On-Demand Single Entity Resolution
Also known as Match and Cleanse
Product Code(s) | Not Applicable |
Option(s) | None |
Monitoring Available | No |
Interface | REST |
Method | GET |
Format(s) | JSON |
Service | Company |
{version} | 5.0 |
5.0 Released On | July 10, 2015 |
The D&B Direct API provides address standardization in two features: On-Demand Single Entity Resolution and On-Demand Address Cleanse & Update. The purpose of these features is to produce machine sortable mailing addresses that are optimized for accurate and quick delivery.
The On-Demand Single Entity Resolution feature provides the added service of matching the resulting "cleansed" information to the D&B database for the purpose of locating a D-U-N-S Number. To access the address cleansing services without the additional lookup, refer to the On-Demand Address Cleanse & Update feature.
Update History
- June 25, 2021 (ALL SOAP & REST): New Match transactional endpoint created for Match & Cleanse Match.
- December 13, 2019 (ALL SOAP & REST): Bug fix for ConfidenceLowerLevelThresholdValue request element of Match & CleanseMatch operations.
- March 3, 2017 (v6.0 SOAP/REST): OrderReasonCode element has been descoped and removed its validation for DE country
- March 3, 2017 (v6.0 SOAP/REST): Company service version 6.0 has been released to support Domain to DUNS Match feature by adding URLText and EmailAddress input field.
- January 27, 2017 (vALL SOAP & REST): Added Match Data Profile operations section to Cleanse Match.
- July 10, 2015 (v5.0 SOAP & REST): The floating point precision for MatchGradeComponentScore has been increased to 21 digits.
- July 10, 2015 (All Versions): Requests for country codes BV, CU, GS, IM, KP, MN, BQ, CW, SX, NU, PW, TL, UM, and WF will return a CM007 response code instead of PD005.
- July 10, 2015 (v5.0 SOAP/REST): Requests for companies domiciled in Germany (country code DE) require that an OrderReasonCode value be included per local regulations. The response code CM003 will be returned if the parameter is missing or a CM001 if the value is not valid.
Feature Request
IMPORTANT: Please see the new Online Services Security Enhancement Release, effective November 09, 2020.
For cleansing, a primary address (building number and street name, post office box or rural route number) is required in combination with an organization name, city, state, country and postal code to meet one of the following conditions:
1. For locations within the United States: primary address plus either (a) state abbreviation and ZIP code, (b) city name and ZIP code, or (c) city name with state abbreviation.
2. For locations outside of the United States: country code, primary address plus either (a) state, province or prefecture name and postal code, (b) city name and postal code, or (c) city name with name of the state, province or prefecture.
By default, the standardized address of the customer inputted fields will NOT be returned. An option exists to request that these fields be included in the response.
As an additional option, a D-U-N-S Number may be provided to obtain the mailing address details for a specific organization.
For matching, refer to the On-Demand Entity Identification feature for a list of available options.
When performing a match on organizations located in Germany, customers are required to provide a valid order reason code.
Criteria Precedence
The D&B match engine inspects the Request Parameters provided and determines how to yield the best results. The following list explains the order in which the parameters will be evaluated:
- If a D-U-N-S Number is specified, all other parameters will be ignored and a D-U-N-S Number lookup will be performed.
- If a registration number is provided without any additional details, a Registration Number lookup will be performed.
- If a registration number is provided along with subject name or address details, a Registration Number lookup will be performed first. If resulted candidates have low confidence code then match will be performed based on subject name or Address provided.
- If a subject name is provided, a Name & Address lookup will be performed.
- If address details are provided without a subject name, an Address lookup will be performed.
- If a telephone number is provided without a subject name or address details, a Telephone Number lookup will be performed.
- If a zip code is provided, a zip code lookup will be performed.
Regardless of the match type specified, the same algorithm is applied.
Minimum Requirements
The details in this section override the Optional/Required values listed in the Required Parameters table.
- When submitting a request by D-U-N-S Number, a valid D-U-N-S Number is Required. This option is not available for the SBRI variation of the search.
- When submitting a request by Registration Number, a Registration Number and Country Code are Required. This option is not available for the United States (including SBRI search) and Canada.
- When submitting a request by Telephone Number, a Telephone Number and Country Code are Required.
- When submitting a request by Name/Country, an Organization Name (or partial name) and Country Code are Required.
- When submitting a request by Address (United States and Canada), a street address, town, state/territory and Country Code are Required. If a state/territory is not provided, the D&B match engine will revert to a Name/Country match (i.e., street address and town will not be factored into the match).
- When submitting a request by Address (all other countries), a street address, town, and Country Code are Required.
Including the building number on the street address will significantly improve the quality of the results.
