Integration Manager Release Notes
These release notes include details on the major release,, and each of the 7.0 minor releases.
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_26_0.jar
- Date of Release: January 25, 2019
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Retrieve Service | OER is enhanced to support the retrieve service in the JAX-WS Implementation. The Retrieve service allows users to retrieve the matched records from the OER repository based on some criteria, such as, OER workflow name, date range, or the maximum number of records. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Delete Service | OER is enhanced to support the delete service in the JAX-WS Implementation. Users can provide one or multiple customer IDs to be deleted from the OER Repository. Those deleted customer IDs will not be considered for re-matching. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Workflow Delete | OER workflow delete feature allows the user to delete the OER workflow configurations. All of the temp tables related to that workflow also will be deleted. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Job Results Delete | OER Job results feature allows the user to delete specific job ID or multiple job IDs from the OER Job Results page. All the related tables for that job ID also will be deleted. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Workflow Access | This feature allows users to access the OER batch workflow based on the roles provided. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Re-matching for Non-matching elements | OER Re-matching feature for matched DUNS is enhanced by allowing the user to configure and monitor the non-matching elements selected by the user. This allows the user to rematch the matched DUNS in the OER repository if there any changes for those DUNS in the daily update based on the configuration. |
Family Tree Batch Workflow - Manual | A new Manual Family Tree Batch workflow type is available. Similar to the Auto Family Tree workflow in everything except that, for this workflow, the batch can be run directly by the user by clicking on the Run button in the workflow. |
Family Tree Batch ID on the Family Tree Job Status Page | The family tree batch ID is added on the family tree job status page next to the job ID. This helps users to identify the batch ID of jobs for easy checking. |
Auto Family Tree Batch - Adding Prefix File Name to Input on the Export Page
| The export options for the Family tree workflow (both Manual and Auto) is enhanced by the addition of the following options:
Family Tree Batch Job - Adding Customer Input Record and Custom Data to Dataview Category
| The dataview categories for the Family tree workflow (Manual and Auto) is enhanced by adding the following categories:
The user can select these fields in the dataview and export or view the results. |
Ongoing Content Refresh (OCR) – New Properties | Three properties are available in the file.
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Workflow Name Dropdown in Lookup - Customize Workflow is displaying with Batch Workflow names | This issue is addressed by making changes to differentiate the lookup workflows and batch workflows. In the lookup dropdown, only lookup workflows will be listed; no batch workflows will be listed. |
When processing multiple files in OCR, the first processed header file is not moving to processed directory | This issue is addressed by moving the already processed file to processed folder instead of moving the current processing file. |
Autoupdate scheduling problem for OCR | This issue is addressed by making the AM PM conversion properly in the scheduler functionality. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_25_0.jar
- Date of Release: October 05, 2018
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Lookup Service | OER is enhanced to support lookup service in JAX-WS Implementation. Lookup can be performed for one or multiple records. A single record will be treated as transactional and the results will be returned immediately. Multiple records will be processed in batch mode. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Stop | OER is enabled to stop the OER Job from processing. This feature will not allow the user to perform matching through Manual batch, Auto, Webservice or Rematching for the stopped OER Job. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Rematching for the matched DUNS in OER repository | OER is allowed to rematch the matched DUNS in OER repository if there any changes for those DUNS in the daily update. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Export | OER is enhanced to export the OER batch results after the matching is completed. OER batch will export the results to the file. |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Workflow Snapshot | OER workflow snapshot is allowed to manage with workflow type 420 and OER workflow jobs will not be displayed in the Job Status page. |
Ongoing Content Refresh (OCR) – Field audit in daily notification files | OCR is enhanced to accept the field level audit files as part of the daily notification files. All the fields are now allowed to audit, and audit information will be received as part of the daily notifications. Field audit files are applicable for the SEED, UPDATE and SPECIALUPDATE notifications. Field names which are audited will be sent as part of Notification header file. |
Auto Family Tree Batch Matched Export | In the Auto Family Tree batch, matched export FTP Server option is removed and invalid output options are removed. |
Auto Family Tree Batch Matched Dataview | The Auto Family Tree batch workflow configuration page displays only matched dataview. Unmatched and Allrecords dataviews are not displayed. |
