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Ratings Guide

Republic of Korea

The D&B® Rating consists of a Composite Appraisal / Condition and Financial Strength Indicator. The Financial Strength Indicator is based on Net Worth (shareholders’ funds less any intangible assets). The Composite Appraisal / Condition is an overall evaluation of credit worthiness.

Credit Appraisal

The following possible values exist for the Credit Appraisal in this country.

Credit AppraisalCorresponding Composite
High 1
Good 2
Fair 3
Limited 4

Alternate Ratings Used

O- Represents the absence of a D&B Rating and should not be interpreted as indicating that credit should be denied. It means that the information available to D&B does not permit us to classify the company within our Rating Key and that further inquiry should be made before reaching a credit decision. Some reasons for using the "- -" symbol include: deficit net worth, bankruptcy proceedings, lack of sufficient payment information or incomplete history indicator
DS (DUNS Support): This indicates that the information available to D&B does not permit us to classify the company within our Rating Key. When ordering these reports, an investigation can be performed and results sent to you at your request for an additional fee.
INV (Investigation Being Conducted): When an "INV" appears, it means an investigation is being conducted on this business to get the most current details.
FB Foreign Branch indicates that headquarters of the business is maintained in a foreign country

D&B Financial Strength Indicator

The following table possible values exist for the D&B Financial Strength Indicator in this country.

Based on Net WorthBased On CapitalNet Worth (in WON)
5A 5AA 35,515,000,000 and greater
4A 4AA 7,103,000,000 to 35,514,999,999
3A 3AA 1,065,500,000 to 7,102,999,999
2A 2AA 532,725,000 to 1,065,499,999
1A 1AA 266,363,000 to 532,724,999
A AA 133,536,000 to 266,362,999
B BB 66,768,000 to 133,535,999
C CC 33,384,000 to 66,767,999
D DD 17,047,000 to 33,383,999
E EE 8,524,000 to 17,046,999
F FF 4,262,000 to 8,523,999
G GG 2,131,000 to 4,261,999
H HH 0 - 2,130,999
N Financial Strength is negative
O Financial Strength is undisclosed
NB New Business less than 24 months old
NQ Ceased Trading