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Product Profiles

Product Profiles help to customize the products available to order and to help combine several workflow steps. Sample product profiles can be:

  • Order an eRAM packet and score the account.
  • Order several report sections / packets at once.
  • When available order a report in a specific language.

To access the Product Profiles screen click Product Profiles on the left navigation panel.

FIGURE 1. Product profiles

To create a new Product Profile:

  1. Click +New.
  2. Enter a “New Product Profile Name” and select “OK.”
  3. Highlight the packet/report in “UNSELECTED PRODUCTS” and click “Add” or double-click.
  4. Select a “Reporting Language” for D&B Business Information Report, Compact Report and Comprehensive Report only).
  5. Select “Automatically Score” or “Save Scoring Details” depending on your needs.
  6. Click “Save” when complete.

To edit a Product Profile that you have created:

  1. Highlight the “Available Profile” you wish to edit.
  2. Click “Edit” icon
  3. Make the appropriate edits.
  4. Click “Save” when complete.

To delete a Product Profile that you have created:

  1. Highlight the “Available Profile” you wish to delete.
  2. Confirm the transaction.