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Direct 2.0

April 22, 2022

If you need assistance implementing these changes, or have questions regarding the new features or business elements, please contact the D&B Direct Customer Support team at (866) 465-3829 or submit an online request for assistance.

Service Additions and Changes

The following additions were implemented to the D&B Direct 2.0 API:

Custom Product Service, Firmographic Product Service, Trade Detail Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Mapping update of Financial Embarrassment Indicator to use updated Scots Code for UK,AT/PT/DE/CH/LI/CZ & SK markets.


• Product/Organization/Events/LegalEvents/FinancialEmbarrassmentIndicator

Custom Product Service, Firmographic Product Service, Trade Detail Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Mapping update of Claims Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT/PT/CH/CZ & SK markets.


• Product/Organization/Events/LegalEvents/ClaimsIndicator

Custom Product Service, Firmographic Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Mapping update of Suit, Judgments Indicator to use updated Scots Code for DE/CH/LI/AU & NZ markets.


• Product/Organization/Events/LegalEvents/SuitsAndOrJudgmentsIndicator

Custom Product Service, Firmographic Product Service, Trade Detail Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Mapping update of Financial/Legal Special Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT/PT/DE/CH/LI/CZ/SK/AU & NZ markets.


• Product/Organization/Events/FinancialOrLegalOrSpecialEventsIndicator

Custom Product Service, Firmographic Product Service, Trade Detail Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Mapping update of Operational Special Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT/PT/DE markets.


• Product/Organization/Events/OperationalSpecialEventsIndicator

Custom Product Service, Firmographic Product Service, Trade Detail Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

Mapping update of Other Special Events Indicator to use updated Scots Code for AT, DE, CZ & SK markets.


• Product/Organization/Events/OtherSpecialEventsIndicator

*These files are periodically refreshed with the latest business element definitions, and to incorporate any adjustments/minor corrections made to the services.