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Direct 2.0

December 6, 2013

If you need assistance implementing these changes, or have questions regarding the new features or business elements, please contact the D&B Direct Customer Support team at (866) 465-3829 or submit an online request for assistance.

Service Changes/Additions

The following changes were implemented to the (Undefined variable: DNBVariableSet.D&BDirect) 2.0 API:

Firmographic Product Service3.0
SOAP/REST1. Business elements were added to the following data layers: (Undefined variable: DnB Product Names.Firmographics - Mktg), (Undefined variable: DnB Product Names.Firmographics - Patriot), (Undefined variable: DnB Product Names.Firmographics - Risk). Details...

2. To support upcoming changes to the delivery of PAYDEX data in the USA PATRIOT Act Plus data layer, several XPATH's have changed/were added to the OrderProduct response. Details...

Monitoring Service3.0
SOAP/RESTLinkage - Change Notice. The event information delivered when corporate linkage changes occur will now provide an explanation for each affected child company. Details...
Authentication ServiceAllSOAP/RESTImplemented system generated usernames. The system will generate a unique username for accounts created after December 6, 2013. Prior to that date, the customer-supplied email address was used as the username. No change is required for existing credentials.
All ServicesAllRESTKnown issue resolved. JSON responses for error codes CM002, CM004, SC001 and SC006 may be incorrectly formatted.

Printer-Friendly Release Notes

An Adobe Acrobat PDF of this document is available for download or printing.

Deprecated Service Versions

The following versions of the services listed have been upgraded with newer versions, however the older versions are still available and will be supported until December 6, 2015.

Firmographic Product Service2.1Upgraded to version 3.0
Monitoring Service2.0

Upgraded to version 3.0

Data Primer

This Microsoft Exceltm spreadsheet identifies the business elements and data fields delivered by each D&B Data product, along with the data types and definitions. Also available is a chart showing what countries have data available for each D&B Data product. More details...

This version includes updates for Firmographic v3.0.

Data PrimerReleasedRefreshed*
DnBDirect2-Data-Primer-v102.zipDecember 11, 2013March 3, 2014

*These files are periodically refreshed with the latest business element definitions, and to incorporate any adjustments/minor corrections made to the services.