Global Availability
The Company_GetCleanseMatch data layer is available for businesses domiciled in the following countries:
Country | ISO Code |
United States of America | US |
Belgium | BE |
France | FR |
Germany | DE |
Italy | IT |
Netherlands | NL |
Portugal | PT |
Spain | ES |
United Kingdom | GB |
Australia | AU |
New Zealand | NZ |
Andorra | AD |
Anguilla | AI |
Antigua & Barbuda | AG |
Aruba | AW |
Bahamas | BS |
Barbados | BB |
Belize | BZ |
Bermuda | BM |
Bolivia | BO |
British Virgin Islands | VG |
Canada | CA |
Cayman Islands | KY |
Chile | CL |
Colombia | CO |
Costa Rica | CR |
Denmark | DK |
Dominica | DM |
Dominican Republic | DO |
Ecuador | EC |
El Salvador | SV |
Faero Islands | FO |
Finland | FI |
Greenland | GL |
Grenada | GD |
Guatemala | GT |
Guyana | GY |
Haiti | HT |
Honduras | HN |
Ireland | IE |
Jamaica | JM |
Japan | JP |
Luxembourg | LU |
Mexico | MX |
Monaco | MC |
Montserrat | MS |
Netherlands Antilles | AN |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius And Saba | BQ |
Curaçao | CW |
Sint Maarten (dutch) | SX |
Nicaragua | NI |
Norway | NO |
Panama | PA |
Saint Kitts & Nevis | KN |
Saint Lucia | LC |
Saint Vincent | VC |
San Marino | SM |
Suriname | SR |
Sweden | SE |
Taiwan | TW |
Trinidad And Tobago | TT |
Turks And Caicos | TC |
Venezuela | VE |
Afghanistan | AF |
Albania | AL |
Algeria | DZ |
American Samoa | AS |
Angola | AO |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Austria | AT |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Bahrain | BH |
Bangladesh | BD |
Benin, Peoples Republic of | BJ |
Bhutan | BT |
Bosnia And Herzegovina | BA |
Botswana | BW |
Brazil | BR |
Brunei | BN |
Bulgaria | BG |
Burkina Faso | BF |
Burma (myanmar) | MM |
Burundi | BI |
Belarus | BY |
Kampuchea (prev. Cambodia) | KH |
Cameroon | CM |
Cape Verde, Republic of | CV |
Central Africa Republic | CF |
Chad, Republic of | TD |
China, Peoples Republic of | CN |
Christmas Island | CX |
Comoros Republic | KM |
Congo Democratic Republic | CD |
Cook Islands | CK |
Croatia | HR |
Cyprus | CY |
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus | XT |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Djibouti | DJ |
Egypt | EG |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ |
Eritrea | ER |
Estonia | EE |
Ethiopia | ET |
Falkland Islands | FK |
Fiji | FJ |
French Guiana | GF |
French Polynesia/tahiti | PF |
Gabon Republic | GA |
Gambia | GM |
Georgia | GE |
Ghana | GH |
Gibraltar | GI |
Greece | GR |
Guadeloupe | GP |
Guam | GU |
Guinea Bissau | GW |
Guinea, Republic of | GN |
Hong Kong SAR | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran | IR |
Iraq | IQ |
Israel | IL |
Ivory Coast/cote D'ivoire | CI |
Jordan | JO |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Kiribati | KI |
Korea, Republic of | KR |
Kuwait | KW |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Laos | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Lebanon | LB |
Lesotho | LS |
Liberia | LR |
Libya | LY |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Macao SAR | MO |
North Macedonia | MK |
Madagasgar | MG |
Malawi | MW |
Malaysia | MY |
Maldives | MV |
Mali | ML |
Malta | MT |
Marianas Islands | MP |
Marshall Islands | MH |
Martinique | MQ |
Mauritania | MR |
Mauritius | MU |
Moldova | MD |
Montenegro | ME |
Morocco | MA |
Mozambique | MZ |
Namibia | NA |
Nauru | NR |
Nepal | NP |
New Caledonia | NC |
Niger | NE |
Nigeria | NG |
Norfolk Island | NF |
Oman | OM |
Pakistan | PK |
Papua New Guinea | PG |
Paraguay | PY |
Peru | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Poland | PL |
Qatar | QA |
Reunion Island | RE |
Romania | RO |
Russian Federation | RU |
Rwanda | RW |
Saint Helena | SH |
Saint Pierre Et Miquelon | PM |
Sao Tome & Principe | ST |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
Senegal | SN |
Serbia | RS |
Seychelles | SC |
Sierra Leone | SL |
Singapore | SG |
Slovakia | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
Solomon Islands | SB |
Somalia | SO |
South Africa | ZA |
Sri Lanka | LK |
Sudan | SD |
South Sudan | SS |
Eswatini | SZ |
Switzerland | CH |
Syria | SY |
Tajhikstan | TJ |
Tanzania | TZ |
Thailand | TH |
Togo | TG |
Tokelau Islands | TK |
Tonga | TO |
Tunisia | TN |
Turkey | TR |
Turkmenistan | TM |
Tuvalu | TV |
Uganda | UG |
Ukraine | UA |
United Arab Emirates | AE |
Uruguay | UY |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Vanuatu | VU |
Vietnam | VN |
Western Samoa | WS |
Yemen | YE |
Zambia | ZM |
Zimbabwe | ZW |
Congo | CG |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Holy See (vatican City State) | VA |
Serbia & Montenegro | CS |
Kosovo | XK |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FM |
Data Layer Entitlement
For customers in U.S. and Canadian markets, the API is provisioned for specific collections of products, reports, and/or features (collectively referred to as data layers) for production and trial usage. Entitlement is not required for testing in the sandbox environment.
