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Direct 2.0

July 10, 2015

If you need assistance implementing these changes, or have questions regarding the new features or business elements, please contact the D&B Direct Customer Support team at (866) 465-3829 or submit an online request for assistance.

Service Changes/Additions

The following changes were implemented to the (Undefined variable: DNBVariableSet.D&BDirect) 2.0 API:

Company Service5.0SOAP/REST1. Requests for country codes BV, CU, GS, IM, KP, MN, BQ, CW, SX, NU, PW, TL, UM, and WF will return a CM007 response code instead of PD005.

2. Same OrderReasonCode requirement as mentioned for Financial Product Service

3. The floating point precision for MatchGradeComponentScore has been increased to 21 digits. Affects Match operation.

Trade Detail Product Service4.0SOAP/RESTAdditional PAYDEX data fields are now included for companies domiciled in Switzerland (country code CH). Affects PIAP_STD. PIAP_ENH, PIAP_PREM.
Firmographic Product Service5.0SOAP/RESTAdditional PAYDEX data fields are now included for companies domiciled in Switzerland (country code CH). Affects PAC_PLUS.
Authentication Service2.0RESTThe authentication process for REST was enhanced to provide expanded details for failed token requests. Version is now required on authorization endpoint.

Deprecated Service Versions

The following versions of the services listed have been upgraded with newer versions, however the older versions are still available and will be supported until July 10, 2017.

Company Service4.0Upgraded to version 5.0

Data Primer

There were no updates to the Data Primer as a result of this release.