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Direct 2.0

August 22, 2014

If you need assistance implementing these changes, or have questions regarding the new features or business elements, please contact the D&B Direct Customer Support team at (866) 465-3829 or submit an online request for assistance.

Service Changes/Additions

The following changes were implemented to the (Undefined variable: DNBVariableSet.D&BDirect) 2.0 API:

Firmographic Product Service3.2SOAP/RESTSeveral fields on the Detailed Company Profile - SDMR product have been remapped. See details in the following table.
Custom Product Service2.0SOAP/RESTCustom data layers are now accepted by the monitoring service. Use GetProductCatalog for list of elements which will be monitored.
Monitoring Service3.0SOAP/REST

1. CreateMonitoringProfile, UpdateMonitoringProfile now accept criteria on elements within an aggregate.

2. AddMonitoringRegistration no longer performs a Product Availability check. Customers wishing to retain this added level of pre-qualification may call the function directly prior to registering the DUNS.

3. Change Notices will now be triggered by changes to the Transferred D-U-N-S Number field, indicating that the registered DUNS will no longer receive change notices.

4. Changes to fields in the /Linkage/ aggregate (often referred to as "upward linkage") will now trigger change notices when the DUNS of a related entity (e.g. parent, global ultimate) changes.

Report Product Service3.0SOAP/REST*

The Business Information Report (BIR) is now available in PDF format for the United States (US), Austria (AT), Switzerland (CH) and Liechtenstein (LI).

*There is a known issue preventing PDF formatted reports from being delivered via the REST interface.

Printer-Friendly Release Notes

An Adobe Acrobat PDF of this document is available for download or printing.

DCP_SDMR Fields Remapped, Time Period Added

The following fields, relating to Trend Data, have been remapped to alternate XPATH's, and are now individually identified by inspecting a new time period element:

Business ElementDescription / XPATH
3 Year Base Sales Amount (Trend Data)The Sales Amount from the income statement data in millions (USD) for the Base Year, which is the first (oldest) year of this three year trend calculation period. Trend Data fields are calculated once a year, in June, published the following July and used for the subsequent 12 months.

Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. SalesRevenueAmount
5 Year Base Sales Amount (Trend Data)The Sales Amount from the income statement data in millions (USD) for the Base Year, which is the first (oldest) year of this five year trend calculation period. Trend Data fields are calculated once a year, in June, published the following July and used for the subsequent 12 months.

Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. SalesRevenueAmount
Trend Year Sales Amount (Trend Data)The Sales Amount from the income statement data in millions (USD) for the Trend Year, which is the last (most current) year. Trend Data fields are calculated once a year, in June, published the following July and used for the subsequent 12 months.

Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. SalesRevenueAmount
3 Year Growth Percentage on Employees (Trend Data)The percentage increase or decrease in the number of employees over a three year period. This field is calculated by dividing the difference between the Trend Year and 3 Year Base Employee Count values by the 3 year Base Employee Count and multiplying by 100.

Organization. Financial. GrowthRates. GrowthRateItem. ItemRate
5 Year Growth Percentage on Employees (Trend Data)The percentage increase or decrease in the number of employees over a five year period. This field is calculated by dividing the difference between the Trend Year and 5 Year Base Employee Count values by the 5 year Base Employee Count and multiplying by 100.

Organization. Financial. GrowthRates. GrowthRateItem. ItemRate
3 Year Growth Percentage on Sales Volume (Trend Data)The percentage increase or decrease in the Sales Amount over a three year period. This field is calculated by dividing the difference between the Trend Year and 3 Year Base Sales Amount by the 3 Year Base Sales Amount and multiplying by 100.

Organization. Financial. GrowthRates. GrowthRateItem. ItemRate
5 Year Growth Percentage on Sales Volume (Trend Data)The percentage increase or decrease in the Sales Amount over a five year period. This field is calculated by dividing the difference between the Trend Year and 5 Year Base Sales Amount by the 5 Year Base Sales Amount and multiplying by 100.

Organization. Financial. GrowthRates. GrowthRateItem. ItemRate
Trend Year Employee Count (Trend Data)The total number of employees for the Trend Year, which is the last (most current) year. Trend Data fields are calculated once a year, in June, published the following July and used for the subsequent 12 months.

Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. EmployeeQuantity
3 Year Base Employee Count (Trend Data)The total number of employees for the Base Year, which is the first (oldest) year of the three year trend calculation period. Trend Data fields are calculated once a year, in June, published the following July and used for the subsequent 12 months.

Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. EmployeeQuantity
5 Year Base Employee Count (Trend Data)The total number of employees for the Base Year, which is the first (oldest) year of the five year trend calculation period. Trend Data fields are calculated once a year, in June, published the following July and used for the subsequent 12 months.

Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. EmployeeQuantity

To identify the 3-, 5- or Trend year values, developers should inspect the Organization. Financial. KeyFinancialFiguresOverview. StatementHeaderDetails. TimePeriodText@DnbCodeValue attribute.

NOTE: When one of these XPATH's is delivered without a TimePeriodText, it indicates the present value of the business element (i.e. not derived from the Trend Data system).

Change Notices Triggered by DUNS Transfers

As a result of database maintenance and normal business activities (mergers, acquisitions, divestitures) it is possible that a D-U-N-S Number assigned to a company may change. The following XPATH is now available for Monitoring within the Detailed Company Profile data layers: //Organization/ SubjectHeader/. TransferDUNSNumberRegistration/. TransferredToDUNSNumber

Business ElementDescription / XPATH
D-U-N-S Number Transfer Reason TextText explaining the most recent retirement of a D-U-N-S Number affecting this subject. When included in a monitoring notice, the Retained D-U-N-S Number should be used for subsequent requests. When included in a product response, the Previous D-U-N-S Number is provided for reference purposes.

Organization. SubjectHeader. TransferDUNSNumberRegistration. TransferReasonText
D-U-N-S Number Transfer DateThe date associated with the most recent retirement of a D-U-N-S Number affecting this subject. When included in a monitoring notice, the Retained D-U-N-S Number should be used for subsequent requests. When included in a product response, the Previous D-U-N-S Number is provided for reference purposes.

Organization. SubjectHeader. TransferDUNSNumberRegistration. TransferDate
Retained D-U-N-S Number (Transfer)In the event that the D-U-N-S Number of this subject is retired, this field will contain the D-U-N-S Number to reference for future product requests. An explanation for this change is provided in the transfer reason.

Organization. SubjectHeader. TransferDUNSNumberRegistration. TransferredToDUNSNumber

The transfer may have one of the following possible reasons: Duplicate Record Transferred, Internal Structure Change, Straight Deletion, Reinstated.

Monitoring Profiles Accept Elements with Criteria

In past versions of the Monitoring service, when XPATH's delivered multiple business elements controlled by a related attribute, Change Notices would be triggered for updates to any combination of the XPATH and attribute.

Developers may now add entries to Monitoring Profiles that specify the combination(s) that they wish to Monitor. This is accomplished by appending an attribute statement to the XPATH within the CreateMonitoringProfile request. The statement may include multiple values for the attribute by using an OR ("||") operator.

Example #1: Single attribute/XPATH

//Organization/Events/SignificantEvents/SpecialEvent[EventSubTypeText@DNBCodeValue= XXXX || EventSubTypeText@DNBCodeValue= YYYY]

Example #2: Multiple attributes, Single XPATH

//Organization/Events/SignificantEvents/SpecialEvent[EventSubTypeText@DNBCodeValue= XXXX || EventSubTypeText@DNBCodeValue= YYYY]
//Organization/Events/SignificantEvents/SpecialEvent[EventTypeText@DNBCodeValue= XXXX || EventTypeText@DNBCodeValue= YYYY]

NOTE: The combination of attributes may NOT contain duplicate references to the same attribute.

Data Primer

This Microsoft Exceltm spreadsheet identifies the business elements and data fields delivered by each D&B Data product, along with the data types and definitions. Also available is a chart showing what countries have data available for each D&B Data product. More details...

This version includes updates for Firmographic v3.2 (SDMR). Also included are the following enhancements:

Quick Search tab - provides the ability to search across the Business Element and Data Field tabs, resulting in links to the rows in the respective tabs.

Business Elements tab - now includes copies of the Data Type, Possible Values and Geographic Limitation columns from the Data Field tab.

Data Fields tab - now includes separate columns for Type, Length and Cardinality. Also newly added Possible Value and Geographic Limitation columns. The latter offers a list of Country Codes whenever an element is only available for those countries.

(Product) Parameters tab - lists the request parameters for OrderProduct operations across all data layers.

(Feature) RequestResponse tabs - provides information similar to Data Fields/Parameters for the feature operations (e.g. Match, Search, etc.)

In addition to these enhancements, several business element names and descriptions have been revised to clarify the information they deliver.

Data PrimerReleasedRefreshed*
DnBDirect2-Data-Primer-v105.zipAugust 22, 2014September 15, 2014

*These files are periodically refreshed with the latest business element definitions, and to incorporate any adjustments/minor corrections made to the services.