- This feature is entitled as "On-Demand Single Entity Resolution" for D&B Direct 2.0 customers.
For customers in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg markets, the API is provisioned as a specific set of data layers for production, trial, and sandbox usage.
- This particular data layer is NOT included in the D&B Direct Onboard suite.
Please refer to the Minimum Requirements section in this topic for scenario specific Required fields.
GET https://direct.dnb.com/V5.0/organizations?CountryISOAlpha2Code=US&SubjectName=Gorman%20Manufacturing&TerritoryName=CA&cleansematch=true Authorization: <My Token>
Set IncludeCleansedAndStandardizedInformationIndicator to true to have a cleansed copy of the InquiryDetail address fields returned in the response.
Name | Characteristics |
ApplicationTransactionID | string up to 64 chars., Optional Unique Transaction ID of the request generated by the service |
TransactionTimestamp | dateTime, Optional The date and time when this request was created. When the request is from an intermediary, such as a workflow manager or service bus, this is the date and time when the message was sent to the D&B function, i.e., the date and time when the xml document was created by the requesting intermediary. |
SubmittingOfficeID | string up to 64 chars., Optional A number that identifies the system or the software application from where this request originated. / A number used to uniquely identfy the D&B business segment or delivery channel from where this request originated. |
DUNSNumber | string up to 15 chars. Pattern: {([0-9a-zA-Z]*)}., Optional |
SubjectName | string up to 240 chars., Optional |
StreetAddressLine-n (can repeat twice) | string up to 240 chars., Optional |
PrimaryTownName | string up to 64 chars., Optional |
CountryISOAlpha2Code | string at least 2 chars. up to 2 chars., Optional Possible values: ISO Alpha2 Code Only |
TerritoryName | string up to 64 chars., Optional Possible values: Territory Abbreviated Name for US and Canada (eg: NY for New York). Full Territory Name for all other countries |
FullPostalCode | string up to 32 chars., Optional |
TelephoneNumber | string at least 1 chars. up to 50 chars., Optional |
OrganizationIdentificationNumber | string at least 1 chars. up to 40 chars., Optional |
CandidateMaximumQuantity | int up to 3 digits., Optional A numeric value indicating the greatest number of candidate subjects that may be included in the result set. |
ConfidenceLowerLevelThresholdValue | int up to 2 digits., Optional A numeric value from 4 (low) up to 10 (high) indicating the required level of certainty at which a possible Candidate should be included in the result set. |
ExclusionCriteria-n (Can repeat upto 6 times) | ExclusionDataEnum, Optional Text that denotes an exclusion requirement that the Match process should apply to prevent subjects from being returned as candidates. For example if the value is specified as Out of Business, then the match process should not return any candidates that have an Operating Status which denotes Out Of Business. Possible values: Exclude Non HeadQuarters; Exclude Non MarkeTable Exclude Out of Business; Exclude Undeliverable; Exclude Unreachable |
OrderReasonCode | integer up to 7 digits. up to 7 digits., Optional A DandB code value that defines the grounds for the customer requesting the product, e.g., required to support a credit decision. Possible values: 6332 [Credit Decision]; 6333 [Assessment of credit solvency for intended business connection]; 6334 [Assessment of credit solvency for ongoing business connection]; 6335 [Debt Collection]; 6336 [Commercial Credit Insurance]; 6337 [Insurance Contract]; 6338 [Leasing Agreement]; 6339 [Rental Agreement] |
IncludeCleansedAndStandardizedInformationIndicator | boolean, Optional When true (set to 1), this denotes that the cleansed and standardized information should be included in the response. When false (set to 0), this denotes that the cleansed and standardized information should not be included in the response. Possible values: true / false |
CustomerReferenceText-n | string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional (Up to 5x) A freeform reference string provided by the customer to be linked to the product in order to support subsequent order reconciliation. |
CustomerBillingEndorsementText | string at least 1 chars. up to 240 chars., Optional Text that is filled in by customer and commonly contains requesting individual or department name, or customer's own account/reference number and/or name for the case on which the product was provided.This text is a reference used during the billing process. |
Use the following endpoint for requesting this feature. The {version} is dependent on the underlying service delivering the response.
