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Direct 2.0

February 21, 2020

If you need assistance implementing these changes, or have questions regarding the new features or business elements, please contact the D&B Direct Customer Support team at (866) 465-3829 or submit an online request for assistance.

Service Additions and Changes

The following additions were implemented to the D&B Direct 2.0 API:

Custom Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

• For Virgin islands(VI) and Puerto Rico(PR) countries will return "CountyFIPSCode and TerritoryFIPSCode" for applicable custom data products.

• Xpath : Product/Organization/Location/PrimaryAddress/CountyFIPSCode

• Xpath : Product/Organization/Location/PrimaryAddress/TerritoryFIPSCode

Custom Product Service,Assessment Product Service, Compliance Verification Service, Financial Product ServiceALLSOAP/REST

• Defect fix to return the missing Financial currency code value.

• Xpath : Organization/Financial/FinancialStatement[1]/FinancialHeaderDetails/CurrencyISOAlpha3Code

Data Primer

This Microsoft Exceltm spreadsheet identifies the business elements and data fields delivered by each D&B Data product, along with the data types and definitions. Also available is a chart showing what countries have data available for each D&B Data product. More details...

Data PrimerReleasedRefreshed*
Directional-Data-Primer-v187.zipFebruary 21, 2020 

*These files are periodically refreshed with the latest business element definitions, and to incorporate any adjustments/minor corrections made to the services.