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Integration Manager

Starting and Stopping Tasks

NOTE: This feature is only available to administrators.

Use the Scheduler feature to set the schedules for tasks that run at regular times within D&B Integration Manager. These tasks include: Global Trigger, Remote Batch,
D-U-N-S Extract, Unmatched Pool, NLMI Batch, and Local Trigger. You can also start and stop tasks on the Scheduler tab.

NOTE: If you do not have Scheduler privileges, you can start and stop only the Local Trigger task. The other tasks do not display.

  1. On the Home page window, click Configuration.
  2. Click Scheduler tab.
  3. In the Schedule Status area or in the Scheduler Status: Local Triggers area, select the task you want to start or stop.
  4. If the Status field displays Stopped, click the Start button to start the task. If the Status field displays Running, click the Stop button to stop the task.