NOTE: While "organizations" is part of this endpoint, there is no service by this name. Many D&B Direct calls have a similar structure; however, the {version} component is based on the SERVICE to which a given product is associated.
REST (Company) |
GET https://direct.dnb.com/V{version}/organizations?cleansematch |
This operation will return a static set of results in the D&B Direct test environment (sandbox), regardless of the request parameters.
Feature Response
NOTE: The D&B Direct REST implementation uses the BadgerFish approach for JSON with some minor variations.
The following is a list of the possible data fields returned by this operation in the JSON response. Samples are provided for testing successful and failed retrieval, and to demonstrate the basic layout of a response. The data returned in samples may not represent actual values that this feature will deliver.
NOTE: The D-U-N-S Number returned in the response will be a nine-digit zero-padded, numeric value.
{"GetCleanseMatchResponse": { "TransactionDetail": { "ServiceTransactionID": "Id-7b446fd951de8345064b3c0a-1", "TransactionTimestamp": "2013-07-11T06:04:54" }, "TransactionResult": { "SeverityText": "Information", "ResultID": "CM000", "ResultText": "Success" }, "GetCleanseMatchResponseDetail": { "InquiryDetail": { "SubjectName": "Gorman Manufacturing", "Address": { "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "TerritoryName": "CA" } }, "MatchResponseDetail": { "MatchDataCriteriaText": {"$": "Name and Address Lookup"}, "CandidateMatchedQuantity": 24, "MatchCandidate": [ { "DUNSNumber": "804735132", "OrganizationPrimaryName": {"OrganizationName": {"$": "GORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC."}}, "PrimaryAddress": { "StreetAddressLine": [{"LineText": "492 KOLLER STREET"}], "PrimaryTownName": "SAN FRANCISCO", "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "PostalCode": "94110", "TerritoryAbbreviatedName": "CA", "UndeliverableIndicator": false }, "MailingAddress": { "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "UndeliverableIndicator": false }, "TelephoneNumber": { "TelecommunicationNumber": "6505550000", "UnreachableIndicator": false }, "OperatingStatusText": {"$": "Active"}, "FamilyTreeMemberRole": [{"FamilyTreeMemberRoleText": {"$": "Headquarters"}}], "StandaloneOrganizationIndicator": false, "MatchQualityInformation": { "ConfidenceCodeValue": 6, "MatchBasis": [ { "EndIndicator": false, "SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Primary Name"} }, { "EndIndicator": false, "SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Primary Address"} } ], "MatchGradeText": "AZZZAZZZFFZ", "MatchGradeComponentCount": 11, "MatchGradeComponent": [ { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "A", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 100 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Number"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "City"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "State"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "A", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 100 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "PO Box"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Phone"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Postal Code"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Density"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "F", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Uniqueness"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "F", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 12.5 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Sic"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 } ], "MatchDataProfileText": "0099999900999899000000009898", "MatchDataProfileComponentCount": 14, "MatchDataProfileComponent": [ { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Number"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Name"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "City"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "State"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "PO Box"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Phone"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Postal Code"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "DUNS"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "SIC"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Density"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Uniqueness"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "National ID"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "URL"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" } ] }, "DisplaySequence": 1 }, { "DUNSNumber": "009175688", "OrganizationPrimaryName": {"OrganizationName": {"$": "GORMAN MFG CO INC"}}, "PrimaryAddress": { "StreetAddressLine": [{"LineText": "8129 JUNIPERO ST STE A"}], "PrimaryTownName": "SACRAMENTO", "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "PostalCode": "95828", "PostalCodeExtensionCode": "1603", "TerritoryAbbreviatedName": "CA", "UndeliverableIndicator": false }, "MailingAddress": { "StreetAddressLine": [{"LineText": "PO BOX 756"}], "PrimaryTownName": "WOODLAND", "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "PostalCode": "95776", "TerritoryAbbreviatedName": "CA", "UndeliverableIndicator": false }, "TelephoneNumber": { "TelecommunicationNumber": "5306620211", "UnreachableIndicator": false }, "OperatingStatusText": {"$": "Out of Business"}, "StandaloneOrganizationIndicator": true, "MatchQualityInformation": { "ConfidenceCodeValue": 6, "MatchBasis": [ { "EndIndicator": false, "SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Primary Name"} }, { "EndIndicator": false, "SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Primary Address"} } ], "MatchGradeText": "AZZZAZZZFFZ", "MatchGradeComponentCount": 11, "MatchGradeComponent": [ { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "A", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 100 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Number"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "City"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "State"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "A", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 100 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "PO Box"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Phone"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Postal Code"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Density"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "F", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Uniqueness"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "F", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 