Navigate to Batch tab when clicking workflow from Family Tree Job status page | Page navigation included to navigate from Family Tree Job status page to Batch tab when Family Tree batch workflow is clicked. |
Update zero for the codes having 2 digit DI_WORLDBASE_COUNTRY_REF Table | Updated prefix zero for Worldbase codes having 2 digits in DI_WORLDBASE_COUNTRY_REF table. |
Disabling dnb_accuracy in Lookup and Batch dataview | Obsolete field dnb_accuracy is disabled in the product and it will not be visible in the Lookup and Batch dataviews. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Results for the family tree batch job are not exported properly when any sic code data element is included in the Dataview | This issue is addressed by making changes to the Family Tree export SQL query to accommodate the code and descriptions fields. |
Security Fixes | Missing Content-Security-Policy Header, Missing X-Content-Type-Options Header, Missing X-XSS-Protection Header, Verbose Error Message, Password in HTTP Response, Weak Password Policy changing password length from 8 to 10 characters issues are addressed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_24_0.jar
- Date of Release: July 20, 2018
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Re-matching | OER is enhanced to support automatic Re-matching of the input records once the daily notification file is refreshed in the IM CCD. |
Ongoing Content Refresh (OCR) – Field audit in daily notification files | OCR is enhanced to accept the field level audit files as part of the daily notification files. Only 18 fields are audited and received as part of the daily notifications. Field audit files are applicable only for the SEED and SPECIALUPDATE notifications. |
Automated Family Tree Batch | New Auto Family Tree batch workflow is added in the batch to process the family tree automatically by placing the DUNS in the batch input file and to export the family tree results for the provided input DUNS. |
Oracle 12c support | Integration Manager has upgraded to use Oracle 12c. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Missing records in the DI_SITE_DATA, DI_SITE_SIC_DATA, DI_CUSTOM tables post monthly update process | This issue is addressed by validating the Personal Investigation DUNS during the data load process in the DI_SITE_DATA, DI_SITE_SIC_DATA, DI_CUSTOM tables. |
Family Tree jobs hang and run indefinitely until deleted | This issue is addressed by avoiding errors while updating the DI_WF_RECORD table. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_23_0.jar
- Date of Release: April 6, 2018
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Entity Resolution (OER) Manual and Auto batch using files | A new workflow for OER has been created to store the customer match input in a repository and perform matching. The OER workflow has been enabled to perform manual and automated matching with the batch input files. |
Scheduler - Scheduler option for OCR Index Rebuild and Purge | This feature allows the users to schedule the OCR Index Rebuilding and Purging from the GUI Scheduler tab. |
Disclaimer message | The disclaimer message within the product has been updated. |
SIC code tables updated with new codes and descriptions | SIC4 and SIC8 codes and descriptions have been updated with latest data in the DI_SITE_SIC_DATA_REF table. |
New logo and color theme within the interface | The Product Installer, GUI, and Reports have been updated with the new D&B logo and color theme. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Batch job sometimes failed to send US records to personal investigation | This issue has been addressed by updating the database table before sending the message to the queue. |
Local trigger cannot be started in the scheduler | This issue has been addressed by setting the correct dynamically-generated scheduler id. |
IM OCR support of zip64 format for zip files | This issue has been addressed by using common compress library in all the places of OCR while accessing the zip files. |
Security fixes | The Session Identifier Passed in Query String has been addressed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_22_0.jar
- Date of Release: January 5, 2018
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Full-up Linkage | This feature will allow the users to choose the Full family tree or Full-up Linkage to pull the data from the Family Tree Lookup. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
IM should not start/resume when another OCR data load is in-progress | This issue is addressed by having the OCR data load validation check on entry before starting the data load process. |
IM OCR IDS not having right agnid in the side data files (DDM/ESF/EHA) | This issue is addressed by setting the agnid from the matchkey table before starting the side data load. |
DBCS matched records results not able to view/export with Manual/Auto Enhanced workflows in Oracle | This issue is addressed by having table or view exist verification check inside that schema defined for the application. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_21_0.jar
- Date of Release: October 20, 2017
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Custom Append Loader automation | This feature allows the Custom Append Loader to schedule if the JSON_Datasource is set to Yes. Based on the scheduler configuration, the Custom Append Loader will be triggered and the GDMI data will be loaded into the Custom table. |
Role-based workflow access control | This feature allows users to access the Lookup and Batch workflows based on the roles provided. Workflow names are changed from [Public] to [Shared]. |
URL and Domain data in the preprocessor | New data elements, TOTAL_NO_OF_WEBSITEADDRESS, URL1, URL2, URL3, URL4, URL5, DOMAIN1, DOMAIN2, DOMAIN3, DOMAIN4, DOMAIN5, have been added as part of the Custom Append elements in the preprocessor. |
