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Direct 2.0

Research - State/Province

State & Province Profiles deliver industry and economic insight, employment and real estate trends, and valuable resource links for each of the fifty US States, Washington, D.C. and ten Canadian Provinces.

Update History

No modifications have been made to this data layer since the initial release.

Product Request

IMPORTANT: Due to a known issue, please do not include request values for SubmittingOfficeID.

IMPORTANT: Please see the new Online Services Security Enhancement Release, effective November 09, 2020.


When requesting this D&B Directdata layer, you will be required to supply either a two-letter US state or Canadian province abbreviation, and the appropriate product code. Both abbreviations are case-sensitive.

Data Layer Entitlement

For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.

  • This product is entitled as "Industry Profile - Advanced Search" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.

For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.

  • This particular data layer is NOT included in the D&B Direct Onboard suite.


Sample Request (IND_ADV)
Authorization: <My Token>
Name Characteristics
{version} Attribute
ApplicationTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

TransactionTimestamp DateTimestamp, Optional

The date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

SubmittingOfficeID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated.

{code_type} Attribute

Possible values: 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]

{code_value} string up to 16 chars., Required

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

{state_territory} string up to 6 chars., Required

Code represented in ISO 3166-2 scheme defining the name of a principal subdivision (e.g., province or state) of a country coded in ISO 3166-1; e.g., US-NJ represents the state New Jersey in United States, CA-ON represents the province Ontario in Canada. The first part is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country; The second part is a string of up to three alphanumeric characters, which is usually obtained from national sources and stems from coding systems already in use in the country concerned, but may also be developed by the ISO itself.

Possible values: Supports US & Canada Sates only. Refer ISO_3166-1 Table for .

{productID} string, Optional

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the product being requested.


LanguagePreferenceCode integer up to 7 digits., Optional

A D&B code value that defines the language in which the customer wants this product to be rendered.

ProfileChapterName-n IndustryChapterNameEnum, Optional (Infinite)

Name identifying the major division of the business activity profile information.

Possible values: IndustryOverview; QuarterlyIndustryUpdate; BusinessChallenges; TrendsAndOpportunities; ExecutiveInsight; CallPreparationQuestions; FinancialInformation; IndustryForecast; IndustryWebsites; GlossaryOfAcronyms; IndustryIndicators; All

ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), it indicates that the product being ordered is not to be stored. When false (set to 0), it indicates that the product being ordered is to be stored; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact.

ExtendArchivePeriodIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), the duration to archive the data is to be extended. Note: There is an additional cost for extending the archival period of the data purchased. When false (set to 0), the duration to archive the data is not to be extended.

PortfolioAssetContainerID long, Optional

A number used to uniquely identify the location where this product is to be stored.

CustomerReferenceText-n string, up to 240 chars, Optional (up to 5x)

A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

CustomerBillingEndorsementText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional

Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process.


Use the following endpoint for requesting this product. The {version} is dependent on the underlying service delivering the product.

REST (Industry)


The following parameters may be used for D&B Direct 2.0 developer sandbox requests to retrieve successful responses. The data returned from sandbox requests may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.

ProductTest Parameter(s)
Research - Industry CodeIndustry code:1958
Research - State/ProvinceISOCountrySubDivisionCode:US-NJ

Product Response

While data for a particular company may not contain values for each of the business elements, there may be items that are considered by D&B to be "essential" to yield the maximum benefit of a data layer. If any of these essential elements do not contain a value for a particular company, a PD005 response code will be returned, and your organization will not incur a usage credit for the request.

For all codified data delivered by D&B Direct, the response package will include the decoded text value as a data element with the code value attached as an attribute. Refer to the Reference Data Service for access to the D&B standard code tables.

NOTE: The D&B Direct REST implementation uses the BadgerFish approach for JSON with some minor variations.


The following is a list of the possible data fields returned by this operation in the JSON response. Samples are provided for testing successful and failed retrieval, and to demonstrate the basic layout of a response. The data returned in samples may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.

NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.

