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Integration Manager

Client Key Aliases

A Client Key alias is a field that you can add to a user-inserted record with any value you choose to enter. For example, it is commonly used to identify inserted records from another database. For example, a client key alias might be a field named Accounts Receivable, which holds a value that represents a customer account number from your organization's accounting records.

NOTE: Creating a client key alias does not set the value. It creates an alias for a value.

Creating a Client Key Alias

NOTE: This feature is only available to administrators.

  1. On the Home page window, click System Settings.
  2. Click the Client Key Aliases tab.

The Client Keys tab displays the names and descriptions of the current client key aliases that are defined in the database.

  1. Click Add.

  1. On the Edit Client Key tab area, Client Key Name field, type the new client key name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
  2. In the Description field, type the client key description, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
  3. Click Save.

Editing a Client Key Alias

NOTE: This feature is only available to administrators.

  1. On the Home page window, click System Settings.
  2. Click Client Key Aliases.
  3. In the Client Keys area, click the client key alias name you want to edit.
  4. In the Edit Client Key area, Client Key Name field, type the new client key name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
  5. In the Description field, type the description for the new client key, up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
  6. Click Save.

Deleting a Client Key Alias

NOTE: This feature is only available to administrators.

  1. On the Home page window, click System Settings.
  2. Click the Client Key Aliases tab.
  3. In the Client Key area, click the check box to select the client key alias you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.