Cookies Settings



Database Settings

NOTE: All functions under Administration require Administrator privileges.

The Database Settings pages provides the ability to modify how frequently you can review Credit Limits and to specify the format of the Account Numbers in the database.

To adjust the Credit Limit Review Options:

  1. Navigate to the Admin screen in the Top Navigation Bar.
  2. Select Database Settings on the left navigation panel.
  3. Select Review Credit Limit Every xx Months or select Do Not Monitor for Regular Credit Limits Reviews.
  4. Select the number of months for the duration.
  5. NOTE: This will cause the Next Review date to be available when reviewing Credit Limits.

  6. Click Save once complete.

To configure the eRAM generated Account Numbers:

  1. Navigate to the Admin screen in the Top Navigation Bar.
  2. Select Database Settings on the left navigation panel.
  3. The number that appears in the Next System assigned account number shows the numeric portion of the next Account Number to be assigned. To change this, enter a new number.
  4. The prefix that appears in the Prefix to use with system assigned account numbers is the prefix that is currently applied to each Account Number. To change this, enter a new prefix.
  5. Click Save once complete.