Sample Response (IND_ADV)
{"OrderProductResponse": {
   "TransactionDetail":    {
      "ApplicationTransactionID": "Id-d0c2537851a6055a1d6b0000-1",
      "ServiceTransactionID": "80caf174-3d3d-4ff6-8298-9e2a61cb3eca",
      "TransactionTimestamp": "2013-05-29T09:40:43.817-04:00"
   "TransactionResult":    {
      "SeverityText": "Information",
      "ResultID": "CM000",
      "ResultText": "Success"
   "OrderProductResponseDetail":    {
      "InquiryDetail": {"Location": {"ISOCountrySubDivisionCode": "CA-ON"}},
      "Product":       {
         "DNBProductID": "IND_ADV",
         "LocationProfile": {"LocationProfileDetail": [         {
            "Location":             {
               "TerritoryName": "Ontario ",
               "ISOCountrySubDivisionCode": "ON",
               "ImageURL": "                    "
            "LocationProfileChapterDetail":             [
                  "ChapterName": "Big Picture",
                  "ChapterContentDetail": [                  {
                     "KeyFactText":                      [
                        "<B>Venture capital investment<\/B> in ON totaled $198 million in Q2 2012, up 38% from $143 million from a year ago and representing 45% of the national total.",
                        "<B>Exports<\/B> rose 8.2% to $109 billion in the first seven months of 2012 from a year ago.",
                        "<B>Average weekly earnings<\/B> rose 3.0% to $919 in August 2012 from a year ago.",
                        "<B>Province unemployment<\/B> averaged 8.3% in October 2012; the national average was 7.4%.",
                        "<B>Province job growth<\/B> rose 1.0% in October 2012 from a year ago; national job growth rose 1.3%."
                     "ImportanceLevel": 1
                  "ChapterName": "Employment Data",
                  "ChapterContentDetail":                   [
                        "TitleText": "Minimum wage of $10.25 is well above the national average.",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 1
                        "TitleText": "Ontario  Unemployment and Job Growth Rates",
                        "ContentText": "October 2012 <br><br><table border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3'><tr><td width='40%'>&nbsp;<\/td><td class='tablehead' width='30%'>Unemployment Rate<\/td><td class='tablehead' width='30%'>Job Growth Rate<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'><b>Canada<\/b><\/td><td class='tablebody'><b>7.4%<\/b><\/td><td class='tablebody'><b>1.3%<\/b><\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Hamilton-Niagara<\/td><td class='tablebody'>7.2%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>1.3%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Kingston<\/td><td class='tablebody'>8.3%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-6.6%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Kitchner-Waterloo<\/td><td class='tablebody'>6.4%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-1.7%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>London<\/td><td class='tablebody'>8.3%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>1.3%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Muskoka<\/td><td class='tablebody'>7.0%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-6.3%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Ottawa<\/td><td class='tablebody'>6.6%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>1.3%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Stratford-Bruce<\/td><td class='tablebody'>5.0%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-8.1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Toronto<\/td><td class='tablebody'>8.9%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>2.8%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Windsor-Sarnia<\/td><td class='tablebody'>7.8%<\/td><td class='tablebody'>1.7%<\/td><\/tr><\/table>",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 2
                        "TitleText": "Ontario  Industry Growth Rates",
                        "ContentText": "October 2012 <br><br><table border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3'><tr><td width='40%'>&nbsp;<\/td><td class='tablehead' width='30%'>Job Growth<br>Oct 11 to Oct 12<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>All Employment<\/td><td class='tablebody'>1.0%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Agriculture<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-6.3%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Natural Resources<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-0.6%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Utilities<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-3.7%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Construction<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-3.9%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Manufacturing<\/td><td class='tablebody'>3.7%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Wholesale/Retail Trade<\/td><td class='tablebody'>1.4%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Transportation/Warehousing<\/td><td class='tablebody'>3.2%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Finance/Insurance<\/td><td class='tablebody'>4.5%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Professional Services<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-3.0%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Business Services<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-1.3%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Educational<\/td><td class='tablebody'>10.7%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Healthcare<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-1.2%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Information<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-2.2%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Accommodation/Food Services<\/td><td class='tablebody'>0.1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td class='tablerow'>Public Administration<\/td><td class='tablebody'>-2.8%<\/td><\/tr><\/table>",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 3
                        "TitleText": "Ontario  Unemployment Rate vs. National Average",
                        "ImageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 4
                        "TitleText": "Ontario  Job Growth Rates vs. National Average",
                        "ImageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 5
                  "ChapterName": "Major Industry Update",
                  "ChapterContentDetail":                   [
                        "TitleText": "Mining",
                        "ContentText": "ON mining, oil and gas extraction industry includes about 1,395 companies, and employs approximately 35,700. Large mining sub-sectors include petroleum and natural gas (valued at $200 million); minerals including nickel, gold, copper, zinc, and uranium ($2.4 billion); and major minerals include nickel, gold, copper, zinc, and uranium. ON mining contributes $2.7 billion to Canada's gross domestic product, representing 5% of the national industry total. Issues impacting the mining industry include obtaining permits; safety, land, and pollution regulations; environmental lawsuits; fluctuations in commodity prices; and taxes on mined products. Mining industry annual exports are about $8.7 billion. Annual capital expenditures total $2.4 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 1