Duplicate United States options removed from the country drop-down | The duplicate country names, America and USA, have been removed from the country drop-down in Lookup and Batch. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
SIC Data issue in IM OCR | The correct SIC array index data is now being used to load the data through the IDS and OCR. |
Manual and auto Data Append jobs don't queue when the concurrency limit is reached | The waiting Job ID has been added to the status tracker. This adds the waiting job in the queue and enhances the Data Append workflow to pick and process from the waiting status. |
Reloading the failed loadset | When reattempting to load a failed loadset, first delete any partial data that may have been loaded into the master tables, then load the data into the master table for both the MS SQL server and the Oracle database. (This change is applicable for the D&B data loadset only.) |
CPU spikes during the download in Job Status | This issue has been addressed by using the export component for the download in the Job Status page. |
File Trigger pattern allowing duplicates | Duplicate file patterns are now restricted from the Batch File Trigger for Auto Batch workflows. |
FileReadUpdate job primary key violation in the Custom Append data | The Custom Append table now allows updates to be made to existing D-U-N-S Numbers. |
Import issue in batch workflow | The Auto Batch workflow now allows files to be imported in the batch import. |
Security fixes | The cacheable HTTP content issue has been corrected. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_20_0.jar
- Date of Release: July 22, 2017
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Allow inserts during IDS or MU or OCR background mode for Oracle Database | This feature will allow inserts during the IDS or MU or OCR processes. During this process inserted data is stored in a temporary table and once the processes are completed the inserted data will be moved to actual tables and be available for matching. |
Purge the Insert Queue data | This feature will purge the insert queue data which is available in the temporary table. This can be scheduled to purge the data. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Jboss Application Server Admin console & JMX console are vulnerable to remote code execution | Admin console & JMX console are removed from the IM product, since these are not required. |
PRIME Header filename change | IM is enabled to accept the new PRIME header filename from “_HEADER.json” to “_SEEFFILE_HEADER.json” & “_NOTIFICATION_HEADER.json”. This name is made configurable to read it from the properties file. |
Visibility of Insert Queue tab under System Settings | Insert Queue tab under System Settings is made visible or invisible based on the INSERT_DATA_TO_QUEUE property value. |
Null Pointer exception in the Enhanced batch workflow due to NULL value in state field | This issue is addressed by checking NULL value in state field and treating NULL as empty state for processing the Enhanced batch workflow. |
Insert problem in standard Manual & Auto batch workflow | This issue is addressed the Standard Manual & Auto batch workflow to insert properly based on the Insert to Queue configuration. |
Improper alert message in the import functionality | Alert message during the Import is changed to understandable text for the users. |
IM is not allowing us to assign a script to run in the User Script | This issue is addressed by having the right validation check to assign a script and run in the user script. |
Remove Obsolete field "Family Update Date" from IM Layout | Obsolete field Family Update Date is disabled in the product. |
'Year Started’ element value in IM OCR Standard Data Append need changes | This is addressed by changing the ‘Year Started’ value from organization.controlOwnershipDate to organization.startDate. |
IM OCR - Addition of Control Year in Custom Append | New element Control year is added to the IM OCR Custom Append list. |
Password change enforced to enter the current password | This is addressed by enforcing the user to enter the current password and provide the new & confirmed password to change the password of a user. |
Security Fixes | Verbose Server banner, Path Traversal & Sensitive Information Leaked via Query String Parameter issues are addressed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_19_0.jar
- Date of Release: May 19, 2017
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Content Refresh to load the Custom Append Data | This feature will allow the IDS & OCR to load the Custom Append data along with Reference & Standard append data into the IM CCD. |
Ongoing Content Refresh to load the Custom trade style data | This feature will allow the IDS & OCR to load the Custom Tradestyle data along with the Reference, Standard & Custom append data into the IM CCD. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have be corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Exclude Nixe, Tixie, Delist, OOB fields with NULL value | This is enhanced by enabling four new configurations added to the Candidate selection exclude option tab in the workflow. By using this option, if the fields contains NULL value then that record will be excluded from the returned candidates. |
Enabling Principals fields for the OCR | Principals fields (DATA-APP-CEO-SUFFIX, DATA-APP-CEO-PREFIX, DATA-APP-CEO-MRC-CD, DATA-APP-EXEC1- Suffix, DATA-APP-EXEC1- Prefix, DATA-APP-EXEC1- MRC, DATA-APP-EXEC1- Gender Code, DATA-APP-EXEC1- Full Name, DATA-APP-EXEC2- Suffix, DATA-APP-EXEC2- Prefix, DATA-APP-EXEC2- MRC, DATA-APP-EXEC2- Gender Code, DATA-APP-EXEC2- Full Name, DATA-APP-EXEC3- Suffix, DATA-APP-EXEC3- Prefix, DATA-APP-EXEC3- MRC, DATA-APP-EXEC3- Gender Code, DATA-APP-EXEC3- Full Name) are enabled for OCR. |