12.5 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Sic"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 } ], "MatchDataProfileText": "0099999900999899000000009898", "MatchDataProfileComponentCount": 14, "MatchDataProfileComponent": [ { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Number"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Name"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "City"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "State"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "PO Box"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Phone"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Postal Code"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "DUNS"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "SIC"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Density"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Uniqueness"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "National ID"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "URL"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" } ] }, "DisplaySequence": 2 }, { "DUNSNumber": "199650169", "OrganizationPrimaryName": {"OrganizationName": {"$": "GORMAN, DENNIS"}}, "TradeStyleName": {"OrganizationName": {"$": "GORMAN MANUFACTURING"}}, "PrimaryAddress": { "StreetAddressLine": [{"LineText": "12 W KENTUCKY AVE"}], "PrimaryTownName": "WOODLAND", "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "PostalCode": "95695", "PostalCodeExtensionCode": "5837", "TerritoryAbbreviatedName": "CA", "UndeliverableIndicator": false }, "MailingAddress": { "CountryISOAlpha2Code": "US", "UndeliverableIndicator": false }, "TelephoneNumber": { "TelecommunicationNumber": "5306627750", "UnreachableIndicator": false }, "OperatingStatusText": {"$": "Out of Business"}, "StandaloneOrganizationIndicator": true, "MatchQualityInformation": { "ConfidenceCodeValue": 6, "MatchBasis": [ { "EndIndicator": false, "SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Trade style"} }, { "EndIndicator": false, "SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Primary Address"} } ], "MatchGradeText": "AZZZAZZZBFZ", "MatchGradeComponentCount": 11, "MatchGradeComponent": [ { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "A", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 100 }, { 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"SubjectTypeText": "Business", "SeniorPrincipalIndicator": false, "MatchBasisText": {"$": "Primary Address"} } ], "MatchGradeText": "BZZZAZZZBFZ", "MatchGradeComponentCount": 11, "MatchGradeComponent": [ { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "B", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 37 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Number"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Name"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "City"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "State"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "A", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 100 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "PO Box"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Phone"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Postal Code"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Density"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "B", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 51 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Uniqueness"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "F", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 12.5 }, { "MatchGradeComponentTypeText": {"$": "Sic"}, "MatchGradeComponentRating": "Z", "MatchGradeComponentScore": 0 } ], "MatchDataProfileText": "0099999900999899000000009898", "MatchDataProfileComponentCount": 14, "MatchDataProfileComponent": [ { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Name"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Number"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Street Name"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "City"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "State"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "PO Box"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Phone"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Postal Code"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "99" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "DUNS"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "SIC"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Density"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "Uniqueness"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "00" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "National ID"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" }, { "MatchDataProfileComponentTypeText": {"$": "URL"}, "MatchDataProfileComponentValue": "98" } ] }, "DisplaySequence": 24 } ] }, "InquiryReferenceDetail": null } }}
Lists of possible values (when present) are subject to change. Additional values not presented in this documentation may be delivered in the response and should be anticipated in any implementation.
Empty/NULL Values
A NULL returned for an element indicates that the information was not provided to D&B when the related data items were collected. The absence of a value for a particular item should not be considered indicative of any implied value (e.g., NULL for a boolean indicator is NOT the same as a value of 'false').
Abbreviated Territory Names
When present, the Territory Abbreviated Name field will contain local abbreviations, which may be based on standard designations. For companies domiciled in the United States or Canada, this field will contain the second component of ISO 3166-2 codes. For example, the ISO 3166-2:US code for New Jersey is "US-NJ" and the value "NJ" will be delivered in this field. Similarly, the ISO 3166-2:CA code for Ontario is "CA-ON" and the value "ON" will be delivered in this field.
Language/Character Sets
The text contained within D&B Direct 2.0 data layers is returned in English. Several reports, including the D&B Business Information Report (BIR), provide additional language options. Data layers are encoded using the ISO 8859-1 character set standard (sometimes referred to as Latin-1), EXCEPT when the organization is domiciled in the Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (HU), Poland (PL) or Slovakia (SK). Data from these markets is currently encoded using the ISO 8859-2 character set standard.
