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Browsing Industry Lists

T1 | T2 | Microsoft | SAP On-Prem | SAP Cloud

You can browse by industry SIC and NAICS codes from the Build A List window. You can also browse industry lists by Hoover's codes. For more information, see "Starting a New List". Refer to the section, "Defining Search Criteria Based on Industry".

You can also browse industries as follows:

  1. On the Home page window, select Industry and then click Browse Industries.

  1. In the Browse Industry window, select from one of the following options:
    • Click US SIC Codes to browse industries by SIC Codes.
    • Click NAICS Codes to browse industries by NAICS Codes.
    • Click Hoover's Industries to browse industries by Hoover's Codes.
  1. Click to expand an industry, then click a specific industry within that Code, for example, click Forestry.