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Integration Manager

Remote Batches

Although D&B Integration Managerincludes a large local database that combines D&B records and customer records, sometimes an input record does not return an acceptable match. When a customer record is not matched locally in the Common Customer Directory, you can send it remotely to the D&B Data Center, or to a Host Country for additional processing.

The Remote Batch (Records) Status Tab of the Job Status screen displays a list of accumulated Batch records, along with their respective Job IDs, that are designated for Remote Resolution. A vertical scroll bar allows you to view any records that are not immediately visible.

The following fields display on the Remote Batch tab:

StatusDisplays the status of the record, for example:, Waiting to be processed. Records are Waiting to be processed if they have not yet been released as a batch to remote resolution.
Batch IdDisplays the unique Job ID of the Batch within which this record was originally submitted for matching.
Records ReceivedTotal number of records received from Remotely located Database.
Batch SizeTotal number of records in the batch.
SubmittedThe time and date that the record was included in the batch.
FinishedThe time and date that the record was received back from remote resolution.
Submitted ByName of the user that included the record in the batch.

Remote Resolution

Although Integration Manager includes a large local database combining D&B records and customer records, sometimes an input record does not find an acceptable match. When a customer record is not matched locally in the Common Customer Directory, it may be sent remotely to the D&B Data Center, or to a Host Country for additional processing. If it still finds no match, you can send it for Personal Investigation at D&B. Remote Resolution encompasses all of these actions.

D&B’s Data Integration Batch is the application that provides access to Remote Resolution for batch submissions made to the D&B Data Center. As a user, you must be granted access rights in order to send a batch through Data Integration Batch. Successful matched records return data that can be inserted into your Common Customer Directory. When a customer record is not matched through normal local or remote processing, it is possible to use human intervention at D&B to identify candidates. Lookup records may be accumulated individually for Personal Investigation. They can be submitted manually or automatically according to a schedule, as a Remote Batch. Batch Records are sent to Personal Investigation, depending on how the Source Options are set in the Batch Workflow Candidate Selection - Source Options Tab.

Once retrieved remotely, complete candidate records are inserted into your Common Customer Directory. D&B’s Data Integration Toolkit is the application that provides access to Remote Resolution of Lookup or D-U-N-S Number Lookup submissions made to the D&B Data Center. As a user, you must be granted access rights in order to send single records through Data Integration Toolkit.

Source Options are set in the Lookup Workflow Candidate Selection - Source Options Tab. The Source Options allow you to set the order of the search among the possible sources: local, remote at D&B, and remote at the host country. If a successful match is made within the first source, then no further action is required. But, if no match is found in the first source, a match is attempted in the second source, and then the third. The normal sequence for sources is local, and then D&B Data Center, then Host Country, but the order can be configured by the user.

Running a Personal Investigation

When a customer record is not matched through local or remote processing, you can use personal investigation at D&B to identify candidates.

To submit a US record to Personalized Investigation, the following are required:

  • Company name
  • City
  • State
  • Country

To submit a non-US (including Canada) record to PI, the following are required:

  • Company name
  • City
  • Country

You can send Lookup records individually to Personalized Investigation at which point they are accumulated into Batches and submitted either manually or automatically according to a schedule, as a Remote Batch.

Batch records are also sent to Personalized Investigation depending on how the Source Options are set in the Workflow Candidate Selection. Once identified, matching records are automatically inserted into your Common Customer Directory, along with all fields that are associated with the record.

Running a Data Integration Batch

Data Integration Batch is the D&B application that provides access to remote resolution for Batch submissions made to the D&B Data Center. Successful matched records return data that is appended to your local records. As a user, you must be granted access rights to send a batch through Data Integration Batch. Connection to the DIB Server is made on the D&B DIB Server Tab of the Configuration screen.

To send Batch records for Remote Resolution (Data Integration Batch):

There is a setting within a workflow that controls the submission of a batch to remote resolution. It is in the Source Options Tab of the Manual or Auto Batch Workflows.

  1. Select a Workflow and click Candidate Selection. The Exclude Options, Search Options and Source Options tabs open in the lower section of the screen.
  2. Click Source Options.
  3. Click to place a check mark in one or both of the following check boxes to extend the candidate search:
    • Send for Remote Resolutionsends the batch to the remote D&B Data Center.
    • Send for Personal Investigationsends records that don't find a match in the D&B Data Center to Personalized Investigation at D&B. This is only enabled if Remote is checked.
  1. Click Apply to save your changes. When the current Workflow runs, the records will go to Remote Resolution.

Running the Data Integration Toolkit

Data Integration Toolkit (DITK) is the D&B application that provides Remote Resolution for Lookup or DUNS Number Lookup. There are two steps to enable Remote Resolution for Lookup. Step one is to set the Source Options to include either D&B Data Center or Host Country, and step two is to select the Activate Source Options on the Lookup tab or the DUNS Number Lookup tab. As a user, you must be granted access rights in order to use DITK. Connection to DITK is controlled though User Security. For more information, see the IM Administrator Guide.

To send individual records for Remote Resolution (Data Integrating Toolkit):

  1. In the Company Lookup or DUNS Number Lookup tab, click Customize Workflow and then, click Candidate Selection. The Exclude Options, Search Options and Source Options tabs open in the lower section of the screen.
  2. Click Source Options.
  3. Click a source to make an Available Source (Match at Local, Match at D&B US Data Center, or Match at Host Country) active, and click ">>" to move it into the Used Sources column. Click "<<" to move it back to Available Sources. Click a source to make any of the used sources active, and click the UP or DOWN arrow to change the order of the Used Sources.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.
  5. When you run either the Lookup or DUNS Number Lookup, click to place a check mark in the Activate Source Options check box. The workflow will then search remotely for a match based on the settings in the Source Options tab. The results will indicate if they are Local or from D&B Data Center.