Response Codes & Error Handling
Successful service requests will return a CM000 response code in the TransactionResult ResultID field. Otherwise, one of the D&B Direct standard response codes will be returned.
This operation may return the following response codes: CM001, CM002, CM003, CM004, CM007, CM008, CM009, CM011, CM012, CM016, CP001, CP003, CP004, and SC001-SC009.
D&B Direct 2.0 API requests are provided on a metered basis; and may require entitlement prior to use in the production environment. In addition, a concurrency limit (QPS) is monitored to ensure that it is not exceeded. An error code will be returned in the event that a transaction is throttled.
Qualified usage (e.g., a successful response) is tracked and billed according to the terms & conditions of the customer's contract. The response codes CM000, CM010, PD002 and PD015 are considered successful. A built-in feature exists to prevent duplicate billing when multiple successful requests with the same criteria are submitted on the same calendar day (which is based on Eastern Standard Time [GMT-5]).
Business Elements
While D&B Direct uses a product canonical naming model in the request/response, many customers may be more familiar with the following business element labels.
Name | Description |
Branch/Headquarter Indicator | A character code that describes the case that the data relates to as a branch or headquarters location. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ FamilyTreeMemberRole/ FamilyTreeMemberRoleText |
Confidence Code | Confidence Code (CC) indicates the degree of Match between an Inquiry and a Match Result. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MatchQualityInformation/ ConfidenceCodeValue |
Country Code | ISO Code for the country where the business is located. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ PrimaryAddress/ CountryISOAlpha2Code |
Delivery Point Validation CMRA | BR: Y - The address is a valid Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA). A CMRA is a private business that accepts mail delivery from the Postal Service for others (addressee), holds it for pickup (in most cases a private mailbox ("PMB") or re-mails it to PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ DeliveryPointValidationDetail/ CMRAValue |
Delivery Point Validation STATUS | BR: Y - Submitted address is valid, including, if required for delivery, the secondary address: suite, room, floor or apartment #. This is equal to DSF Deliverability Indicator #1. N - Submitted address is invalid and possibly to definitely undeliverable. PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ DeliveryPointValidationDetail/ StatusValue |
D-U-N-S Number | DUNS Number of the organization PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ DUNSNumber |
Mailing Address (NIXIE) Undeliverable | Indicates whether the address is undeliverable. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ UndeliverableIndicator |
Mailing Country Code | The three digit code associated with the country name of the mailing address. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ CountryISOAlpha2Code |
Mailing Postal Code | The postal or ZIP code associated with the mailing address. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ PostalCode |
Mailing Postal Code Extension | PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ PostalCodeExtensionCode |
Mailing Street Address | Present only if the business has a mailing address in addition to a physical address. Up to 2 Mail Address fields. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ StreetAddressLine/ LineText |
Mailing Territory Abbreviated Name | The abbreviation of the mailing state/Province/Primary region. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ TerritoryAbbreviatedName |
Mailing Town Name | The mailing city associated with the mailing address. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MailingAddress/ PrimaryTownName |
Match Criteria | PCM XPath: //MatchDataCriteriaText |
Match Data Profile (Combined) | Indicates how a single attribute matched to additional data that is present on the Match Reference file. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MatchQualityInformation/ MatchDataProfileText |
Match Data Profile Quantity | The total number of constituent parts (e.g., Name, Street Number) that were used in the calculation of the Match Data Profile. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MatchQualityInformation/ MatchDataProfileComponentCount |
Match Grade (Combined) | Currently, Match Grades are represented as either a 7 or 11 Character String. Below is the Order of the Match Grade Attributes: PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MatchQualityInformation/ MatchGradeText |
Match Grade Component Quantity | The total number of constituent parts (e.g., Name, Street Number) that were used in the calculation of the Match Grade. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ MatchQualityInformation/ MatchGradeComponentCount |