                        "TitleText": "Construction & Real Estate",
                        "ContentText": "ON construction and real estate industries include about 178,483 companies, and employ about 409,100. Large sub-sectors include: residential construction (permits valued at $12.4 billion); nonresidential ($9.4 billion). The real estate segment's operating revenues total about $4.3 billion with a profit margin of 22%. ON construction contributes $25 billion to Canada's gross domestic product, representing 34% of the national industry total. Issues impacting the construction and real estate industries include material, equipment, insurance, and labor costs; land planning and acquisition; environmental regulations and building codes; worker safety; interest rate changes; and cash flow and liquidity management. Annual capital expenditures total $6.9 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 2
                        "TitleText": "Manufacturing",
                        "ContentText": "The ON manufacturing industry includes about 35,156 companies, and employs about 796,800. Major manufacturing sub-sectors include food products (shipments valued at $27 billion); chemicals ($24 billion); transportation equipment ($106 billion); and fabricated metals ($20 billion). ON manufacturing contributes $84 billion to Canada's gross domestic product, representing 49% of the national industry total. Issues impacting manufacturers include raw material, labor, and energy costs; foreign competition; labor, pollution, and foreign trade regulations; supplier and customer consolidation; capital equipment and facility expenses; quality control; and labor relations. ON manufacturing industry annual exports are about $123 billion. Annual capital expenditures total $9.4 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 3
                        "TitleText": "Wholesale & Retail",
                        "ContentText": "ON wholesale and retail industries include about 121,302 companies with combined annual revenue of $443 billion. Wholesale and retail industries in the province employ approximately 996,600. Large sub-sectors include food wholesale (valued at $36 billion); motor vehicle and parts wholesale and retail ($94 billion); building supply wholesale ($24 billion); supermarkets ($22 billion); and department and general merchandise retailers ($23 billion). ON wholesale and retail industries contribute $60 billion to Canada's gross domestic product, representing 41% of the national industries total. Issues impacting the wholesale and retail industries include transportation costs, truck driver shortages, logistics, merchandising, inventory management, store advertising and promotions, consumer and business spending, interest rates, competition, and technology use (shipment tracking, GPS, point of sale and inventory control software, and credit card processing). Annual capital expenditures total $5.8 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 4
                        "TitleText": "Transportation & Warehousing",
                        "ContentText": "ON transportation and warehousing industries include about 47,279 companies with combined annual revenue of $16 billion. Transportation and warehousing industries employ approximately 314,700. Issues impacting the transportation and warehousing industries include fuel, equipment, and building costs; port traffic and shipment flows; heightened security and vehicle pollution regulations; labor; licensing; technology for logistics, shipment tracking, and infrastructure and equipment maintenance. Annual capital expenditures total $5.1 billion. The industry transports about 28 million tons of cargo per year. Annual transportation expenditures average $10,148 per household.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 5
                        "TitleText": "Information",
                        "ContentText": "The ON information industry includes about 14,227 companies, and employs about 319,900. Large information industry sub-sectors include: software publishing (valued at $3.3 billion); periodicals publishing ($919 million); software and computer services ($14 billion); and communications ($15 billion). Issues impacting the information industry include government regulations; industry consolidation; advertising revenue; viewership and readership; business, education, and consumer spending; technology and infrastructure shifts. Annual capital expenditures total $3.8 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 6
                        "TitleText": "Finance & Insurance",
                        "ContentText": "ON finance and insurance industries include about 50,913 companies, and employ approximately 506,600. Issues impacting the finance and insurance industries include consumer income and investing, weather-related property damage claims, reimbursement costs, payment negotiation with healthcare providers, government regulations and codes, interest rates, industry consolidation, technology use, fraud and security, service differentiation, and client base expansion. Annual capital expenditures total $7.7 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 7
                        "TitleText": "Professional Services",
                        "ContentText": "The ON professional services industry includes about 134,301 companies, and employs approximately 510,000. Large professional services sub-sectors include accounting (valued at $4.8 billion); architecture ($1 billion); engineering ($4.4 billion); advertising ($3.2 billion); and legal services ($334 billion). Issues impacting the professional services industry include government regulations and codes, industry consolidation and business divestiture, corporate spending, technology use, service differentiation, client base expansion, corporate in-sourcing, and international clients servicing. Annual capital expenditures total $1.4 billion.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 8
                        "TitleText": "Healthcare",
                        "ContentText": "The ON healthcare industry includes about 39,225 companies, and employs approximately 708,700. Healthcare industry revenues exceed costs by 3%. Expenditures for health services and products include hospitals (valued at $18.4 billion); other health institutions ($5.6 billion); physicians ($9.8 billion); and drugs ($12 billion). ON healthcare and social assistance contributes $31 billion to Canada's gross domestic product, representing 39% of the national industry total. Issues impacting the healthcare industry include government regulation, medicare and insurance reimbursement for care, doctor/nurse shortages, litigation, emergency room overcrowding and length of wait for treatment, information technology and patient records, expansion of facilities and services, rural care deficiencies, and capital cost of new equipment. Annual capital expenditures total $3.3 billion. Annual healthcare expenditures average $1,847 per household.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 9