Remove Obsolete fields from IM Layout | Obsolete fields cable_telex & bank_duns_nbr are disabled in the product. |
IM port change utility is not working as expected | IM port change utility which had issues in the Linux environment is fixed. |
Custom data loader Auto update is not backing up the source files after processing | Backup source files in custom data loader are addressed by taking the source files individually and placing them in the backup folder. |
IM is returning different name spaces from the same XML Lookup Request | This issue is addressed by making empty namespace in all the occurrences for all the services. |
Security Fixes | Cross-Site Request Forgery is addressed in all the pages. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_18_0.jar
- Date of Release: Dec 9, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Content Refresh with Preprocessed data for MS SQL Server Database | Data supply chain content has been improved through performance re-engineering and basic data filtering to provide the most current data. |
Allow inserts during updates for MS SQL Server Database | This feature will allow inserts during the IDS or MU or OCR processes. During this process inserted data is stored in a temporary table and once the processes are completed the inserted data will be moved to actual tables and be available for matching. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and the defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_17_0.jar
- Date of Release: Nov 30, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Allow configuration based index creation in DI_CLIENT_KEY table for MS SQL Server and allowing description based on the description column length in DI_CLIENT_KEY table | While loading IDS data DI_CLIENT_KEY table, index creation is made configurable using the property DO_CK_INDEX in DI_MU_CONFIG table. This configuration is applicable only for the MS SQL server. The CLIENT key description is also made to allow inserts based on the description column length in DI_CLIENT_KEY table. |
Allowing Connection URL in the import and export pages | Connection URL will be allowed to enter based on the property ENABLE_IMPORT_CONN_URL in the for the following page in Database Import, Batch Database Trigger Pattern, Batch Matched DB Export, Batch Unmatched DB Export, Batch Allrecords DB Export, Job Status Matched DB Export, Job Status Unmatched DB Export, Job Status Rejected DB Export, and Job Status AllRecords DB Export. |
GeoAccuracy code changes | Existing Geo accuracy codes are removed and new Geo accuracy codes have been added into the GEOCODE_ACCURACY table. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
DI_DECODE_STATE_ZIPMAPPING code ranges null for Canada countriesr | Null Canada countries have changed to actual values in the DI_DECODE_STATE_ZIPMAPPING table. |
Custom Loader NULL pointer exception in country decode | While loading the custom loader, null check is added into the country decode to resolve this issue. |
Country name changes for BONAIRE & SINT MAARTEN | Country name is changed from BONAIRE to BONAIRE ST EUST SABA and SINT MAARTEN to ST MAARTEN in COUNTRY and DI_WORLDBASE_COUNTRY_REF tables and in the country.ini file. Country name BONAIRE ST EUST SABA and ST MAARTEN have been added in the COUNTRY table. |
Custom Loader Loadset count in Get Progress | Included Custom Loader loadset number progress in display while clicking Get Progress button. |
Insert issue during MU | Validation included in the Insert webservice not to perform inserts during the MU data load. |
Security Fixes | Autocomplete HTML attribute not disabled for the password fields is addressed in all the pages. Server Information Disclosure is addressed in the default page. Database Error pattern found is addressed in the Client Key & Decode Country pages. Security issues around Client Key description parameter have been addressed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_16_0.jar
- Date of Release: Sep 13, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Ongoing Content Refresh for MS SQL Server Database | Data supply chain content has been improved through performance re-engineering to provide the most current data. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on enhancements and the defect fixes.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_15_0.jar
- Date of Release: Sep 9, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Self-Match | Self-match is applicable only for the Enhanced batch workflows. Ban and Backend composite key values present in the batch input record should not be in the returned candidates. |
Loading NULL Address in Custom Loader Based on Configuration | In the address permutation combination, if address has null value then based on the configuration selected data needs to be loaded into the database. |
Loading Default Source System in Custom Loader Based on Configuration | Loading the customer data using default source system configured instead of using the input customer data. |
Restrict Lookup & Batch During the Custom Loader in Standalone Mode | During the custom load, standalone mode doesn't allow the user to perform Lookup and Batch match based on configuration. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Records Not Removed Properly when Customstandalone Property is Enabled in Custom Loader | When loading the customer data using the custom loader in CUSTOM_LOAD_STANDALONE mode data are not removed properly. |
Custom loader is Failing if First Column is Blank or NULL in the Delimited File | When loading the customer data using the custom loader if the first column is empty or NULL in the delimited file then that record will be written to the error log. |
Performance Improvement in the Custom Loader | Improved the performance of Custom loader data loading process. |
