Process Scheduler
The Process Scheduler is used to schedule and view the status of resource intensive processes. As events are scheduled, the Process Scheduler will schedule them to run sequentially, including:
- Rescoring (RAM Score) – generate a new RAM score for each account using latest information.
- Retagging (Financial Statements) – select statement types for RAM score /Credit Limit calculations.
- Recalculation (Credit Limits) – generate Credit Limits for each account using latest information.
The status of additional scheduled procedures can be viewed for:
- Importing Files
- Exporting Files
To access the Process Scheduler:
- Click Tools.
- Select Process Scheduler on the left navigation panel.
The screen is divided into three sections according to the status:
- Current Process
- Scheduled Process
- Completed Process (displayed for 7 days)
NOTE: A user cannot delete another users scheduled processes without Administrator authority.
To schedule a job through the process scheduler:
- Click +New.
- Select the Process Type.
- Select the “Rescoring (RAM Score),” “Retagging” or “Recalculation (Credit Limit).”
- Select the appropriate options (i.e. “Save scoring details” and “Accounts in current filter” versus “All Accounts”).
- Selecting “Execute Process Now” or “Execute Process At” and specify the Date/Time.
- Select Schedule
- Review the warning message that appears and accept to proceed by clicking Yes.
- The logged process appears on the scheduler.
NOTE: To cancel the scheduling, highlight the process and select the delete icon and select Okay.