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Integration Manager

Viewing NLMI Lookup Results

The Candidates tab displays the matching results in two sections. The first section displays all of the matched records returned in native language. The second section displays the corresponding records in English, extracted from Common Customer Directory based on DUNS number.


DUNS Number

The DUNS number for the Business you have entered.

Supplied Business Name

The Business Name that the matching system matches to.

Business Name

The company name that is stored in the D&B database. ORG stands for original.


The Address that the matching system matches to.

Street Name

The Street Name that is stored in the D&B database.

Street Number

The Street Number that is stored in the D&B database.


The City that is stored in the D&B database.


The State that is stored in the D&B database.


The Telephone number that the NLMI search returns.

Postal Code

The Postal Code that the NLMI search returns.


The Country that the NLMI search returns.

Out of Business

The Out of Business indicator that the NLMI search returns.


Whether a company is a Branch.

Match Grade

The Match Grade String that the NLMI search returns.

Confidence Code

The Confidence Code that the NLMI search returns.


The Match Data Profile that the NLMI search returns.

NOTE: The native language results display in a fixed data view that contains these fields. You cannot change this data view. However you can change the data view for the results that D&B Integration Manager returns on the basis of the DUNS number that the NLMI search returns.

Search Results Messages

No candidates found

No match found.

If one or more candidates were found but missed the Confidence Code Threshold

Some of the candidates missed the confidence code threshold by x points.

To view candidates that have a lower confidence code threshold, modify the confidence code threshold in the workflow. On the Results window, click Workflow to modify the workflow.