                        "TitleText": "Tourism",
                        "ContentText": "The ON tourism industry includes about 50,326 companies with combined annual revenue of $21.4 billion. ON tourism employs about 708,200 with a payroll of $6.3 billion. The accommodations sub-sector is valued at $4.5 billion with an operating margin of 15.7%; food service is valued at $12.9 billion with an operating margin of 3.2%. Issues impacting the tourism industry include visitor numbers, hotel occupancy and labor shortages, international visitors’ needs, tourism advertising funds, visitor traffic and revenue fluctuations due to US airline industry restructuring, and real estate prices to buy hotels and land. Annual capital expenditures total $1.6 billion. Annual recreation expenditures average $4,098 per household.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 10
                        "TitleText": "Agriculture",
                        "ContentText": "ON agriculture and related industries include 31,459 farms with combined annual revenue of $10.2 billion, and employ 84,100. The average farm size is 94 hectares. Major agriculture products include beef cattle, hogs, poultry, dairy products, vegetables, corn, grains, and tobacco. Expenses total 87% of industry revenue. Issues impacting the agriculture industry include volatile energy and market prices, international trade, chemical and feed costs, equipment and technology, animal and plant diseases and pests, droughts, and changes in government regulation and aid. ON agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries contribute $5 billion to Canada's gross domestic product, representing 19% of the national industry total. Annual industry exports are about $2.3 billion. Annual capital expenditures total $947 million.",
                        "KeyFactText": ["<b><\/b> "],
                        "ImportanceLevel": 11
                  "ChapterName": "Local Real Estate Summary",
                  "ChapterContentDetail":                   [
                        "TitleText": "Ontario  New Housing Permits - New housing permits rose 23% in ON in Q2 2012 from the previous year. The national average rose 14%.",
                        "ImageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 1
                        "TitleText": "Ontario  Annual Home Price Changes - Home prices rose 1% on Ottawa, Toronto, and Hamilton and were unchanged in Windsor metro areas in Q2 2012 from the previous year. The national average rose 1%.",
                        "ContentText": "<table border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3'><tr><td width='30%'>&nbsp;<\/td><td class='tablehead' width='10%'>2011<\/td><td class='tablehead' width='10%'>Q1 2012<\/td><td class='tablehead' width='10%'>Q1 2012<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>CDN Average<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>2%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>2%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>Hamilton, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>Kitchener, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>3%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>3%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>London, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>0%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>Ottawa, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>3%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>3%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>St. Catharines and Niagara, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>-1%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>Sudbury and Thunder Bay, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>0%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>Toronto, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>5%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>6%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>1%<\/td><\/tr><tr><td width='30%' class='tablerow'>Windsor, ON<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>-3%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>2%<\/td><td class='tablebody' width='10%'>0%<\/td><\/tr><\/table>",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 2
                  "ChapterName": "Website Resources",
                  "ChapterContentDetail":                   [
                        "TitleText": "Province of Ontario ",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 1
                        "TitleText": "City of Toronto",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 2
                        "TitleText": "City of Ottawa",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 3
                        "TitleText": "Ontario Ministry of Labour",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 4
                        "TitleText": "Ottawa Business Journal ",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 5
                        "TitleText": "Ottawa - CBC Business News ",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 6
                        "TitleText": " Toronto – CBC Business News ",
                        "WebPageURL": "",
                        "ImportanceLevel": 7
            "RelatedIndustryCode":             [
                  "@DNBCodeValue": 25838,
                  "@TypeText": "D&B Hoovers Industry Code",
                  "IndustryCode": "1020",
                  "IndustryCodeDescription": [                  {
                     "@IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode": 9120,
                     "$": "Automobile Parts Manufacturing"
                  "@DNBCodeValue": 25838,
                  "@TypeText": "D&B Hoovers Industry Code",
                  "IndustryCode": "1085",
                  "IndustryCodeDescription": [                  {
                     "@IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode": 9120,
                     "$": "Chemical Manufacturing"
                  "@DNBCodeValue": 25838,
                  "@TypeText": "D&B Hoovers Industry Code",
                  "IndustryCode": "1121",
                  "IndustryCodeDescription": [                  {
                     "@IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode": 9120,
                     "$": "Computer Software"
                  "@DNBCodeValue": 25838,
                  "@TypeText": "D&B Hoovers Industry Code",
                  "IndustryCode": "1401",
                  "IndustryCodeDescription": [                  {
                     "@IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode": 9120,
                     "$": "Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing"
                  "@DNBCodeValue": 25838,
                  "@TypeText": "D&B Hoovers Industry Code",
                  "IndustryCode": "1920",
                  "IndustryCodeDescription": [                  {
                     "@IndustryCodeDescriptionLengthCode": 9120,
                     "$": "Metal Ore Mining"
         "ArchiveDetail": {"PortfolioAssetID": 2591296}
Name Characteristics
OrderProductResponse Aggregate
OrderProductResponse @ServiceVersionNumber Attribute
OrderProductResponse { TransactionDetail Aggregate, Required