Most Senior Principal Full Name | Name of the primary executive of the company. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ SeniorPrincipalName/ FullName |
Number Of Candidates | PCM XPath: //CandidateMatchedQuantity |
Organization Identification Number | Registration numbers assigned to the organization PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ OrganizationIdentificationNumberDetail/ OrganizationIdentificationNumber |
Out of Business Indicator | PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ OperatingStatusText |
Postal Code | Postal (ZIP) code where business is located. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ PrimaryAddress/ PostalCode |
Postal Code Extension | PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ PrimaryAddress/ PostalCodeExtensionCode |
Primary Business Name | The official or registered name of the business. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ OrganizationPrimaryName/ OrganizationName |
Standalone Organization Indicator | PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ StandaloneOrganizationIndicator |
Standardized Address Address Type | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ AddressTypeValue |
Standardized Address Business Name | PCM XPath: //StandardizedName/ OrganizationName |
Standardized Address Country Code | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ CountryISOAlpha2Code |
Standardized Address Country Name | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ CountryName |
Standardized Address County | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ CountyName |
Standardized Address Inexact Indicator | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ InexactAddressIndicator |
Standardized Address Postal Code | Zip code from inquiry request PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ PostalCode |
Standardized Address Street | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ StreetAddressLine/ LineText |
Standardized Address Territory | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ TerritoryName |
Standardized Address Territory Abbreviated Name | PCM XPath: //StandardizedAddress/ TerritoryAbbreviatedName |
Street Address | Address line of physical location PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ PrimaryAddress/ StreetAddressLine/ LineText |
Telephone Disconnected (TIXIE) Indicator | Indicates whether the phone number is invalid. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ TelephoneNumber/ UnreachableIndicator |
Telephone Number | The telephone number of the business. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ TelephoneNumber/ TelecommunicationNumber |
Telephone Number International Dialing Code | International dialing code for country PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ TelephoneNumber/ InternationalDialingCode |
Territory Abbreviated Name | The abbreviation for the state/province/primary region where the business is located. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ PrimaryAddress/ TerritoryAbbreviatedName |
Town Name | The name of the city or town in which the business is physically located. PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ PrimaryAddress/ PrimaryTownName |
Trade Style Name | PCM XPath: //MatchCandidate/ TradeStyleName/ OrganizationName |
The preceding list is not presented in the order, nor manner, in which the information is packaged and delivered via the D&B Direct API. Legend: [C] = may be included in a Custom Data product; [M] = may be referenced by the Monitoring process; [M+] = Monitored using an aggregate or attribute XPath.
Feature Notes
When a multi-line address is provided (e.g. building number, street name and post office box in a single request), this feature will return the proper address for mailing purposes.
Match Data Profile (MDP)
The Match Data Profile provides specific detail for each position of the Match Grade by describing how the input field values were matched to the D&B record values. For each of the fourteen MDP components, a two-digit numeric code identifying the type of the information used in the comparison will be returned.
Component | Possible Values | Additional Details |
Name | 00 to 44, 97-99 | |
Street Number | 00-03, 96, 98-99 | |
Street Name | 00-03, 96, 98-99 | |
City | 00-03, 96, 98-99 | Town Name |
State | 00-03, 96, 98-99 | Territory Name (e.g. may be a Province for Canadian companies) |
PO Box | 00, 02-03, 96, 98-99 | Post Office Box Number |
Phone | 00, 02, 98-99 | Telephone Number |
Postal Code | 00, 96, 98-99 | |
DUNS | 00, 98-99 | D-U-N-S Number |
SIC | 00, 98-99 | Standard Industrial Classification |
Density | 00, 98-99 | Defined as the number of businesses within the inquiry subject's postal region (e.g. within a given ZIP code for U.S. companies). |
Uniqueness | 00, 98-99 | Defined as the number of unique matches for the inquiry subject name in the D&B database. |
National ID | 00, 98-99 | Organization Identification Number |
URL | 00, 98-99 | Web Site Address |
Business Name Component
The following table describes each of the possible MDP component values for the Name component.
