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Integration Manager

Viewing Job Usage Report

The Job Usage window displays the counts of NLMI and D&B Integration Manager (IM) jobs submitted over a period of time.

The filters available include:

Jobs from dateSelect the From date.
To dateSelect the To date.
User IDSelect the checkbox if you want to display the counts on the basis of User ID.
Jobs Run bySelect the User ID.

To display the counts, Click Find.

This information displays for NLMI jobs:

  • Number of NLMI jobs submitted.
  • Number of NLMI jobs in progress.
  • Number of NLMI jobs completed.
  • Number of NLMI jobs failed.
  • Total number of NLMI records processed.

This information displays for IM jobs:

  • Number of IM jobs submitted.
  • Number of IM jobs in progress.
  • Number of IM jobs completed.
  • Number of IM jobs failed.
  • Total number of IM records processed.

NOTE: Usage information about Statistics will include all jobs if the User ID is unspecified.