Records information necessary to process a particular request. Examples of a request is the ordering of a product.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionDetail { ApplicationTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Optional

A number assigned by the calling application to uniquely identify this request.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionDetail { ServiceTransactionID string up to 64 chars., Required

A number assigned by the D&B service to uniquely identify this transaction.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionDetail { TransactionTimestamp DateTimestamp, Required

The date and time when this request was submitted or the date and time when the requesting intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, sent the message to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary.

End: OrderProductResponse } TransactionDetail /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult Aggregate, Required

An aggregate that can repeat multiple times to record the different outcomes of the transaction.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { SeverityText string up to 16 chars., Required

Text that records the criticality of the outcome, e.g., Information, Warning, Error, Fatal.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { ResultID string up to 32 chars., Required

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the outcome of the transaction.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { ResultText string up to 512 chars., Optional

Text that explains the outcome of the transaction.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { ResultMessage Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An aggregate that can repeat multiple times to record textual data that expands on the ResultID and ResultText to provide additional information to the user regarding the status of the transaction. If the status implies that there is a problem this may also provide guidance to the user on how to address it.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { ResultMessage { ResultMessageID string up to 30 chars., Optional

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the additional information regarding the outcome of the transaction.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { ResultMessage { ResultDescription string up to 512 chars., Required

Text that describes the additional information regarding the outcome of the transaction.

OrderProductResponse { TransactionResult { ResultMessage { NonSpecificDataProviderText string up to 30 chars., Optional

Text that describes, in general terms, the source from which the Result Message data was originally obtained by D&B; e.g. Credit Bureau.