Error while Processing the Submitbatch Webservice | MIME (mimepull.jar) jar is included in the application classpath to address this issue. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on the database upgrade and fixing security vulnerability defects.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_14_0.jar
- Date of Release: August 1, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
MS SQL Server 2014 | The Integration Manager product has upgraded to the use of MS SQL Server 2014 version. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Security Patch | Privilege Escalation is addressed across the application. Security issues around Lookup pi_record_id parameter, ImportStatus allTableNames parameter, RemoteBatch batchId and jobId parameter have been addressed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements that make up IM Version
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_13_0.jar
Date of Release: June 10, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
File Read Update - Record Delete/Undelete | In the Batch application utility File Read update process, a new feature is added to delete/undelete the DUNS in the CCD. The delete will happen based on the delete flag (position 191) in the input feed. |
Webservice Request Response xml logging | The Webservice Request and Response xml is logged in the server.log file if any fault message is returned from the service. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on simplifying the application installation process and fixing security vulnerability defects.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_12_0.jar
- Date of Release: May 20, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Automated Installer | The Automated Installer feature has been enabled to automatically install the application using property files and eliminate the step-by-step manual installation process. |
Batch Load Balancer | The Batch Load Balancer controls the flow of batch job processing within the system based on the defined maximum job configuration. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Side Data DDM/EHA/ESF: Monthly Update | When Monthly Update is initiated with the side data files, the Monthly Update hangs while processing the side data. This issue is addressed by setting the proper exit flag in the Monthly Update process to complete the side data files loading. |
Japanese records: Data View and Export | In Batch, Japanese records having more length in the input data causes problem in the all records data view and export. The issue is fixed by maintaining the same input table column size and the intermediate view column length. |
Manual export – Rejected Records | While exporting the rejected records manually from the Jobstatus page, all the records get exported in all the Enhanced workflows. Only the rejected records in the manual rejected export are now exported. |
Download – Rejected Records | While downloading the rejected records, the download file has error stacktrace for all the workflows. The fix is provided to ignore the error stacktrace in the rejected records download file. |
FileReadUpdate Country Code | This issue of the FileReadUpdate not updating the WorldBase (WB) country code is fixed by converting the input country name (start & end position 1053 – 1102) into the WB 2 char country code. |
Security Patch | Addressed security issues around IDS (Initial Data Seeding) actionItem parameter, Lookup pool_record_id_parameter, and Family Tree Export filterstatus parameter. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on refining the accuracy of search results by eliminating duplicate records and enhancing the usage report's functionality.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_11_0.jar
- Date of Release: February 26, 2016
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Lookup and Batch Workflows: Self-matching | Duplicate records from candidates found, based on the configured customer search criteria, have been removed by enabling Enhanced Lookup and Batch workflows. |
Lookup and Batch Workflows: Duplicates in LSID | Duplicate records from candidates found, based on the LSID (Logical Site ID), have been removed by enabling Enhanced Lookup and Batch workflows. |
Job Usage Report | Enhanced the Usage report to allow for viewing and downloading of Batch Job and Webservice usage for the selected criteria. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Custom loader [DE17720] | Issues with the custom loader have been addressed by avoiding duplicate record insertion, when there is an empty address value in the input feed. The Zip Code field has been added to the DI_MATCH_KEY table. If the Normalized field is NULL or empty, then the record is marked as rejected and written to the error file. State validation has been added for the country, Canada. Removal of previously-loaded D&B data is made configurable when custom standalone is initiated. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Validation Before Table and Index Swaps [DE17721] | Validation input has been added before performing table and index swapping in the BG IDS and BG MU processes to avoid data correction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Batch Match: State Input [DE17812] | The issue of a state being derived from a ZIP Code when a state is input has been addressed by passing the input state for batch match. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All-Records Output: Rejected Records [DE17814] | This issue has been addressed by adding the rejected record in the all-records output for Multi-pass workflows. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Decode Country and State Table [DE17813] | The country and state table column size has been standardized across the application. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AME Batch Input File [DE17815] | The extra tab in the AME batch input file, up to the postal code, has been removed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country Codes [DE17830] | New country codes have been added for the following:
