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Integration Manager

Viewing Monthly Update Report

The Monthly Update reports on all monthly updates, including the number of records, changed, added and deleted. While viewing the Monthly Update report, you can download a detailed comma-separated file (.CSV) containing detailed information about each D-U-N-S Number. Note that the .CSV file must exist on the application shared drive. The format of the .CSV file name must be chglog_.CSV.

Click Refresh to view and update the progress of a Monthly Update that the system is currently running.

The Monthly Update Report includes this information:

Report iconClick the Report icon to view details about the Monthly Update.
IDDisplays the unique automatically generated ID for this Monthly Update. The ID number is used to identify the Change Log .CSV file that is generated for this Monthly Update.
StatusDisplays the status of this Monthly Update (such as, Change Log Received, DUNS Extract Finished, and MU Finished.
DUNS ExtractedDisplays the time and date that the DUNS Extract was completed.
MUL QntyDisplays the number of distinct DUNS Numbers requested for the reference universe for Monthly Update.
MUA QntyDisplays the number of distinct DUNS Numbers requested for the append universe in Monthly Update.
ReceivedDisplays the time and date that the Monthly Update files were received.
Received QntyDisplays the number of changed records in the Monthly Update.
MU StartedDisplays the time and date the Monthly Update was started.
MU FinishedDisplays the time and data the Monthly Update was finished.