End: OrderProductResponse } TransactionResult } ResultMessage /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } TransactionResult /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records the data being returned to the customer as a result of a product request.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryDetail Aggregate, Required

Records data that allows the customer to specify identifying information about the subject being inquired, e.g., the DUNS Number, the address, the telephone number.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryDetail { IndustryCode Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryDetail { IndustryCode @DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryDetail { IndustryCode { IndustryCode Element
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } InquiryDetail } IndustryCode /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryDetail { Location Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryDetail { Location { ISOCountrySubDivisionCode Element
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } InquiryDetail } Location /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } InquiryDetail /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product Aggregate, Required

Records data about the product ordered by the customer and data about the organization on which the customer has placed this order.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { DNBProductID string up to 64 chars., Optional

An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies this product.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LanguageCode integer up to 7 digits., Optional

A D&B code value that defines the language in which the requested product is fulfilled.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile Aggregate, Optional

Records the market analysis information on the industries as recorded by the data provider. The market analysis information may include critical analysis, statistics and forecasts to help your engage key prospects, coach key clients, and deepen customer relationships.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which records the market analysis information on an industry as recorded by the data provider. The market analysis information may include critical analysis, statistics and forecasts to help your engage key prospects, coach key clients, and deepen customer relationships.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryCode Aggregate, Required (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several business activities in which an organization is actively engaged using standardized coding schemes such as European NACE and U.S. Standard Industry Classifications (SIC).

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryCode @DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: (1) 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]; (2) 700 [NAICS]; (3) 19295 [UK SIC 2007]; (4) 399 [US SIC (1987)]

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryCode @TypeText Attribute

Possible values: (1) D&B Hoovers Industry Code; (2) NAICS; (3) UK SIC 2007; (4) US SIC (1987)

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryCode { IndustryCode string up to 16 chars., Required [C]

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryCode { IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionType up to 256 chars., Optional (Infinite) [C]

Text that describes the business activity based on the scheme specified by the attribute typeText. E.g., 'highway and street construction' is the description of industry code 1611 in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryCode { IndustryExplanationText string up to 3000 chars., Optional [C]

Free form text describing the business activity.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail } IndustryCode /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the details on the major divisions of the industry profile information.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterName string up to 256 chars., Required [C]

Name of the major division of the profile information.

Possible values: BusinessChallenges; TrendsAndOpportunities; FastFacts; ExecutiveTalkpoints; +; Chapter names returned by the Hoovers API

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the details recorded in the profile chapter.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { TitleText string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Text that records the title of the chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ContentText string up to 5000 chars., Optional [C]

Text that records the body of the chapter content as paragraphs.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { KeyFactText string up to 720 chars., Optional (Infinite) [C]

Text that records the body of the chapter content as short phrases or single sentences.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { QuestionText string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Text recording a question of interest related with the chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ContactJobTitleDescription string up to 128 chars., Optional [C]

Text that denotes a position held by the principal or manager to whom the question is directed.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { WebPageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the original chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ImageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the images related to the chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the details on the minor divisions of the industry profile information.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the details recorded in the profile sub chapter.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { TitleText string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Text that records the title of the sub chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { ContentText string, Optional [C]

Text that records the body of the sub chapter content as paragraphs.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { KeyFactText string up to 256 chars., Optional (Infinite) [C]

Text that records the body of the sub chapter content as short phrases or single sentences.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { QuestionText string up to 256 chars., Optional

Text recording a question of interest related with the sub chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { ContactJobTitleDescription string up to 128 chars., Optional

Text that denotes a position held by the principal or manager to whom the question is directed.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { WebPageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the original sub chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { ImageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the images related to the sub chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { SubChapterDetail { SubChapterContentDetail { ImportanceLevel int up to 3 digits., Optional [C]

A number used to identify the relative importance of this sub chapter compared to other sub chapters listed in this chapter. The lower the importance level number, the more important is the sub chapter.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail } IndustryProfileChapterDetail } ChapterContentDetail } SubChapterDetail } SubChapterContentDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail } IndustryProfileChapterDetail } ChapterContentDetail } SubChapterDetail /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { IndustryProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ImportanceLevel int up to 3 digits., Optional [C]

A number used to identify the relative importance of this chapter compared to other chapters listed in this profile. The lower the importance level number, the more important is the chapter.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail } IndustryProfileChapterDetail } ChapterContentDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail } IndustryProfileChapterDetail /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several business activities that are related with the requested industry. These industry codes are recorded using standardized coding schemes such as European NACE and U.S. Standard Industry Classifications (SIC).