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on a number of performance and batch application utilities enhancements.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_10_0.jar
- Date of Release: December 28, 2015
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Batch Application Utilities - Logging | Enhanced batch logging in the file extraction and file readupdate process has reduced log file errors. |
Batch Application Utilities - Mailing | The enhanced batch mailing feature for the batch file extraction and file readupdate processes automatically sends an email notification for successful and failed batch processes. |
Batch Application Utilities - Purging | The enhanced batch purging feature archives investigation and log files from the disk and extracts needed details from the database DI_SOURCE_SYSTEM_EXTRACT_INFO table. |
Logistics-Friendly Package | The installer package has been drastically reduced, which further reduces the transfer time to the deployment hosts |
Reduced Service Start-up Time | Service start-up time has been reduced through performance re-engineering and better memory management. |
Light Weight Run-time Container | The new light-weight class loader reduces the foot print of JVM in the physical memory. With less resource utilization, the application delivers results without compromising quality. |
Product Labeling | The build process now compiles all the artifacts and applies product labeling for customer ease-of-use. Labeling include information about the build date, time, and product version details. |
Critical Variable References | The required parameter values of JAVA_HOME, install path, database, and email details are now updated to the configuration file during installation for future reference. |
Service Interface Definition | Every build now creates a JAX-WS WSDL file from the source code that includes the new version of the product with changes incorporated. |
Application Stability and Scalability | Better IM stability and scalability have been achieved through performance re-engineering. The reduced footprint on the physical resources makes the application more stable and provides improved performance |
Fixed Defects
The following security vulnerability defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
JBOSS warnings during server startup [DE17718] | The warning messages that displayed during the JBOSS server startup have been addressed. The log files now start without displaying warning messages. |
IDS MU failure to run stored new address check procedures and while creating view DI_SITE_SIC_DATA_0 [DE17719] | This issue addressed by dropping the address check procedures and the view before starting the IDS MU processes. |
GUI access during download [DE17745] | The issue of unauthorized access to the application occurring from the GUI during download has been addressed by enabling authorization prior to download. |
Installer execute dbscripts screen default value [DE17746] | This issue has been addressed by setting the default value to No on the execute dbscripts screen in the installer. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on fixing application security vulnerability defects [DE17624].
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_9_0.jar
- Date of Release: September 27, 2015
Fixed Defects
The following security vulnerability defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)– Persistent | Improved the input validation to web pages to prevent a website or web application from storing user input and serving it back to other users when retrieving it at a later stage without validation before storage or before embedding stored content into HTML response pages. |
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)– Reflected | Improved the input validation to web pages to prevent an attacker from injecting browser executable code within a single HTTP response that could impact users who open a maliciously crafted link or third-party web page. |
SQL Injection | Improved the input validation to web pages to prevent the insertion or "injection" of a SQL query via the input data from the client to the application which could potentially read sensitive data from the database, modify database data (Insert/Update/Delete), execute administration operations on the database (such as shutdown the DBMS), recover the content of a given file present on the DBMS file system and, in some cases, issue commands to the operating system. |
System Information Leak: Database Connection String | Encrypted database connection strings and restricted their access. Restricted directory browsing and conditions that could render local files to clients. Updated error handling to inform end users of potential problems without providing system information. |
Insecure HTTP Methods Enabled | Implemented policies to ensure that a suitable character set is specified in the Content-Type HTTP response header or the HTML meta tag for every response generated by the web application. |
Missing HttpOnly Attribute in Session Cookie | Modified cookies to be HTTP only, implemented better filtration of user-supplied data, implemented client-side validation of user supplied data, and implemented encoding to all user-supplied data to prevent inserted scripts being sent to end users in a format that can be executed. |
Password Autocomplete | Turned off password autocomplete to reduce the possibility of password leakage. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). The release focuses on the upgrade to JDK (Java Development Kit) Version 8—there are no coding changes, bug fixes, or enhancements to the application features.
