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Direct 2.0

June 22, 2018

If you need assistance implementing these changes, or have questions regarding the new features or business elements, please contact the D&B Direct Customer Support team at (866) 465-3829 or submit an online request for assistance.

Service Additions and Changes

The following additions were implemented to the D&B Direct 2.0 API:


Updated Error Code PD003 to be delivered for all products when a D-U-N-S Number is on STOP D, and is retrieving data from APLA & IRG Backends.

Assessment Product Service, Custom Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Added Slovakia Failure Score in all predictive risk score products.

Compliance Verification ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Added the following response elements to Beneficial Ownership products: State Owned Organizations Count, Government Organizations Count, Publicly Trading Organizations Count, Privately Held Organizations Count, Control Ownership Type Text, and Control Ownership Type Confidence Level.

Custom Product Service, Compliance Verification Service, Financial Product Service, Firmographic Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Updated Financial Aggregate to be suppressed when delivered from modeled data in GSRL7.

Data Primer

This Microsoft Exceltm spreadsheet identifies the business elements and data fields delivered by each D&B Data product, along with the data types and definitions. Also available is a chart showing what countries have data available for each D&B Data product. More details...

Data PrimerReleasedRefreshed*
Directional-Data-Primer-v160.zipJune 22, 2018 

*These files are periodically refreshed with the latest business element definitions, and to incorporate any adjustments/minor corrections made to the services.