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Integration Manager

Step 1: Creating a Batch Workflow from an Existing Template

To create a new Batch Workflow, you can copy from an existing Batch Workflow template. First you open the Batch Workflow template that you want to copy, save it with a new name, and then change the parameters for your new Batch Workflow.

  1. On the Home page window or the Navigation window, click Batch.
  2. On the Batch window, in the Name field, select an existing Batch Template.
  3. Click Save As.

  1. In the New workflow namefield, type the name for the new workflow, and click OK.

In the Name list, the new workflow displays with the type, User Defined.

  1. To make this workflow shared, select the Access Roles click here link.
  2. In the Matching phase area, to set the parameters for your new workflow, such as Candidate Selection, Quality, and Tie Breaking, click the corresponding icon.

NOTE: Depending on the type of batch you want to run, different parameters are available to your Workflow.

  1. In the Post-Matching phase area, to set the Data View parameters for matched and unmatched results, click the Data View icon.
  2. To set up export parameters, click Matched Export, Allrecords Export, or Unmatched Export.