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_8_0.jar
- Date of Release: July 24, 2015
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Java upgrade | IM has been upgraded to support Java 8. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
- Release Installer: IMV7_SETUP_0_7_0.jar
- Date of Release: May 25, 2015
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Auto updates in IDS and MU | This enhancement automates the IDS and MU process. |
Tracking of all web service calls [DE15430] | All web service calls made to the IM application are now tracked. An added status column has been added for error scenarios. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Application security vulnerabilities [DE17398] | This fix addresses the following vulnerabilities in the application:
Security vulnerability in Jboss server [DE17399] | This fix addresses the following vulnerabilities in the Jboss server:
Source System column in the MATCH_ results tables [DE14854] | Fixed the issue where the Source System column was always null in the MATCH_results tables. The Source System column is now updated with the actual Source System value in the Match table. |
Batch Job ID in the SQL Server 2012 Database [DE17400] | Fixed the issue where the batch job ID was not sequentially assigned in the SQL Server 2012 database. This issue is fixed by introducing sequence for the database. |
NORM_ADDR_KEY2 duplicates [DE14174] | Fixed the issue with NORM_ADDR_KEY2 having too many duplicates, at times causing too many candidates to be collected, and reducing the potential number of candidates and quality of IM. This issue is addressed by verifying the NORM_ADDR_KEY2 value presence. |
agn_id and InsertedAgn values [DE14835] | Fixed the issue where unmatched dataview was not populating the agn_id and InsertedAgn values. The agn id and inserted agn id values are updated in dataview. |
IDS/MU Loadset Retry Feature [DE14228] | The IDS/MU Loadset Retry feature is now working properly. |
IM Custom loader validation [DE14749] | The IM Customer loader validation issue has been addressed. |
SIC and Custom append data and MU BG updates [DE16711] | The data issue for SIC and custom files has been addressed in the MU background process. |
Trigger workflow in IM7.0.6.0 for Linux/Oracle [DE17401] | The issue that occurred while creating the trigger workflow job in Linux/Oracle environment has been fixed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
AME Transactional Integration | AME Transactional Integration has been enabled to process IM batch DBCS records through AME transactional and batch. |
AME Batch Timeout | If any delays occur in the IM Enhanced batch processing at the AME end or at the STP server level, then the batch will timeout at the defined interval. |
AME FTP Timeout | The AME FTP timeout has been enabled to set the timeout value while establishing an FTP connection. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Phone number in Lookup service for DBCS records [DE17065] | The phone number issue in the Lookup service for DBCS records has been fixed by adding validation. |
AME Job Hang due to file [DE17097] | Fixed the issue where the AME Job Hang due to file was not picked by the NLMI trigger. The fix restricts the NLMI trigger to run in one instance. |
NLMI data view [DE17063] | Custom data attributes are now allowed in the NLMI data view. |
NLMI batch workflows [DE17064] | The issue with NLMI batch workflows not working has been resolved by passing the correct input file name. |
Trade style Data issue with MU updates [DE16654] | The trade style data issue with MU updates has been resolved by updating the trade style data. |
Special Latin characters [DE14972] | The issue where special Latin characters were not being handled properly on IM UI has been resolved by adding UTF-8 encoding to the request values. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM).Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Québec state data [DE16912] | The data issue with the Québec state decode has been fixed. |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
IM jobs getting hung up [DE16746] | Fixed the issue where IM jobs were getting hung up due to Latin jobs with DBCS records, with country codes as Hong Kong and Singapore. The following items are also addressed as part of this fix.