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode @DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode @TypeText Attribute
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode { IndustryCode string up to 16 chars., Required [C]

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { IndustryProfile { IndustryProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode { IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionType up to 256 chars., Optional (Infinite) [C]

Text that describes the business activity based on the scheme specified by the attribute typeText. E.g., 'highway and street construction' is the description of industry code 1611 in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail } RelatedIndustryCode /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile } IndustryProfileDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } IndustryProfile /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile Aggregate, Optional

Records the market analysis information on locations as recorded by the data provider. The market analysis information may include deliver industry and economic insight, employment and real estate trends, and valuable resource links for the location.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which records the market analysis information on a location as recorded by the data provider. The market analysis information may include deliver industry and economic insight, employment and real estate trends, and valuable resource links for the location.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { Location Aggregate, Required

Records the address details for the location for which this profile information is returned.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { Location { TerritoryName string, Optional [C]

The name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation as received by D&B. Clarification Note: As a guiding principle this is a geographic area which could theoretically exist as a separate nation. In the U.S. this would be a State. In the UK this would be one of the Home Nations.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { Location { ISOCountrySubDivisionCode string up to 6 chars., Optional [C]

Code represented in ISO 3166-2 scheme defining the name of a principal subdivision (e.g., province or state) of a country coded in ISO 3166-1; e.g., US-NJ represents the state New Jersey in United States, CA-ON represents the province Ontario in Canada. The first part is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country; The second part is a string of up to three alphanumeric characters, which is usually obtained from national sources and stems from coding systems already in use in the country concerned, but may also be developed by the ISO itself.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { Location { ImageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the images related to the location.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } LocationProfile } LocationProfileDetail } Location /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the details on the major divisions of the location profile information.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterName string up to 256 chars., Required [C]

Name of the major division of the profile information.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of the details recorded in the profile chapter.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { TitleText string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Text that records the title of the chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ContentText string up to 5000 chars., Optional [C]

Text that records the body of the chapter content as paragraphs.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { KeyFactText string up to 720 chars., Optional (Infinite) [C]

Text that records the body of the chapter content as short phrases or single sentences.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { WebPageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the original chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ImageURL string up to 256 chars., Optional [C]

Records the internet link of the images related to the chapter content.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { LocationProfileChapterDetail { ChapterContentDetail { ImportanceLevel int up to 3 digits., Optional [C]

A number used to identify the relative importance of this chapter compared to other chapters listed in this profile. The lower the importance level number, the more important is the chapter.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } LocationProfile } LocationProfileDetail } LocationProfileChapterDetail } ChapterContentDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } LocationProfile } LocationProfileDetail } LocationProfileChapterDetail /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode Aggregate, Optional (Infinite)

An entry loop which can repeat multiple times to allow the recording of several business activities that are related with the requested location. These industry codes are recorded using standardized coding schemes such as European NACE and U.S. Standard Industry Classifications (SIC).

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode @DNBCodeValue Attribute

Possible values: 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode @TypeText Attribute

Possible values: 25838 [D&B Hoovers Industry Code]

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode { IndustryCode string up to 16 chars., Required [C]

An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the typeText. For instance, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. Clarification Note: These are generally external codes created by an external authoritative body, like the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), but D&B may have created extensions to more precisely define an activity, as in the case of the SIC 2+2 (the last 4 digits of an 8-digit SIC).

