment of taxes or use of American products, materials or labor. Together with its affiliates, it must meet the numerical size standards as defined in the Small Business Size Regulations 13 CFR 121. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallBusinessIndicator |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Certification Indicator | When 'true' indicates the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Date Received by D&B | The date when the certification information of the business as a Small Disadvantaged Business was obtained by D&B from the source. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ DNBReceivedDate |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Expiration Date | The date when the certification information of the business as a Small Disadvantaged Business expires. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ CertificationExpirationDate |
Y | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged persons. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessIndicator |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Source Level Code | A code describing the classification level for the source providing the indicator. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Source Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the Small Disadvantaged Business indicator was obtained. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Start Date | The date when the certification information of the business as a Small Disadvantaged Business begins. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | Small Disadvantaged Business Verification Indicator | When 'true' indicates the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ SmallDisadvantagedBusinessDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
Y | Y | Veteran Business Enterprise Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that a business is owned and controlled by veterans. In the case of a small business, this indicates not less than 51% of the business is owned and controlled by one or more veterans. In the case of a publicly owned business this indicates not less than 51% of the stock is owned by one or more veterans. Can repeat up to two times. [C] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranBusinessEnterpriseIndicator |
N | Y | Veteran Certification - Verification Status | When 'true' indicates that this status has been verified through a D&B call center campaign. Can repeat two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Veteran Certification Expiration Date | The expiration date marking the certification of the business as Veteran Owned. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ CertificationExpirationDate |
N | Y | Veteran Certification Indicator | When 'true' indicates that data provider is certified to endorse the subject as a Veteran owned business authoritatively. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Veteran Certification Number | A number recording the Veteran Certification Identification provided by the certifying body. The use of this number varies from entity to entity and may or may not be present. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | Veteran Certification Start Date | The date by which the business was certified as a Veteran Owned Business. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | Veteran Owned Detail Date Received by D&B | The date by which the veteran-owned detail data was processed by D&B from the source. Date format is YYYYMMDD. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ DNBReceivedDate |
Y | Y | Veteran Owned Indicator | When 'true' indicates that the business entity is owned and controlled by a Veteran. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedIndicator |
N | Y | Veteran Source Code Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the Veteran indicator was obtained. Examples are: SBA, DBV - D&B Verified, DBC - D&B Collected, NJDOT, etc. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Veteran Source Level Code | An alpha code indicating the level of the source providing the indicator, for example, federal, state, or city government or association. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VeteranOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
Y | Y | Vietnam Veteran Owned Indicator | When 'true' indicates whether a business is a least 51% owned by one or more Vietnam Veterans who served between 1/1/59 and 5/7/75 and have control and operate the business. Can repeat up to two times. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ VietnamVeteranOwnedIndicator |
Y | Y | Woman-Owned Business Enterprise Indicator | When 'true' indicates whether a business is certified by a federal, state or local government agency as having met all of the government standards and requirements. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedBusinessEnterpriseIndicator |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Certification - Verification Status | When 'true' indicates that this status has been verified through a D&B call center campaign. This element can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ VerifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Certification Expiration Date | The expiration date of the certification of the business as Woman-Owned. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ CertificationExpirationDate |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Certification Indicator | A code describing the level to which a source data provider applies due diligence to endorse the subject authoritatively as having met certain requirements to be granted the classification. Choices are yes, no or null. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ CertifyingIndicator |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Certification Number | The number that is assigned by a certifying body to Woman-Owned organizations. The use of this number varies from entity to entity and may or may not be present. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ CertificationReferenceIdentifier |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Certification Start Date | The date by which the data regarding woman-owned certification was sent to D&B. Date format is YYYYMMDD. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ CertificationStartDate |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Date Received by D&B | The date that the Woman-Owned certification information was received by D&B from the source. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ DNBReceivedDate |
Y | Y | Woman-Owned Indicator | When set to 'true' indicates that this organization is certified as a business that is greater than 50% owned by and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more female persons. Note: The percentage of ownership requirement may differ by country. For example, in the US for a business to be considered female owned the percentage of ownership must be at least 51%. [C] [M] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedIndicator |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Source Code Name | Text recording the name of the source from which the Woman-Owned indicator was obtained. Examples are: SBA, DBV - D&B Verified, DBC - D&B Collected, NJDOT, etc. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DiversityDNBDataProviderName |
N | Y | Woman-Owned Source Level Code | An alpha code indicating the level of the source providing the indicator, for example, federal, state, or city government or association. Can repeat up to five times. [C] [M+] PCM XPath: //Organization/ SocioEconomicIdentification/ FemaleOwnedDetail/ DataProviderDetail/ DataProviderTypeText |
The preceding list is not presented in the order, nor manner, in which the information is packaged and delivered via the D&B Direct API. Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.