Component Value | Component Explanation |
00 | Matched to the primary value for this field. For example, if this is the Name component, this means it was successfully matched to the Primary Business Name. |
01 | Matched to the registered value for this field. 4 |
02 | Matched to a Trade Style Name, a secondary or additional name used by the business. A tradestyle is a name by which the business is known other than the formal, official name of the business. For example, D&B is a tradestyle of Dun & Bradstreet. |
03 | Matched to the CEO -- or other primary contact -- Name |
04 | Matched to an additional executive name |
05 | Matched to the former value of this field. |
06 | Matched to the former tradestyle Name, which is an additional name used by the business other than the formal, official name of the business. 1 |
07 | Matched to the former CEO -- or other primary contact -- Name. |
08 | Matched to a former executive name. 1 |
09 | Matched to a short name or abbreviated name for the business. 2 |
10 | Matched to a registered acronym, which is a word made from the first letters of syllables of other words, e.g. NATO is an acronym of North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 2 An acronym is usually pronounced as a word in its own right, as distinct from initialisms, which are pronounced as separate letters, e.g., BBC, CIA, FBI. initialisms are classed as tradestyles. |
11 | Matched to a brand name, which is the name of a particular brand or product which is owned by the subject. 2 Examples might include: Coke, Snickers, Big Mac etc. |
12 | Matched to the inquiry subject name, which is manually entered by operators to facilitate the finding of the company. 3 Sometimes it could be the previous name, other times it is just an acronym, part of name, or an abbreviation of name or extended name. |
13 | Matched to a trademark name, which is a name, word, or symbol, especially (in full registered trademark) one that is officially registered and protected by law, used to represent a company or individual or product. 4 Trademarks often include the symbol ®, signifying that the mark has been registered. Trademarks tend to include precise formatting like the Coke or Ford logos, or more simply the hyphenated D-U-N-S Number Trademark. |
14 | Matched to marketing name, which is a name assigned to the business for marketing purposes.4 Usually this will be a name created by D&B and not one which is officially used by the business. |
15 | Matched to "known by name", which is any other name by which the entity is known that cannot be categorized by one of the other name types either because the name category is not covered by an existing type, or because the precise name type cannot be identified.4 |
16 | Matched to Stock Ticker Name.4 |
17 | Matched to Headquarter Business Name.4 |
18 | Matched to registered tradestyle name, which is the name which the business uses and by which it is known other than the formal, official name of the business.4 This code is only used for tradestyles which have been registered. |
19 | Matched to the alternative language name, which is any of the names of the entity in a language other than the primary language of the entity.4 The primary language of the business is decided by the local country and is used in countries that have multiple languages. |
20 | The inquiry Organization Identification Number matched completely to the candidate Organizational Identification Number.4 The Organization Identification Number is a business identification number used in some countries for business registration and tax collection. Examples include CRO numbers in the U.K. and the French Siren numbers. |
21 | The inquiry Organization Identification Number matched only in part to the candidate Organizational Identification Number.4 |
30 | Matched to the Primary Business Name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type. |
31 | Matched to the registered business name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 |
32 | Matched to the current Trade Style Name, secondary or additional name used by the business, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type. |
33 | Matched to the former business name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type. |
34 | Matched to the former tradestyle name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.1 |
35 | Matched to a short name or abbreviated name for the business, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.2 |
36 | Matched to a registered acronym, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.3 |
37 | Matched to a brand name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.2 |
38 | Matched to the inquiry subject name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.3 |
39 | Matched to a trademark name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 |
40 | Matched to marketing name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 |
41 | Matched to "known by name", but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 |
42 | Matched to Headquarter Business Name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 |
43 | Matched to registered tradestyle name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 This code is only used for tradestyles which have been registered. |
44 | Matched to the alternative language name, but the legal designator (business type) of the candidate does not match the inquiry business type.4 |
Physical Address Components
The following table describes each of the possible MDP component values for the Street Number, Street Name, City, and State components.
Component Value | Component Explanation |
00 | Matched to the primary value for this field. For example, if this is the City component, this means it was successfully matched to the Town Name. |
01 | Matched to the registered value for this field.4 |
02 | Matched to the former value of this field. |
03 | Matched to the additional value of this field. |
Mailing Address Component
The following table describes each of the possible MDP component values for the PO Box component.
Component Value | Component Explanation |
00 | Matched to the primary value for this field. For example, if this is the PO Box component, this means it was successfully matched to the Post Office Box Number. |
02 | Matched to the former value of this field. |
03 | Matched to the additional value of this field. |
Telephone Number Component
The following table describes each of the possible MDP component values for the Phone component.
Component Value | Component Explanation |
00 | Matched to the primary value for this field. For example, if this is the Phone component, this means it was successfully matched to the Telephone Number. |
02 | Matched to the former value of this field. |
All Other Components
The following table describes each of the possible MDP component values for the Postal Code, DUNS, SIC, Density, Uniqueness, Organizational Identification Number and URL components.
Component Value | Component Explanation |
00 | Matched to the primary value for this field. For example, if this is the URL component, this means it was successfully matched to the Web Site Address |
Special Cases
The following table describes several additional possible MDP component values that apply to scenarios where a match was not possible.
Component Value | Component Explanation |
96 | Identifies when the inquiry record provided an address element which could not be verified or standardized by our standardization process. This is applicable for the following inquiry components: Street Number, Street Name, PO Box, City, State and Postal Code. |
97 | Identifies when there is no D&B designation for type of name matched. This is applicable only for the Name component. |
98 | Identifies when the matched D&B record lacked a particular element. This is applicable for all components. |
99 | Identifies when the inquiry record lacked a particular element. This is applicable for all components. |
1 Reserved for future use.
2 Applicable for Iberia, Benelux, Italy and San Marino only.
3 Applicable for Italy and San Marino only.
4 Not applicable for United States and Canada.
What to do Next
- Small Batch Cleanse Process (up to 100 companies per batch)
- Medium Batch Cleanse Process (up to 10,000 companies per batch)