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Custom DITK Toolkit packet [DE15596] | The issue with the custom DITK Toolkit packet has been fixed. The following items are addressed as part of this fix:
Batch Jobs hang up [DE16306] | The following items have been addressed as part of the batch jobs hang up issue.
MU process [DE16221] | The issue with the MU process long running queries has been corrected by removing the two unused queries. |
External URL and Security features [DE16609] | The security patch external URL issue has been corrected by making the external URL and security feature required flags configurable in |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Di_MU_Config set to default [DE14836] | The issue with Di_MU_Config set to default when IM service is bounced is fixed |
Special characters in the database password [DE14216] | The issue with handling special characters in the database password during registering the database trigger pattern is fixed |
Jboss Clustering issue on Virtual Machine boxes [DE16278] | The issue with Jboss clustering on Virtual Machine boxes are fixed |
This is a minor version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
The following enhancements have been made for Version
Feature | Description |
Delete/stop running [DE15523] | Delete/Stop job functionality has been enhanced to support AME jobs. |
Auto Data-append workflow [DE14157] | A new Auto Data append workflow has been added. It works the same as the Data append workflow. |
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Web service client stubs | Web services patches have corrected the proxy issues that occurred when creating the web service client stubs by directly pointing to the WSDL URL. |
Web service schema | Web services patches have modified the web service schema to have the authentication details inside the XML body. |
Lookup web service | Web services patches have fixed the Lookup web service issue with character set identification. |
SFTP connection [DE15591] | The issue with the secure FTP connection not being saved in the NLMI page has been fixed by adding the license.jar file. |
Parallel DBCS jobs [DE15590] | The issue with setting appropriate profiles for processing DBCS jobs in parallel has been fixed. |
Batch jobs parallel processing [DE15692] | The issue with the condition checking between the running and configured jobs count has been fixed. |
NLMI trigger [DE15555] | The issue with the NLMI trigger has been fixed by upgrading the edtFTPj-PRO.jar to 4.5.0 version and adding debug logs around the NLMI trigger. |
DB export [DE15706] | The issue with the export data to the existing target table in MS SQL server 2012 has been fixed. |
Security [DE15799] | Security issues have been fixed. |
Trigger restart [DE16024] | The issue with triggers not restarting after MU has been addressed by setting the serializable content type. |
Data view database export error [DE16190] | Numeric precision out of range while doing dataview database export is fixed |
Port change utility [DE14913] | The port change utility to support JBOSS 6 server has been fixed. |
This is a major version release of Integration Manager (IM). Following are the enhancements and anomalies addressed that make up IM Version
Technology Stack Updates
The following technology stack updates are available in Version
- JDK version has been upgraded to 1.6.
- Jboss version has been upgraded to 6.1.
- Build has been certified on SQL 2012 R1.
- Build has been certified on SQL 2008 R2.
- Web service tech stack has been upgraded to meet the industry standards.
- Build has been certified on Windows 2008 R2 OS.
- Build has been certified on Windows 2012 OS.
- Build has been certified on Oracle 11GR2.
Fixed Defects
The following defects have been corrected for Version
Feature | Description |
Custom data loader | Fixed the custom data loader issue due to the number of columns validation. |
MU failure | Fixed the MU failure issue the occurred due to the presence of PI D-U-N-S numbers in the MU source file. |
Identification of SQL keywords | Fixed the inappropriate identification of SQL keywords. |
Sample data view | Fixed the issue that occurred when a user edited the sample data view is fixed. |
Job abort | Fixed the job abort issue that occurred due to records with a ZIP code but no state. |
D-U-N-S validation | Fixed the D-U-N-S validation issue due to non-mandatory country is fixed. |
GA custom packet | Fixed the GA custom packet issue that was due to changes to toolkit. |
Job abort | Fixed the job abort issue that occurred when a few concurrent jobs were run. |
MU reports | Fixed the issue related to MU reports. |
PPA loader | Fixed the PPA loader issue that was due to two adjacent empty fields. |
Cookie session management | Fixed the issue with the cookie session management. |
Data append job | Fixed the data append job abort issue that occurred due to logically deleted D-U-N-S. |
PI process | Fixed the issue in the PI process that was due to state_name. |
Web service calls | Fixed the issue with web service calls during an IDS/MU table count. |