Standard Elements
Whenever a D&B Direct data or report product request returns a single D-U-N-S Number, several business elements pertaining to that company will be included with the results.
These elements include D-U-N-S Number*, Organization Name, Primary Address** (including street, city, state, postal code, country), Mailing Address** (including street, city, state, postal code, county), Telephone Number, Fax Number, Trade Styles (up to five), Family Tree Role (HQ, branch), a Standalone Organization Indicator(true/false) and the PortfolioAssetID***.
All standard elements (with the exception of Family Tree Role and PortfolioAssetID) may be referenced by the Monitoring process.
* The D-U-N-S Number of the organization referenced in the results. In the case of a trade up, this will be the headquarters D-U-N-S Number.
** Addresses are returned as they are recieved by D&B and therefore may not conform to local postal formatting specifications.
*** This is an identification number that can be used to retrieve a given results package at a later date from the Product Request Archive (if/when that feature is enabled in a request).
Name | Description |
D-U-N-S Number | The D-U-N-S Number is D&B's identification number, which provides unique identification of this organization, in accordance with the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S). This DUNS Number represents the business entity. |
Country Code | The two-letter country code, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3166-1 scheme identifying the country of the business entity. |
County Name | Text recording the name of the county in which the business is located. |
Family Tree Member Role | Text recording of various parts that the Subject plays as a member of an ownership structured family tree. |
FAX Number | The FAX number of the business. |
FAX Number International Dialing Code | The FAX number international dialing code of the business. |
Mailing Country Code | The two-letter country code, defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3166-1 scheme identifying the country which the business uses for mailing purposes. |
Mailing County Name | Text recording the name of the county which the business uses for mailing purposes. |
Mailing Postal Code | An identifier used by the local country Postal Authority which the business uses for mailing purposes. |
Mailing Street | Text recording an address which is mainly utilized for the purpose of mail delivery to the business. This usually includes a Post Office Box number or similar mailing details. |
Mailing Street (2) | Text recording an address which is mainly utilized for the purpose of mail delivery to the business. This usually includes a Post Office Box number or similar mailing details. |
Mailing Territory Abbreviation | Text recording the shortened name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation which the business uses for mailing purposes. |
Mailing Territory Name | Text recording the name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation which the business uses for mailing purposes. |
Mailing Town Name | The address number, or post office box number, and street name which a business uses for mailing purposes. |
Postal Code | An identifier used by the local country Postal Authority to identify where the business is located. |
Primary Business Name | Text recording of a single name by which the organization is primarily known or identified. |
Standalone Organization Indicator | When true indicates that this organization is not a member of a legal family tree. The Subject has no Parent Company, no subsidiaries or no branch/division locations. |
Street Address | Text recording the address number, or post office box number and street name where the business is located. |
Street Address (2) | Text recording the address number, or post office box number and street name where the business is located. |
Telephone Number | The telephone number of the business. |
Telephone Number International Dialing Code | The telephone number international dialing code of the business. |
Territory Abbreviated Name | Text recording the shortened name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where the business is located. |
Territory Name | Text recording the name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation to identify where the business is located. |
Town Name | Text recording the name of a city, town, township, village, borough, etc. where the business is located. |
Trade Style Name | Text recording the name which an organization trades under for commercial purposes although its registered legal name used for contracts and other formal situations may be another name. |