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Integration Manager

Viewing Lookup Results

The Candidates tab displays the matching results. The first record is the best match for your entry. You can change the Data View for any of the results. As the matched records display, you can decide to view the Logical Site or Family Tree.

If D&B Integration Manager returns no candidates, you might want to edit the settings in the Lookup Workflow or template. To do this, select a workflow template, click Save As to save the workflow with a new name, and then modify the workflow attributes. For more information, see Step 1: Creating a Lookup Workflow from an Existing Template.

If no Candidates are returned

If D&B Integration Manager found one or more candidates but they missed the Confidence Code Threshold, these messages display:

  • Some of the candidates missed the confidence code threshold by one point.
  • None of the candidates were close to passing the confidence code threshold (missed by 2 or more).

To address this problem, you can lower the Confidence Code Threshold setting of the Workflow to identify a list of candidates. Either customize the Workflow by clicking Customize Workflow, or on the Results window, click click here to Customize your Workflow.

If too many candidates are identified

This message displays when the number of candidates exceeds the System Candidate Count Limit and prevents the application from displaying the candidates:

#### Candidates were returned which exceeds the candidate count threshold. Please adjust the count threshold or change the search parameters to narrow down the candidate list.

Within each Workflow, on the Search Options tab, you can override the System Candidate Count Limit. If you have a setting that already overrides the Candidate Count, you can increase this setting.

You cannot make changes to the Sample Dataview workflow. To modify a dataview workflow, you need to save the template with a new name or Customize your Workflow.