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { LocationProfile { LocationProfileDetail { RelatedIndustryCode { IndustryCodeDescription IndustryCodeDescriptionType up to 256 chars., Optional (Infinite) [C]

Text that describes the business activity based on the scheme specified by the attribute typeText. E.g., 'highway and street construction' is the description of industry code 1611 in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } LocationProfile } LocationProfileDetail } RelatedIndustryCode /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } LocationProfile } LocationProfileDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } LocationProfile /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { ArchiveDetail Aggregate, Optional
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { ArchiveDetail { PortfolioAssetID PortfolioAssetIDType, Required
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { ArchiveDetail { PortfolioAssetContainerID long, Optional
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { Product { ArchiveDetail { ExtendedArchiveIndicator boolean, Optional

When true (set to 1), the duration to archive the data has been extended. When false (set to 0), the duration to archive the data was not extended; however as this is the assumed condition there is no requirement to create this tag to represent this fact.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product } ArchiveDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } Product /Aggregate
OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryReferenceDetail Aggregate, Optional

Records data that allows the customer to specify information to be linked to the request in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryReferenceDetail { CustomerReferenceText string up to 240 chars., Optional(Up to 5x)

A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation.

OrderProductResponse { OrderProductResponseDetail { InquiryReferenceDetail { CustomerBillingEndorsementText string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional

Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process.

End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail } InquiryReferenceDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse } OrderProductResponseDetail /Aggregate
End: OrderProductResponse /Aggregate

Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.

Lists of possible values (when present) are subject to change. Additional values not presented in this documentation may be delivered in the response and should be anticipated in any implementation.

Empty/NULL Values

A NULL returned for an element indicates that the information was not provided to D&B when the related data items were collected. The absence of a value for a particular item should not be considered indicative of any implied value (e.g., NULL for a boolean indicator is NOT the same as a value of 'false').

Response Codes & Error Handling

Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.

This operation may return the following response codes: CM001-CM005, CM007-CM012, CM014, CM017, CM018, PD001, PD003, PD005, PD006, PD015, PD016,PD019 and SC001-SC012.

IMPORTANT: PD006 code - Applicable only for US/CA cases when TradeUpIndicator="true" for Risk packets.

D&B Direct 2.0 API requests are provided on a metered basis; and may require entitlement prior to use in the production environment. In addition, a concurrency limit (QPS) is monitored to ensure that it is not exceeded. An error code will be returned in the event that a transaction is throttled.

Qualified usage (e.g., a successful response) is tracked and billed according to the terms & conditions of the customer's contract. The response codes CM000, CM010, PD002 and PD015 are considered successful. A built-in feature exists to prevent duplicate billing when multiple successful requests with the same D-U-N-S Number and product code are submitted on the same calendar day (which is based on Eastern Standard Time [GMT-5]).

Retrieving Archived Copies

An option exists to retain the results from all successful requests for this product in a Product Request Archive, which may be retrieved without incurring additional usage charges.

NOTE: The default value for ArchiveProductOptOutIndicator is 'true', indicating that the request will NOT be automatically archived.

Business Elements

While D&B Direct uses a product canonical naming model in the request/response, many customers may be more familiar with the following business element labels.

Name Description
Industry Profile Chapter Name [C]
Industry Profile Key Fact [C]
Industry Profile Paragraph Details Text of the First Research chapter paragraph [C]
Industry Profile Paragraph Images Link Text that records the location of images referenced by this Web-based content. [C]
Industry Profile Paragraph Site Link Text that records the location of this Web-based content. [C]
Industry Profile Paragraph Title [C]
Industry Profile Territory Code A code the name of a principal subdivision (e.g., province or state) of a country; e.g., US-NJ represents the state New Jersey in United States, CA-ON represents the province Ontario in Canada. [C]
Industry Profile Territory Image Link Text that records the location of images referenced by this Web-based content. [C]
Industry Profile Territory or State Name Text recording the name of the locally governed area which forms part of a centrally governed nation as received by D&B. Clarification Note: As a guiding principle this is a geographic area which could theoretically exist as a separate nation. In the U.S [C]
Location Profile Related Industry Code An alphanumeric value identifying a business activity based on the scheme specified by the description. For example, 1611 represents the highway and street construction industry in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. [C]
Location Profile Related Industry Description Text that describes the business activity based on the scheme specified by the code. For example, 'highway and street construction' is the description of industry code 1611 in the U.S. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. [C]

The preceding list is not presented in the order, nor manner, in which the information is packaged and delivered via the D&B Direct API. Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.

Product Notes

Industry profiles are updated quarterly and comprehensively reviewed once a year. News articles and most statistical data are updated monthly. All industry forecast numbers come from the INFORUM modeling data base, which is built on historic data derived from official government figures.